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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. Still love you, Zimm, team pouring it on and he's mad that didn't get out the park, too.
  2. They haven't even won the game yet...or the series...
  3. ESPN website stuck on 5-1 with Stras batting like they aren't sure what to type.
  4. Right? My dude Obama was leader of the free world, had an entire political party take their ball and go home on him, and AND had two teenage daughters? Dude looked like he passed the ACA for himself by time he left...
  5. Make sure you take your protein, first, kid...
  6. I keep saying its a football board mentality. 1 in 16 is a bigger deal then 1 in 162. I have zero faith in playoff Davey, btw, but where's the fun in that?
  7. Then he's not ready, period. We all know it, lets just hope for the best.
  8. He will have to match wits with whoever he faces in October or November, so either hes ready or not...
  9. This is the first time I've ever felt that we were a franchise that might never get right. I've been in denial for a long time, but we are the perpetual one step forward two steps back franchise. That's a level of disrespect from Ted I was not expecting. "It starts at the top." As bad as Ernie was, we have to keep in mind that it was Ted that enabled him to be that way. We've only solved half the problem.
  10. Easy solution: I'm either going to go to the game or mute them, put some music on instead. One of the bamma is goi g to tell "Dagger" and I'll be glad I missed.
  11. Might as well give him a million gagillion billion years and it have the same effect as 419. If you believe someone deserves 5 times the human life expectancy in this country behind bars, you might as well execute them. They are never going to serve that amount of time in jail.
  12. I walked away without changing the channel yet after game, Orioles MASN team looks and sounds exhausted.
  13. ^^^^^ That just proves that getting rid of Trump wont change that the GOPs line has been moved in what they will put up with. I hope Cocaine Mitch is sleeping on the couch tonight for that one, because he sounds like if someone said to them on the street hed do nothing.
  14. I understand, another "this is BS, but current rules of the game" situation
  15. Unusual like he learns how to shoot? If this is "reasonable" then the NBA salary situation is broken.
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