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About Springfield

  • Birthday 05/19/1982

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Darrell Green
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    Burke, VA
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  1. This is actually a sensible take. Josh needs a real GM to make all these decisions. We don’t quite have one yet. If there were a proper GM, then we could drop Rivera easily. Harris firing Rivera really comes off as Snyder-esque if it backfires and doesn’t work out.
  2. not so fast. Ron will probably get 6-7 wins out of this team to get us just outside the top 10. Typical Ron draft pick area.
  3. I wish we’d stop wasting our time with Ron and Del Rio. Make Bieniemy the interim coach and call it a day.
  4. Honestly, why are we wasting our time with Rivera? He’s clearly going to be gone at the end of the season. Why no just remove him now and move on sooner?
  5. My only concern with Harris is that the NJ Devils have been a pretty abysmal hockey team under his ownership. That’s not enough for me to think Snyder is any better or that Bezos is even necessarily better. I certainly think, I’d be buys the team, that we will be in a much better position than we were since JKC owned the team. I’ll be happy.
  6. I’d love to see Wentz come in, take 4 sacks, throw a pick or two, and finish sinking this ship.
  7. I really hope he's planning on selling at least 51% of the team.
  8. Some of you long timers might remember me, some might not, who knows. I haven’t really been following ES this season. For years following the Sean Taylor death when I found this place, it was the first page I’d open in the morning and the last page I’d close at night. I met lots of really, really nice people here and had many great discussions over the years. I watch this team these days so I can actively root against them. I don’t want to pick another team to cheer for so I just watch hoping that they will fall to even greater lows than the week before. I watch this joke of a franchise so I can laugh at how much Snyder has failed as a leader and as a businessman. This team isn’t the Redskins any longer and that great history that Snyder wants to tout died with the name for me. They’re celebrating a history that isn’t theirs to celebrate any longer. The colors are similar but not what I grew up loving. They’re like a dollar store, unlicensed Tecmo Bowl version of the Washington Redskins complete with players who I largely don’t care about. What’s there to root for? Nothing. Not a damn thing.
  9. Hey guys. Just my weekly check in to say how ****ed we all are. Apparently, it’s the liberals who should have been amassing stockpiles of weapons this whole time…
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