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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. I don't remember, I was very stupid when I was 26. I remember getting an actual check though. Yea, the gigantic plan to rebuild our country's infrastructure that so many people are talking about, which will put people to work, doing jobs, and we'll get something tangible out of it. I haven't seen any actual plan from anyone yet, other than HOW BIG IT WILL BE. Obam's plan was only $275b in federal contracts.
  2. Right, we've had an extremely long cycle of growth, and that is inevitably going to end soon. All of the various actors can speed it up, slow it down, or make it deeper or smoother, but it's coming. I really want to keep politics out of this, but a move that we've seen in the past was during the W administration when everyone got sent a $600 check, remember that? The W Economic Stimulus Act or whatever (and everyone just used it to pay down their credit cards (or maybe that was just me)). I can definitely see Trump, who does not give a **** about budgets or deficits, doing that in an election year. Just shower everyone in deficit spending.
  3. Yes, it's Trump's base. You should read this thread:
  4. Yep, I'm the one that came in being a jerk. I also love your sliding in that you read more than one. Do you also have many fine leather bound books?
  5. I think generally the reporting from a lot of outlets reflects how bad the last one was, and that people are keyed up about the next one. Do you have anything to add, or are you just here to advertise that you read one financial blog?
  6. LOL, you took issue with something I did not say, now you are trying to salvage your inability to read. Great hijack.
  7. Yes, it does sound stupid. Whether the yield curve inversion is correctly indicating a recession was not my question. I simply stated that it is (again quoting) "generally seen as a sign that a recession is coming." Which is just a fact. Yea, I have a degree in economics and work on the legal side of the housing finance industry. I'm pretty happy to compare resumes.
  8. Are we going to play this game where you take the position that a recession isn't coming at some point?
  9. This I totally disagree with. Almost always, towards the end of a boom cycle, interest rates are not at near-historic lows (which they are now) which fuel home buying.
  10. The yield curve references the bond market. The stock market(s) took their cue from that. And I've read this blog before, it's good. He also states right up front that things are slowing down; his point is don't panic over one indicator. I'm not saying anyone should panic over that one indicator either, I said quote "Last week, the yield curve inverted, which is generally seen as a sign that a recession is coming." Which, generally, it is.
  11. The other side of that coin is that it is very profitable to take the contrary view (on whatever the issue de jure is). Hot takes = clicks and clicks = money. The markets, however, don't lie. In any event, the first paragraph of your link states: "There are reasons to be concerned. The global economy is slowing. The US economy has slowed. Current policy (especially on trade) is a drag on growth. "
  12. ⬇️This is a big important topic, and it shouldn't all be shunted into the Trump thread, because there is nothing he or anybody else can do to stop it and it's not all about politics anyways. The next recession is coming because that's how economic cycles work. Let's try to keep the politics in this thread to a minimum. If you want to post about how Trump is exacerbating recession fears through his stupid trade wars, please put that in the Trump thread. If you want to post about how Trump will singlehandedly prevent a recession from happening, please put that in the Trump thread. If you want to post about how a recession will impact an election, please put that in appropriate election thread. There have been minor warning signs for over a year that the next recession was getting ready to rear its ugly head. Last week, the yield curve inverted, which is generally seen as a sign that a recession is coming. The stock market went ballistic. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/08/14/recession-watch-what-is-an-inverted-yield-curve-why-does-it-matter/ In response, the Dow Jones fell by 800 points that day, which is 3% of its total value. It's lost close to 7% between July 30 and Aug 14, but is now creeping back up. In this article, Buzzfeed hilariously tries to explain what a recession is to Generation Zers. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/venessawong/how-to-prepare-for-a-recession?ref=bfnsplash. Here is a representative sample of how it goes:
  13. Yea, I always love it when outlets report "their Facebook page has 2 million RSVPs." Yea, no ****, it's a lot easier to click one button than to drive to the middle of nowhere, Nevada. That said, people that believe in crazy **** are usually SUPER INTO THAT CRAZY ****, so much so that they let it ruin all of their interpersonal relationships with sane people and generally allows them to structure their life to be able to pick up and leave for Nevada if they want to. If military security had to rough up a dozen or so QAnon supporters, and I can't believe I have to ask this question, who's side do we think Trump would take?
  14. If this ****ing game gets postponed I am going to be difficult to be around.
  15. You are too late, my friend. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2019/08/20/storm-area-51-event-pushes-rural-nevada-county-declare-emergency/2065065001/ The question is how to monetize it.
  16. Even if the advice is good, I'd lose my job for giving it away for free. Of course, my goal would be to give extremely bad advice that sounds reasonable; and also convince you to film the resulting carnage.
  17. Strongly considering stating a thread titled "The Ask a Non-Mechanic Thread" were, basically, people ask the same questions as in this thread and I give them terrible advice on what they should do. The PO420 code sounds like the issue has to do with smoking weed. I think it's telling you to go get super high and stop ****ing worrying about your acceleration issues.
  18. Eerily reminiscent of Trump saying that "Second Amendment people" could "do something" about Hillary if she were elected President.
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