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Pacific Rim


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Plan on seeing this soon. Was reading a review that said the majority of scenes are @ night and while raining. The tint of the 3d wasn't affected too badly by this? I'm deciding on to 3d or not

Like Avatar, this is native 3d, and not converted. There's a huge difference. You owe it to yourself to watch this one in 3d.


The travesty, of course, is that Grown Ups 2 is beating this.

I want to see it. I did read a review that asked why, with so much money spent on graphics, are most of the fights at night and in the rain with lower visibility? A lot of movies seem to do that.

It's harder to render daylight scenes. Their budge was only so big.

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I saw it last night.....and this was the review I wrote for some friends afterwards.


My review of "Pacific Rim". For Sci-Fi and CG lovers, its like eating a pile of cotton candy topped with sugar and then washing that down with a Jolt Cola. Story didn't always make sense, but it didn't need to. It was all about giant robots fighting giant monsters. Overall rating.... "7.25"



p.s. - The Apocalypse has been canceled.
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Midway thru I looked over at my 12 year old son. His eyes were bugged out, jaw gaping, and a huge grin on his face. Was worth every penny I paid to take him to the movies. Fun summer flick and actually pretty well acted too....and I hated the Transformer movies other than Megan Foxx.

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I just saw it! It is extremely entertaining. The fight scenes were in the dark and rain, but the robots had lights and the monsters had blue highlights. You can follow the action. If there was ever a movie made to be viewed in IMAX 3D, it's this movie. If you are looking for visual movie with action and great fight scenes this is a great choice.

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Just saw it in Imax 3-d (figured if they were gonna charge me an arm for 3-d might as well give them my leg too), and this was a movie I've been waiting on for some time and was quite excited. It basically met all my expectations and then some. I didn't think it'd be as entertaining as it was. The acting isn't remarkable by any means...but the last summer blockbuster action movie I saw that had above average acting was TDKR. The movie attmepts to be kinda comical at points, which is fine...I think they wanted to incorporate a subtle love theme as well, but i'm glad they left it as pretty subtle. 


I honestly liked it better then every transformers movie, iron man 1/2 (haven't seen 3, refuse to cause the first 2 were trash so I'll red box it) and I thought it was more entertaining then Avengers. 


Its definitely a "theater" movie, I'm not sure the "epicness" can be appreciated at home unless you have a decent setup. 


8.5/10 for me.  Other people prolly ought to knock it down 1-1.5 points if they aren't a fan of the genre this movie attempted to depict. 

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Hopefully this kills in Asia. I'd love for this movie to be viable enough to get sequels or at the very least spawn more entries in the Mecha/Kaiju genre. 


This movie kind of feels like it's a sequel already since we don't get the origin story shown.  We just get a briefing of the events. I'd be down with a movie covering the first SF attack and the events that follow. Not that I would mind if they just moved forward. Either way. Just give me more. 

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Resident Evil sequels keep coming even though those movies either don't make back their budget or barely break even domestically. They make most of their money on the international market. I think the foreign take has the potential to be huge for PR seeing as how this movie is tailor made for the Asian market. That's what I'm hoping, at least. 

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PR should do well in Asia but in the U.S.  it probably made it's big money.  Especially with Despcible Me 2 raking in the money and 4 movies opening this weekend though a couple could be even more flops.   Do RE movies even cost as much as PR did.  That's where it will be hard to envision a sequel.

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Well, the RE movies are relatively cheap (about 50-60 million) compared to PR's 180 million dollar budget. I don't think PR is gonna recoup those costs domestically. Honestly, it would shock me if it did.  Thats why I hope Japan and China come through. I figure if those two markets do well enough, it might not matter that the movies dont fare as well domestically. Asia could still turn a huge profit. I'm sure the studios don't care where the money comes from, as long as the profits are there. 


I just really want to see more Mecha/Kaiju movies. I think the genre is begging to be a big summer movie franchise. I like what PR has done and I think there is a rich enough world from which to move forward and tell some good stories, I would love to see the Jaeger program implemented and how the Mark 1s fought their first battles. I'd love to see how each country built their programs. I'm so disappointed we didn't get to know the Russians better.  I would love to see how they move forward after the events of this movie. 


I'd love to see more of these as opposed to another rehash of a super hero origin story. Or needless trilogies based on a single book. Or Vampires and zombies. Or sequels to comedies that weren't very good the first time. Stop letting accountants make movie decisions. Thanks in advance Hollywood. 

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You may need to go to Japan or China to get your wish.


I don't see them greenlighting a another big budget Kaiju movie in the U.S. again.  Maybe one of those low budget Redbox rentals but it's not going to happen. 


PR needed to do Iron Man 3 type numbers.   You could always start a kickstarter campaign. 

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