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Everything posted by Yohan

  1. I always look for @Lombardi's_kid_brothers takes, especially the 180 for season 8 and @Momma There Goes That Man as well. Money!
  2. I know this, if I have a secret...I am not telling Sansa. Her blabbing to Cersi about Ned wanting to secretly leave KL, got him killed. Now she swears to Jon, not to mention anything about his parentage. What does she do? Tells her ex.
  3. They kill her dragon (child) and behead her Scottie Pippen and she just supposed to take it? Now she’s the heel?
  4. Free folk and fealty don’t mix.
  5. Gendry got rejected. Brienne got some action. Gilly and Sam are preggers. Ghost whimpering was probably the saddest GoT scene ever. Finally, the plan is to starve out the city which will kill thousands, as opposed to burning that place down, because it would kill thousands.
  6. You got your wish! And I am okay with that, because I don’t mind how the show ended. Now, what has happened to the real LKB?
  7. I was hoping for a Jon Snow/NK Duel. It didn't happen, and after watching it again, I think the NK was afraid of Jon Snow. The NK seen Jon Snow kill a white walker at Hardhome and knows Jon Snow has a special weapon and perhaps is aware of the Last Hero/Prince that was Promised/Azor Ahai prophecy and feels that, that is Jon Snow. The NK was doing what ever it took to prevent a battle with Jon Snow. He just wasn't expecting Arya.
  8. I just got through season 1. Can't believe I hadn't paid attention to this one until now. His partner is Marlo from the Wire, daughter was Sophia from Walking Dead. Can't wait to binge the next 4 seasons.
  9. I get what you are saying @Momma There Goes That Man. The entire series it was leading to Jon being special (other then R+L=J). Stare downs with the Night King made that feel stronger and being killed and brought back to life for a purpose. I’m not sure what that purpose is or if he is special (besides being Aegon) hopefully we find out in the next three episodes.
  10. I’m not saying it’s not going to happen that way, but as of right now, no such prophecy exists on the show.
  11. Cersei asks if she will wed the prince. Maggy responds, “You will never wed the prince. You will wed the king.” Cersei asks if she will be queen. Maggy responds, “Oh, yes. You’ll be queen. For a time. Then comes another, younger, more beautiful, to cast you down and take all you hold dear.” Cersei asks if she and the king will have children. Maggy responds, “No. The king will have 20 children and you will have three. Gold will be their crowns, gold their shrouds.” The last line from the books is not in the show.
  12. The Valonqar prophecy is not part of the TV show, book reader.
  13. I don't mind that it was Arya who killed Darth Maul. I was hoping for more of a fight scene with the fella, to see if he was more then an olympic javelin thrower.
  14. If it doesn't end with "Don't Stop Believin" playing in the back ground as the show fades to black or a young Bran waking up at the bottom of the tower Jaime pushed him out with his Dire Wolf licking his face,...it will be a disappointment.
  15. I received 6 tickets for an advance showing of Endgame (tonight). I unfortunately can't make it, so I gave them away to a few teenage children of some coworkers. This way, I also can't come here and tell you what happened during the movie after.
  16. Yes, because there are no elephants.
  17. Ghost made an appearance! The song that Pod sang reminded me of Pippin from Lord of the Rings.
  18. Tyrion once told Dany what her father, the Mad Kings plan was for Kings Landing. Burn them all with the wild fire, and that’s why Jaime killed her father. This prevented her from doing the same to Mereen. She is aware Jaime did the right thing, and this will probably be confirmed by Bran, plus Bran stating the greater role Jaime has yet to play.
  19. I've seen one for the Texans and one for the Falcons (best one) as well. Might be a league thing?
  20. But they can sink to the bottom of a body of water, then walk on the bottom to find a dead dragon, get a chain around the dragon, and proceed to pull said dragon out of the water.
  21. Bronn did say to Jaime "Till I get what I'm owed, a dragon doesn't get to kill you, you don't get to kill you, only I get to kill you."
  22. She was my favorite as well. There was supposed to be a story arc on her in the seventh season of Clone Wars before it was cancelled. There is a book Dark Disciple which covers those events. I believe this takes place before the events of Revenge of the Sith.
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