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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. I was at the game Saturday. It was 1:1 Nats:Braves fans. Pretty embarrassing. They were winning and so of course doing the stupid ****ing tomahawk chop. All I wanted out of life was for the Nats to rally so I could do the chop myself, and when the Braves fans surrounding me gave me a look, I could say "IT'S ****ING ANNOYING, ISN'T IT?"
  2. That's what I'm saying. You don't need to declare war in order to wage war. The President can wage war, regardless of Congress' power to declare one.
  3. The Executive Branch has very broad powers to conduct foreign policy, including war. Only Congress can declare war, but countries don't necessarily need to declare war in order to wage war. Congress hasn't declared war since WWII.
  4. Agree. I just love listening to John Bercow do his thing.
  5. Agnostic on him getting the CG, but Davey should let him decide.
  6. Fastball is sitting at 96 tonight, and he’s hardly working.
  7. At this point I just hope they happen in states that want to be gun friendly.
  8. A long weekend, PB said. Lets relax and reclaim our mental health. Put the stress away for 3 whole days. Maybe sit by a pool. Nats;
  9. https://www.wsj.com/articles/historic-asset-boom-passes-by-half-of-families-11567157400?mod=hp_lead_pos5 Historic Asset Boom Passes by Half of Families Scant wealth leaves families vulnerable if recession hits, economists say
  10. https://www.washingtonpost.com/goingoutguide/forget-chicken-sandwiches-which-chain-makes-the-best-fried-chicken/2019/08/28/05b2ae4c-bf8e-11e9-b873-63ace636af08_story.html Forget chicken sandwiches. Which chain makes the best fried chicken?
  11. Doo is probably in the top 5% of MLB players in terms of intelligence. Maybe 1%.
  12. He’s not struggling through 3 innings and gutting out a 4th through sheer stubbornness, either.
  13. It rained for about 15 minutes downtown, but it's stopped now.
  14. Just finished season 2 of The Man in the High Castle. The premise is very up my alley, but the execution is not great. Most of the story lines are difficult to follow, sometimes I feel like I'm not in on the joke. Why the **** did the Trade Minister end up in a separate timeline? Also, it's unsettling that the only character I like is the ****ing arch Nazi, but I tend to like the competent mother****ers who get **** done and don't have the whinydrama, and he's pretty much it on this show.
  15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/no-excessive-barking-a-chevy-chase-dog-park-divides-the-rich-and-powerful/2019/08/27/0b9fd242-c4e5-11e9-9986-1fb3e4397be4_story.html ‘NO EXCESSIVE BARKING’: A Chevy Chase dog park divides the rich and powerful PB interlude: She called the police about dogs barking at a dog park. PB interlude: Super solid Footloose reference, Pat. I’d swear this was an Onion article if I didn’t actually know one of the quoted sources.
  16. My favorite evil marketing practice was when the defendant pharma companies trained doctors to look out for "psuedoaddiction", where patients exhibited signs of addiction like asking for higher dosages and more frequent descriptions and to not be fooled, these people were not actually suffering from addiction but, GET THIS, they were actually suffering from the undertreatment of pain and the solution was to prescribe more drugs. Classic!
  17. First, arguments that compare dangerous things to cars are usually dumb because they, by necessity, are so generalized. I know that you took the analogy from that CNN piece, I'm not attributing it to you specifically. Second, this case does not say that J&J broke the law when the manufactured a dangerous product. This case says that J&J broke the law by aggressively and misleadingly marketing opioids (including fentanyl) and promoting their over-prescription (making claims that pain was undertreated and that the risk of addiction was low) , which lead to increased rates of addiction, overdose deaths and neonatal abstinence syndrome in Oklahoma. The holding goes on like this for like 10 pages: So no, car companies should not have to pay for accidents that they know are going to happen because they sell cars. They should pay for accidents that occur because they convinced people that cars were totally safe (which they don't do, as far as I know).
  18. I do not understand Philadelphia fandom. https://deadspin.com/phillies-fans-are-currently-feuding-with-the-guy-who-hi-1837623420
  19. MASN declaring bankruptcy is the ideal outcome. It would be forced to liquidate its assets, which include the rights to Nats television. I'm not expert on appellate law, but I'd imagine there are rules in place to prevent frivolous appeals from dragging on forever.
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