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Everything posted by Yohan

  1. The cities and counties can still issue stay at home orders, which the City of Milwaukee already had in place, Milwaukee County will be issuing that order today, the City of Racine already had that in place (though they are in the top 10 for fastest growth rate of confirmed cases), City of Madison already had that in place, along with Dane county. I'm sure others will follow suit, depending on what party controls the local government. As for me, I won't be stepping foot into a bar until those that are going, drink up all that stale crap that has been sitting around for the last 9 weeks. So a couple of 2-3 weeks maybe?
  2. https://patch.com/wisconsin/mountpleasant/wisconsin-city-has-9th-fastest-coronavirus-growth-rate-u-s My community located between Milwaukee and Chicago, has reached the top 10 fastest coronavirus growth rate. Honestly, I am trying to wrap my head around this. I do a lot of cycling through out the city and county and the neighboring city/county of Kenosha and I do not see large groups gathering at normal hot spots, like the lake front harbor area/downtown, beach, or parks, when I ride. Even at grocery stores, the majority are wearing some type of facial covering.
  3. It has been 14 days since the WI election. I was expecting a spike/surge in cases, but they have been reporting 7 cases that can be traced back to the in person voting.
  4. Hummer went defunct in 2010, so it could be plausible for someone driving a 10+ year old vehicle. (Vehicle shamming)
  5. Nicolas Cage was great in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
  6. In WI Coronavirus voting news, the liberal judge won the state Supreme Court seat, bringing the balance of power to 4-3 still in favor of the conservatives. This was really the main reason for voting last week.
  7. But then there is the gem... ht https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1217043229427761152?s=20 tp https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1217043229427761152?s=20 https://twitter.com/WHO/status/1217043229427761152?s=20 s ://twitter.com/WHO/status/1217043229427761152?s=20
  8. Today Governor Evers is shutting down all WI state parks. These trails had remained open for hiking, biking and getting people into nature. Going fat-biking in the state park near my house was my outlet through this. The main reason for shutting down is an increase in vandalism and littering. I have seen plenty of gloves and masks all over the trails lately, and there are plenty of trash bins along these trails for people to use.
  9. I believe he is in the Fall, however, he is in a pretty decent Republican strong hold. This election is pretty much about 1 state Supreme Court judge position.
  10. Started watching this. Great show. Had no idea Donald Glover was in this. The entire cast is phenomenal.
  11. I got to my polling place when they first opened. Drove up, handed my license to a mask And glove wearing poll worker. Answered a question about my address, filled out what looked like an absentee ballet, placed it in an envelope, sealed and drove away. All from the “safety” of my car. They were directing people to other areas that needed to either register or had address changes. In Milwaukee, where they usually have over 100 polling places, they only have 5. A city of 600,000...5 open polling places.
  12. The SCOTUS ruling was regarding absentee ballots being counted if post marked after April 7, that’s the Ginsburg dissent. The WI Supreme Court voted 6-2 along party lines to overturn the executive order. Changing the date has been the topic for the past two weeks, to know avail as the GOP controls the State Senate and Assembly. Changing the date by decree, which I’m sure Governor Evers knew would fail, but used it as a last ditch effort. I will let you know tomorrow, though I may try going on my bicycle, to see if that works.
  13. Milwaukee has serious understaffing at polling places, for obvious reasons. By me, they are doing drive up voting...I guess I should get on board with the absentee ballot going forward. I’ve been avoiding that method.
  14. Today Governor Evers issued an executive order postponing our tomorrows voting until June. The WI Supreme Court just blocked that EO. I believe we are the only state still voting tomorrow, unless I misunderstood the news.
  15. I can not take that credit. At the time, Namco owned a chain of Arcades in Malls called Aladdin's Castle, here in the Midwest anyway. It was my college gig. Picking up new machines from their warehouse in Chicago and distributing to the various arcades, and also fixing equipment at the arcades.
  16. Roughly, 25 years ago, I worked for Namco...strong dislike for those heavy, static charged monitors. (Cool thing to be working on though!)
  17. Dave on FXX is pretty darn funny. Apparently, they can get away with a lot of stuff on the FXX. There are only 6 episodes out so far.
  18. I went Fat Biking yesterday, the weather was decent enough, it had been raining, windy and chili for the better part of the past 10 days, and I needed to get out of the house and in to nature for a bit. Disappointed that the mountain bike/hiking trails have become littered with gloves and masks, right in the middle of the trails. These particular trails have trash bins every quarter mile or so. Not sure the point of wearing these types of equipment while in the middle of the woods, but dang, throw your stuff away in its proper place.
  19. All non essential businesses, which is kind of loose, because you if there is any relation to government or military, you can stay open. As far as Walmart or any other grocery store, people need to eat unless you are okay with people going Jeffery Dahmer. (but I do agree with your point)
  20. Illinois basically shut down over the weekend, Ohio shut down today, Wisconsin and Michigan is shutting down tomorrow.
  21. Here in Wisconsin, Gov Evers issued schools closed indefinitely last Friday. Today ordered all bars and restaurants closed, except for take out. On a selfish note, the weather is on the chillier side, but this is some of the best bicycle riding time I have ever had. Hardly anyone on the paths or trails. Cars are sparse, it is very eerie out there.
  22. I am not sure if this was posted or not yet, but Joe Rogan had Michael Osterholm on his podcast yesterday. Osterholm is an expert in infectious disease epidemioloy and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.
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