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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. Did yall jus see Screech in ATL? I've never seen an opposing mascot in our stadium, did I miss something?
  2. I accept the split, a reminder of where we really are. Not mad, not at all, and will be at the July 31 game against them in DC. Having said that, back to back series at home against them and the Dodgers may put into perspective where we really are.
  3. Teach Bae to hate Freddie Freeman, it's not hard, he .makes it easy
  4. My gf woke up this morning telling me she had a nightmare Trump supporters were killing immigrants in the street like some African genocide, she's from Nigeria. I had to do my best to convince her that wont happen, it helped, but I knew I was trying to convince myself as well even if she didnt.
  5. It still needs to be rated R, Disney have the balls to do that???
  6. That's gotta be what his business card says, on some Wile E. Coyote ****
  7. Theres really no point in being mad about this, is what it is. Theres no way I would've believed us staying in house when Ernie got fired.
  8. Here's the thing about the about the Nats since I've been following them, typically they've either owned their division or someone takes their lunch money. How many times we've seen them pad their lead with basically nothing but back to back series against their inferior division rivals only to get bounced in the first round? This is probably the best baseball theyve ever played, but it only matters if its October or November, where there is no more cakewalk anymore. I am enjoying the ride and happy for them, but in my head they are Capitals-light and none of this really matters yet. We got the Dodgers coming up soon, I've seen us have to play them or someone else like the Cardinals late in the season and jus feel like we weren't ready, an omen I had to try and ignore.
  9. Still love you, Zimm, team pouring it on and he's mad that didn't get out the park, too.
  10. They haven't even won the game yet...or the series...
  11. ESPN website stuck on 5-1 with Stras batting like they aren't sure what to type.
  12. Right? My dude Obama was leader of the free world, had an entire political party take their ball and go home on him, and AND had two teenage daughters? Dude looked like he passed the ACA for himself by time he left...
  13. Make sure you take your protein, first, kid...
  14. I keep saying its a football board mentality. 1 in 16 is a bigger deal then 1 in 162. I have zero faith in playoff Davey, btw, but where's the fun in that?
  15. Then he's not ready, period. We all know it, lets just hope for the best.
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