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Die Hard

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Everything posted by Die Hard

  1. Give it a couple episodes. Only 6 per season. They use the first 2 episodes to slowly set things up. Then things happen fast to wrap up.
  2. The Yanks have potentially a top shelf starting rotation - assuming health. It was the offence, especially sans Judge, that derailed the season. The pitching was carrying them most of the year before finally crapping out. Counting on Rizzo and Stanton though, blech.
  3. Its such a strange phenomenon of new parents isn’t it? When parents give me that type of reply (ie months), I’ll ask them if they can break that down for me into days/hours. Then I wait to see them either attempting to calculate it or recognize the absurdity of the request and why it was made.
  4. Taking the field goes wrong https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/X5weyu3lUn
  5. Apple TV. Severance. With Christopher Walken, Adam Scott, Patricia Arquette. Only 1 season so far (9 episodes) and season 2 releasing early 2024. It was originally tracking for me as another Lost… but I’m glad I stuck it out.
  6. Probably not much. I’d say around $10-15 tops. Send me a PM with your postal code and I can check with post office.
  7. My wonderful aging parents, as they prepare to downsize their lives, have lovingly decided to return all their children’s gifts (birthdays, Christmas, anniversary, whatever) they carefully kept in storage and left untouched over the years. 😂😂 Thank goodness I’m a great gift giver… this was a major score. But I have 3 new ES tshirts (2 black and 1 red) and hat in my possession. All shirts are size LARGE. I’m sure there’s someone out there that would appreciate it more than my own children. 🤣🤣 I already have my own keepsakes. So I’m making it available to members here. Either as a bundle or individual items. Private Mesage me with a non-insulting offer which includes shipping it internationally from Canada. 😀
  8. I mentioned that 2 weeks ago…. and Im pretty sure you and another member countered it. 🙂 For a guy that claims to have changed/improved the culture… he sure does a lot of finger pointing.
  9. That’s what Chase Young would look like as a deer.
  10. Honestly, you need at least 2 people who are technically proficient to cover most web development requirements. And to do it just for the love of it…. partly out of pocket…. and almost a full-time job (install, maintenance, upgrades, etc). You have to love it for its own sake. It’s not something you can create/maintain half assed and things run on its own. And for the ppl who want to run the show, pick your bedfellows very very very carefully.
  11. Matko retired. Traveller Wharton was a holdover of staff…. and a previous Panther. So he brought a QB coach. That’s it. And that’s worrisome. But whatever. Time will reveal it all.
  12. I understand there is context. But if I’m EB, I don’t take this opportunity unless I feel confident I can succeed. This was/is litmus test for a coach who has interviewed him over a dozen times. And this was his chance to get out from under Reid’s shadow. His future is hanging in the balance. And in a suboptimal condition. He had to revamp the entire offence in 1 off-season - potential lame duck coach - with a rookie QB. Just crazy to come in here without his own staff.
  13. Here’s one of my issues with EB. When he came from KC… he didn’t really bring any of his guys. And he’s had trouble (prolonged hires) filling out a few positions on the offensive side. You’d figure a guy coming there with a brand new offensive overhaul… on a short-term audition… would bring a few guys to help ease the transition. But it’s mostly Rivera leftovers still. It makes me wonder if he’d be able to fill an entire coaching staff with competent coaches. I mean, the guys interviewed 13x in the past few years. Shouldn’t he have a short list of his guys he’d bring over with promotions? Theres some red flags there.
  14. “Well Josh, I think the real key to winning is reminding players to do their jobs. And signs on the wall are great aids.” ~~ Rivera
  15. I’m pretty sure the Google Ads covered the expenses. At least that’s what I remember Blade telling me. Of course, that didn’t include the graphic work I did…. or hiring programmers to do work for like upgraded hacks, etc. Eventually Blade learned how to code to cut expenses and reduce access to crazy programmers. 😂😂
  16. It’s the hosting/servers. Staff are all volunteers. The problem/challenge with a growing community is the need for better/faster servers and unlimited bandwidth. If the board is slow loading, ppl leave. It’s part of the reason I almost closed ES after a couple of years… it was getting pricey for a hobby. That’s when Blade took over… assumed costs (helps when your a Doc) and then was able to incorporate Google Ads to cover the costs. But it was approaching approx $300/month at the time we sold to the Redskins.
  17. Thank goodness Reagor dropped that bomb right through his hands. He had about 5 yards on Forbes on the play. But the kid made a few plays today.
  18. There were a few passes that Pringle caught under those circumstances. On this play, Howell spun around and blindly threw it to a spot with 2 receivers in the area. Howell knew exactly where his players would be.
  19. Brown almost getting as many targets as McLaurin. Drives me insane.
  20. Disagree about Sweat/Young. I have no problem with trading them…. but they’ll give you a few splash plays a game. But our dline got no pressure on Jones. And while they held up on rush defense most of the time… they were also getting gashed at times. I don’t think our defense is as good without them with the backups we have there for the moment. That was a bad Patriots offence that softened the blow. But the team needs to upgrade there this off-season. Without fail or it’ll be disastrous.
  21. It’s possible. But when you watch the multiple route breakdowns, it happens more often than it should. Which belies it’s systemic. And you won’t get any argument from me about the running game. Anything between the tackles is just a slog of humanity… which causes the backs to run into their own linemen or trip over them trying to bust out.
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