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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. Even the Catholic Church recognizes evolution and the big bang now. That could be single digits by time this country crosses over into majority minority. Brave new world.
  2. That's why it was a question. I should've just posted the article I was reading, some interpret that after Revelations happens some angels will create new scripture. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/new-era/1977/09/q-and-a-questions-and-answers/how-do-we-explain-revelation-22-18-that-says-not-to-add-to-the-scriptures?lang=eng I mean, that's been a problem for me for a while now, how can you take scripture word for word learning more and more about the history of how it came to be? How do you practice a religion and still be objective about it?
  3. Was reading about that, that's original five books of Torah, right? Technically the Jews didn't, Christians did to make their own holy collection.
  4. The last book already says not to change any of the previous ones, which we failed at miserably. How many different bibles are there now anyway? I know some have more books then others, not even counting the Apocrypha. You can argue Trump already has a book, its the last one.
  5. Core argument against tanking is having those lottery picks don't matter if you don't surround them with the talent to get over the top, or even hit on those picks in the first place. Tanking is easy, building a championship team is very hard.
  6. I'm already disappointed because I'll likely be asleep when it happens. This may sound crazy, but NBA has to recognize what's going on out west and resist the temptation to just let all those marquee games start at 10. Start the Saturday night and Sunday afternoon games ASAP. I can't be the only person that'd rather watch basketball if my favorite football team isn't playing, typically no interest in TNF or MNF anymore.
  7. Hardens beard will start talking to him, "you have to do something", " no, he's my friend"
  8. I'm sure someone brought up Boston showing its possible to have too many assets and that having all those picks by itself isn't actually a plan. I agree they coulda got more, but a second haul like they got for PG would've been straight overkill. I respect them for not banishing him to the Knicks and instead giving him a last chance to win a ring with his boy.
  9. I'm hoping they don't go straight Highlander on each other talking about "there can only be one". I'm sure they are friends, but they haven't had to share the ball with each other in years.
  10. This is like smacking a running blender with a baseball bat. I may get league pass now.
  11. They've already been doing more unannounced raids, this is taking that fear to next level by announcing to go even further then canceling at last minute. There's no telling when they will actually do it or announce it, this again is more meat for the base as saying they will do it overwhelms them backing off. Yelling they will do it then backing off seems to be working politically better then not saying anything and doing it anyway, this has nothing to do with enforcing the law.
  12. What are saying here, that people know enough but don't follow it anyway? The love they neighbor is a tough one for me because early Isrealites conquered their neighbor in order to get the holy land. Jesus actually meant that. I'm more concerned about people trying to use what's in the Bible to justify their wickedness or justify Trumps actions then people not following word for word, a book from a completely different millennium and culture. As for the banging thing, I'm still learning and trying to understand it, but find it interesting the part of 1 Chorintians chapter 7:5-9. At least I found it funny and look forward to reading Songs of Solomon : )
  13. Ya, this isn't the first religious thread so I kinda just said what was in my mind again. I saw what you said, then felt how I felt without clarifying, my bad. I'd argue a lot of people don't follow Christian values because they dont know what they are. And taking it word for word versus thinking about why its really in there is just as dangerous as claiming you know what's in there without reading it at all, imo. In a country that doesn't emphasize critical thinking in education until maybe college, this won't change anytime soon. Bae knows there's no way Moses wrote the first five books if the last one describes his death, I don't need to tell her that, which is one less thing I gotta worry about. One of my coworkers is from Pakistan, him and his wife are Muslim, and he mentioned how even though he grew up in the states one day he wanted to go through the Quran and almost blew a gasket trying to figure out how to follow it word for word or if that was the right thing to do. His dad told him to pump breaks and just try to be a good person, if you see something in there that helps you do that, good.
  14. It's not like I quoted you. No, organized religion in general.
  15. Like pretty much all the adults are first generation glad to even be here small. I prefer churches that have trouble with their electronics or making sure the utilities work, a lot less " holy them thou" and more "how do we get through this". This is Manassas, btw, not Sterling. If you show me in the Bible where it says any of that is okay, maybe, but that's not what's really happening here. Most haven't read the whole thing and just use it to justify their own ignorance and intolerance.
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