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method man

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Everything posted by method man

  1. I’ve heard Freddie Kitchens’ name come up a lot. Why???? He is a bum who can’t bet a fulltime OC gig in this league
  2. Gettleman was interested in hiring Ron too. He picked here because he had personnel control
  3. Is he going to tell the GM exactly who he needs to draft? No. Will the plan presented to him by GM candidates make a difference in who he hires? Yes That is how you put your thumb on the scale as a “hands off” owner
  4. @Curtisp5286 This is a very different ballgame with this team than the 6ers and Devils. He and Blitzer had to raise much smaller amounts of LP capital for those two teams so they had flexibility to take the long term approach because their capital made up most of the equity. In the case of this team, he owns just 30% and raised from people like Eric Schmidt and Santo Domingo who probably could care less about the team and more about the return. I’m sure the financial return is back end weighted but you don’t want to miss your pro forma projections to investors this early. If he does, that will affect his primary businesses in the financial world
  5. Not only that but I think EB said “next head man” or something like that in his press conference. These guys have probably known for weeks they are not coming back
  6. If ownership needs a historic datapoint to work with regarding fan excitement over one player, look no further than when they took RG3. The case study is effectively there with this fanbase already
  7. I will say it more strongly than @Skinsinparadise. Anyone who is suggesting anything other than QB with anything other than the #1-#3 picks is just wasting their own time with the post and the board’s time with the discussion. MHJ, Fashanu etc are not going to happen and trading down for the second tier of QBs is not going to happen either. The real bottom line is this team needs a young highly regarded QB to give the fans hope and sell tickets for next year because the “Dan Snyder is gone” effect has worn off. Remember that Harris has 20 LPs, many of whom don’t care about the team, who are expecting a return. Harris is not going to want to piss these LPs off with a weak year 2 dividend
  8. I think of Mims as a higher ceiling lower floor Broderick Jones. Latham feels better than Darnell Wright as a RT prospect but that depends on the flavor you want as Latham is like Dawand and Fuaga is more like a Wright. Is the fair direct comp for Harrison in play style Jordan Morgan? He doesn’t have Suamataia’s, Paul’s and Guyton’s tools but he felt more refined than those guys coming out, at least in pass pro
  9. It’s been my observation watching Lucas the past few years especially last year when he played RT after Cosmi went down. Looked like a Pro Bowler early and then kind of tailed off. Keim has reinforced this point too
  10. A question I’ve been meaning to ask you @KDawg is where would Anton Harrison rank among this set of OT prospects? I think he would be a second rounder if he were in this class
  11. I generally agree with you on not needing to go into a draft to fill OL but I make an exception this year given just how historically deep this OL class is and because we have the premium picks to get those guys - in most of our recent drafts, we have been missing a 2nd or 3rd round pick If you go with a rookie QB, you almost have to pair him with a veteran center so you don’t overload the young QB with the full set of calls at the LOS. I really do think Connor Williams is a good fit. Given the ACL injury he is recovering from, you can probably get him on a short term deal. He is going to miss minicamp and a good bit of training camp so you will get to see what you have in Stromberg. If Stromberg looks good, you probably have your answer at the position 2025 and beyond. If he does not look good and Williams performs, you probably give him a LT deal next year.
  12. My hypothesis is they overloaded with him trying to cut back on sacks to the extent that he started to watch the rush more vs keeping his eyes on his receivers. I don’t buy this “getting Ramsey-d” narrative. If that were true, he would’ve broken earlier when he was getting sacked several times a game back to back
  13. Yep. He is going to struggle with certain matchups like Thibodeaux but he generally does a solid job. I think he looks better next year if he is paired with an upgrade at LG vs the guys he has had to play with the past couple years. He is apparently also the leader of the OL group.
  14. A dynamic that should help a lot when it comes to moving Allen is that both the FA and draft DT classes appear to suck. I think Seattle saw this and that was a big reason they gave up a 2 for Williams
  15. I think a reason he agreed to keep Kyle Smith around in 2020 was ironically due to nepotism. AJ Smith was GM in San Diego when Ron was DC there. I wonder what broke down between those two as the 2020 offseason was fantastic at the time.
  16. Their scoring breaks when teams run a ton of quick game. Easier for bad players to win reps or go neutral in those situations. I feel the Miami linemen have inflated scores due to their scheme.
  17. Lucas is a dude who can step in in a pinch and start a couple games for you but then he loses effectiveness if he has to start for a while. There was a reason he resigned here for $3m a year despite the starts he logged in 2020 and 2021. I think you keep Leno because you can’t bank on a rookie 2nd round pick performing as a starter at LT. The toolsy guys are raw and the Jordan Morgans of the world lack the length. The only proven LT options in FA are Tyron Smith who will miss as many games as he plays and Trent Brown who was a healthy scratch last week for quitting on his team.
  18. He is being warned by current staffers not to come to Carolina https://larrybrownsports.com/football/ben-johnson-warned-carolina-panthers-job/625206?amp
  19. That new player doesn’t necessarily have to be as good as the guy you traded away given the massive difference in cost
  20. Definitely. You just need to compare the 2020 FA and draft classes to what happened after. Too bad Ron pushed out Kyle Smith.
  21. It would not surprise me at all if Ron was overruling what the personnel people were telling him Day 1 and Day 2. I’m pretty sure a military upbringing is not a primary driver for most personnel people
  22. When these defensive/ST guys succeed as HCs, they tend to have veteran QBs BB - Brady Tomlin - Roethlisberger Harbaugh - Flacco If Macdonald can secure a strong veteran OC who won’t become a HC again like McDaniels, I’d consider him I will say though that young elite defensive minds like Macdonald are not as hard to find as the offensive ones because there is a logjam for the young defensive guys as the Joe Barrys and Vance Josephs of the world get gig after gig. It takes some balls to take a bet on a young defensive mind as Harbaugh did with Macdonald, Smith did with Nielsen and Hackett did with Evero.
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