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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. Sheesh, what is that guy using for hair gel?
  2. We're not even talking about improved CGI technology for a movie like memento. I don't like this either. If Hollywood is insistant on remaking movies, why not go about fixing some of the duds that have come out over the years instead of staying safe with classics that in many cases just need to be left the hell alone.
  3. Ya, saw Kelly do at least one matrix play towards the end of that game. Even though he missed the steal, I was still like "whoah". Great to see we can still play defense, even better watching us being able to win without Beal instead of completely collapsing offensively.
  4. 4-5. It ain't over until they tell us to go home and try again next time...

  5. I hate losses like that where it really doesn't feel like a blowout but it gets treated like one. That game didn't feel over until it was obvious we weren't going to score again in the 3rd quarter. I just don't get it.
  6. Dude, is it true we put a picture of KD in a wizards uniform on the jumbotron last year when we played the Thunder? That's messed up if its true...
  7. It doesn't even really look like an offense, more like they are just trying to play as fast as possible. Its not organized chaos, its just looks like chaos. Simmer down, and they'll be fine, though, because I agree they have the talent to compete.
  8. Sounds like they need more veteran leadership then anything else. They can play D, they can shoot, but they're missing that "shut up and do it".
  9. Ugh, another reminder why I don't like the hawks... " *****, Pleeeeeeease!!!" Stupid PA announcer, and what's up with the McDonald's All-America jersey's? Please kick the crap out of them, Wizards. Thank you.
  10. Is it just me or does it feel like we can't go big even if we wanted to?
  11. Extremeskins sports threads are soooo much better then sportscenter and most of these talking heads. Thank you so much, really.
  12. My man said he want that MAX money! Nothing else to say that my team didn't just say for me. Holding Spurs under 100 and winning, shoooooooot.
  13. And for #10,000... **** Dallas.
  14. Second game in a row we've let somebody have 60+ points by halftime. This negates anything postive we're acheiving on offense this year, it has to stop. That has nothing to do with refs, that's on us.
  15. Job has me studying for MCSA for server 2012 R2, been working on 70-410 since late August and doing study questions now. Come to acceptance that as much as I want to focus on cybersecurity, I keep feeling like I have to wait my turn and this is all part of working my way to it. Been really tough maintaining balance in my life while I'm in a field where I'm basically a late starter and dealing with people coming up taking the same CompTIA certs I have now while they were in high school (I didn't even finish high school). I've met people who cheat their way through these things and I cannot bring myself to do it (feel it will hurt me more then help having the certs and not actually having the skills or knowledge people expect me to have after passing). Anyone have experience with these types? I definitely love IT more then I care for the industry itself at this point, but I imagine anyone that loves computers enough will put up with the dark side of it, most like any other industry. Edit: As for Tor, I've been waiting for the Astoria browser to come out of a while now. True some of the exit nodes are crooked or even outright monitored now, though you can limit the nodes you use. Kind of just gotta treat it like another layer of security at this point if you are going to use it, not a fix it all.
  16. I respect the hell out of Orcas. Not only do they invent new ways to kill prey, they have no problem teaching it to other Orcas they run across. Came across cool article on theories why they don't eat us: http://ww2.kqed.org/quest/2011/07/20/why-killer-whales-don%E2%80%99t-eat-people-where-science-and-legend-meet/ Any way, was watching Jurrassic World the other day, and remember the first goat scene in the T-Rex pen. Can see it saying, "What's the fla-a-a-re for?"
  17. Ya, only going to be okay playing this fast if we stay committed to defense. Still want to see more attacking the paint, which I'm seeing more in the second half.
  18. I'm just sayin, I've never seen them in the same room together...
  19. First preseason game, but what I'm looking for is not giving up on the defense that got them here and hitting those wide open shots Wall get us. We'll see what happens from there, good start.
  20. When you have people going on stabbing sprees in other countries, I cannot get behind the idea (which would never happen btw) or getting rid of all guns in this country. This is a mental health (even soci-economic) matter as well, and the longer we keep arguing about the single root cause of all this versus the multi-prong issue it is, the more people are going to die. Historically, several countries have their distinict advantages to help keep from being invaded or collapsing in the modern era. Russia has it's winters, China has its rediculous population numbers, we have two oceans and a heavily armed civilian population. I'm not a consitutional lawyer, but every time I look at the 2nd amendment and come back to the time frame they wrote that, its hard for me to deny that was a major factor in the decision to add it.
  21. If we played better, we would have won anyway. Reaper's breakdown was amazing, but as believe he mentioned, we left too many plays on the field to overcome these "mistakes" or outright helping by the refs for Giants. I see this so much in the NBA, that I'm numb to it by now.
  22. My company didn't and that's the point, but we do now. And it's disconcerting when we're seeing the news and it seems every other week someone else is biting the dust. But this is what we have to work with, and world we live in, is what it is.
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