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Everything posted by Yohan

  1. Or the episodes need to be longer then 30 minutes. Yes I know 2 of them were 45 minutes.
  2. Letterkenny on Hulu is fantastic. A Canadian comedy, with fast paced dialogue, that will make you laugh until you hurt. The next season starts December 27.
  3. And meditates for 700 of those 800 years.
  4. For those who listen to Binge Mode.
  5. It’s okay, you can also watch on an iPad or your computer.
  6. Milwaukee has this joint called Sobelmans, has a signature burger with jalapeños. And if your into chicken, you can get a side of Bloody Mary with it. (Five Guys is the best)
  7. I was watching Mandalorian (worth watching), with my son, who never showed interest in Star Wars, suddenly wants to watch them all. He wants to watch them in the order that I had seen them...we started with New Hope. As we get to the cantina scene (Han shoots first scene) Greedo now says “Maclonky”. I wish they would just let things be. Episode 2 of Mandalorian drops tomorrow.
  8. It’s all been about the prequels so far, but I actually didn’t mind Attack of the Clones...I now know the error of my ways. Yoda had always been a favorite, but what a dolt. Mace Windu, not much better, pretty much being warned about Dooku from Padme, but Dooku was a Jedi, so he couldn’t be bad. Maybe it’s the Jedi order all together, no one was able to pick up on what Sheev was up to? With the light sabers and blaster bolts to grab ones attention, the dialogue is pretty horrible. What I didn’t realize is the stereotype regarding Jar Jar, the trade federation guy, or the owner of Ani and his mom. Binge Mode is fun, and I like it, I just hope the original trilogy gets more love...I haven’t listened to the Solo one yet.
  9. This podcast has made me really dislike characters I liked and yet opened my eyes to things I didn’t realize. Binge Mode Star Wars will ruin your childhood!
  10. I’ve been watching Daybreak on Netflix with my son. It’s a comedic, zombieish show in a Madmax world, with high schoolers. It does a pretty good job with character building and is new take on a post apocalyptic world.
  11. I’ve been cycling for years, had always said I would avoid cycling specific gear and made fun of the spandex wearing fools. Until that one day my LBS had a going out of business sale, and I purchased shorts (price was right). After my first ride wearing them, my first thought was, I can’t believe I waited so long to wear these. Comfort is everything, and for the past 5 years, I’m the spandex wearing fool now!
  12. @Spaceman Spiff If you haven’t already, I recommend cycling shorts. Your bum will thank you for it. Good luck!
  13. After watching the Boys, and Thor Ragnorak (again), I finally realized Karl Urban was in the LoTR movies.
  14. Finally got around to The Boys. I think I was hooked in the first 10 min. Bill Burr’s new special is out, might be his best stuff yet.
  15. Looking forward to The Mandalorian. Bill Burr's bald head is in the trailer, Billy Bounty Hunta!
  16. When you say this, is that the increase in the Rebates i have noticed this past month? I have been looking possibly purchase a new vehicle, and have be looking and testing for about 3 or so weeks, and seen rebates rise over this time...especially Nissan.
  17. There were back to back episodes I felt were pretty weak this season, but it came back around. There is one more episode next week.
  18. Raechal Martin, the athletic trainer and Heather Mydosh, the English teacher are the MVPs.
  19. Just admit your had to look Karsi up, because you had no clue who that was.
  20. The director also wanted to have a dead Hodor and Karsi (The hot wildling lady from Hardhome) battling in Winterfel.
  21. It's really good. I don't mind the week wait in between. While watching this week, I realized Rita (Waterford's Martha) is Pastor Nina from Kim's Convenience (thank you for that recommendation.)
  22. i’ve watched a couple episodes of What If on Netflix. Pretty decent so far has Rene Zelleweger, who looks fabulous, and Jane Levy, who played the original Mandy on Shameless. It has an Indecent Proposal feel to it.
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