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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. "One man's death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic" It's not how many die, its who dies, really, and who's doing the shooting. As long as most of the shootings are being done by people they defend against people they demonize, don't expect much. No way, you already have one party using every excuse under the sun to stop people from voting, they would have a field day with this.
  2. Universal Background checks are supposed to take into account domestic violence and mental health issues. If you combined that with Red Flag initiative, I'd go further and require a doctor's note to purchase a firearm and investigate affiliations with any hate groups. If we agree that no single thing will solve anything, we should do this to help or at least simply because of the fact its not being done. Trump and Republicans had two years to do the same thing from 2016-2018.
  3. It's not as hard as it may appear on the surface if someone is really trying, like the government. Think about it, this site alone keeps track of the last couple locations you've logged in from, you can see it in your profile, mine goes back to May and gives the zip code and date. If people aren't careful about what they say, they give clues to help build a profile, that's how big data works, not to mention whatever other data is saved in the website's database backend for each particular login, such as IP and time. If you used the same process to find one of these bammas as you did to find a hacker, it'd be far less then impossible.
  4. That is NOT what's happening at all. These bills are not being voted on when Republicans are in the way no matter what the proposal is, no matter how small it is. There may be a middle ground between liberals and conservatives in this country, but there is no middle ground with Republican elected officials right now working for the NRA. We didn't have mass shootings the way we do now back in 1992, lets stick to the 21st century or at least the last decade this has gotten completely out of control, please.
  5. This is not fair, Dems tried to get bills passed in the house after Netwon and couldn't even get a vote thanks to Paul Ryan. Similar thing is happening in Virginia right now following the shooting in Va Beach municipal center. The only states with universal background checks are ones the Dems have control of governorship and state legislature.
  6. GOP has joined the fight, @Destino , they are just on the wrong side. I get what you are trying to say, but the POTUS egging on white nationalism while the rest of the GOP is slowing wondering what's the point of using a dog whistle anymore. They absolutely share blame here in their rhetoric demonizing people, and its made worse by their inaction to the point of being complicit. They've bought into to using hate to win elections, its feeding these mf'rs into thinking this is okay to go on these mass shooting speers in the name of the same racism the GOP keeps pouring gasoline on.
  7. So can we finally add "stop the political xenophobic rhetoric" to ideas for slowing down these mass murders? It seems slightly less rediculous then bulletproof backpacks and it's free.
  8. Yes, that is where that came from. However, Musk plans testing human implants for lower level tech like amputees around middle of next year, so I wouldn't bet against Musk getting it so people can talk to each other telepathically with each other via bluetooth in our lifetime. Like a lot of technology related to health, it will start as available from a price standpoint to those that can afford it, then those who need it, followed those who want it. As long as it stays a choice, there will be a long period of time of those who do and those who don't do this. My fear is that people will start getting it only to keep up with people that do, like competing for jobs, while at the same time it being an interface that can now be accessed wirelessly whether the person wants to or not. The first brain hack will happen in our lifetime, too, big reason I'll never take that risk.
  9. I believe he finally broke when he went to Obama on the dangers of AI and his response was "that sounds really really bad, but I dont understand wtf you are talking about". Ever since then hes been talking about merging AI and humans together since theres no way to actually beat AI and ensure our existence in the future. This may the same time trying to triple his efforts and get to Mars to start his own civilization in his own image, complete with with single lane car tunnels from pole to pole. Hes already in "we all gonna die and I'm out of here" mode, with the money and brains to actually pull it off. That's still my dude, we need crazy people like that that pushing society forward even if not every idea is the best one. He comes across as bored sometimes, honestly, too much time on his hands.
  10. Sort of, you can still get arrested if daddy finds out and loses his ****, then you can use the "romeo and juliet" defense in court and pray for mercy.
  11. If I'm not mistaken, no, it means 16 and 17 year olds can have sex with each other, but any 18 years or older cant it's still statutory rape. This is Virginia for example, where no one under age of 18 can consent to sex, but close to age exceptions are available, which makes no sense to me at all (I had to read it a couple times, theres two separate underage ranges that are "exempt" from having their life ruined, in theory) https://www.ageofconsent.net/states/virginia
  12. Not like the GOP has a recent record of doing stuff that makes sense, but I'm not sure I follow the logic of doubling down on Trumps platform if it costs them the presidency or worse for them the Senate as well. I'm convinced the only reason Turtle doesnt get in the way is because it hasnt cost him power yet, all he cares about is maintaining power so he can get the bills he wants, when that stops, then what? I mean, ****, what if Moscow Mitch gets voted out, shouldnt that change things for the GOP? How many blue waves is it going to take?
  13. That's like telling me "dont look down". Twitter comments are like a competition to say the dumbest **** possible sometimes, borderline lazy
  14. That's reasonable, here's the list of 3rd base contracts by comparison
  15. I'm keeping an eye on the costs. Harper is not having a bad year, hes jus not worth his contract.
  16. It was a decent game, was there with coworkers, but that 10th inning homerun was a backbreaker. And I'm sorry, but if Rendon is supposed to be the man he has to have a better last at bat then that.
  17. To keep this short, that question misses the point. I've been trying to think of what the person considered a requirement versus explaining what wasnt, and it all jus sound like their own interpretation that they got from their own religious path and fellow circle of believers. Saying the primary requirement for being a Christian isnt good enough is simply a means to elevate on a denomination by denomination basis what is a requirement. I'm sure there are some Mormons that think Baptists dont go far enough and Jehovahs Witnesses that think they're both amatures.
  18. News outlets trying to get ahead of themselves instead of only reporting verified info. I kinda dont want to react until I get the motive anymore, by then a lot of what actually happened has settled
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