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quick job hunting question


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alright ill be graduating college in december and because im just not the type of person to 'wait till the last minute' when do you think the best time for me to start putting in resumes and setting up interviews? i want to start working IMMEDIATLEY after graduation...none of this sitting around hoping my parents will shelter me from poverty...but its tricky because i wont have my actual degree for a few more months. any suggestions?

thanks everybody, you guys rule! :cheers:

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Well If you are graduating in December, I would start in August. The longer the better. It took me a good 2-3 months of interviewing and things of that nature before I got this job. Also, It is never too early to get your resume together. Shoot get it out there now.

Oh, and you aren't moving back to Calvert County are you? What is your degree in?

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Originally posted by airborneskins

Well If you are graduating in December, I would start in August. The longer the better. It took me a good 2-3 months of interviewing and things of that nature before I got this job. Also, It is never too early to get your resume together. Shoot get it out there now.

Oh, and you aren't moving back to Calvert County are you? What is your degree in?

ive got my resume all together but that's just because right now i work at the department of social services helping hispanics and young mom's find jobs and get their lives together so i have lots of practice with resumes. :doh:

i wouldnt mind going back to calvert county, id really like to stay in maryland if that's at all possible but ill pretty much go anywhere.

my degree is in geography with minors in international studies and spanish.

i think i will hold off till the end of this summer to really get serious about finding a job...plus there is still the option of going to grad school. thanks for the advice! :)

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Why not start right now? A cover letter in your case would help gloss over the fact that you haven't actually received your degree yet. It explains who you are and what your goals are. Get your name out there then follow up. Find a friend that has a knack for these things and get a good cover letter together to combine with a well designed resume.

And be persistent. You may think you are being annoying but most employers respect persistence. They would rather give the job to someone who seemed like they really wanted it.

But probably more important than any of that is finding an "in". Work every last contact you have, no matter how convoluted the connection is. Knowing someone's name will get your resume out of the pile faster than anything else.

You are talking about your livelihood here, and you should not be sheepish about asking for help and utilizing every resource you can.

Good luck!

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Originally posted by SoCalSkins

Go to grad school if you can afford it. You can never have too much education. What type of job are you looking for with a geography degree? Teaching?

originally i wanted to end up working for the FBI or CIA hence why spanish and international studies are my minors. now though im thinking about sticking with a social services field for a while.

grad school is still a solid option, i just know if i go to grad school ill want to go to school till i get my doctorate and im just afraid ill burn out if i go to school for four more years...then again Dr. dks1240 does sound pretty cool :D

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Originally posted by Hitman56

Two words: good luck.

I just graduated from law school and I have applied for nearly 100 jobs without any success.

Anyone know agents that are hiring (not the Postons)?

ssshhhh stop scaring me :nono:


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Originally posted by Hitman56

Two words: good luck.

I just graduated from law school and I have applied for nearly 100 jobs without any success.

Anyone know agents that are hiring (not the Postons)?

Somethings not right with this picture..... Have you re - done your resume?

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Good Luck!

I put it off until about a week before I graduated. Then ended up working for the bank I interned with that Spring. I figured I would stay a year and get experience. 11 years later, I still work for the same bank...:doh: :)

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Originally posted by dks1240

i think i will hold off till the end of this summer to really get serious about finding a job...plus there is still the option of going to grad school. thanks for the advice! :)

I would not go to grad school unless you know what you want to do the rest of your life. Many times the major you had in college mean nothing in your career.

Work a couple of years for any jobs to see what interests you, then when you have a feeling and you know what you want go to grad school.

A good job right out of college is working for a temp agency, you will be able to get a taste of a lot of different environments, government, non profit, for profit, etc...

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Originally posted by airborneskins

Somethings not right with this picture..... Have you re - done your resume?

Yup. I'm just still chasing the dream of being an agent or working for a team or something like that. I don't want to go into regular corporate law.

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Originally posted by Hitman56

Yup. I'm just still chasing the dream of being an agent or working for a team or something like that. I don't want to go into regular corporate law.

The way you do that is to go to a law firm, develop clients and personal relationships, and then jump at a good opportunity.

No one with a high profile sports agent gig is going to hire someone straight out of law school. They have no use for you.

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Originally posted by Hitman56

Two words: good luck.

I just graduated from law school and I have applied for nearly 100 jobs without any success.

Anyone know agents that are hiring (not the Postons)?

I feel your pain. I'm in the same boat except change 100 to 300. Maybe I should take GV's advice and learn to chase...hmmm. :)

But I've also been trying to get into a similarly small field (Securities) which outside of compliance (which kind of sucks) there aren't too many opportunities.

If you broaden your search range and network to all end, something should come through--at least that what I've been telling myself. :)

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I manage recruiting... and let me tell you that both sides of the equation are equally difficult.

finding a good candidate, and finding a good job.

you'd think one or the other would be easy... but no. :doh:

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Start on your resume immediately. atloldskin is correct, you are already behind. My company has already made offers to students graduating in Dec.

All is not lost, you still have the fall recruiting season, but start getting your information out there.

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dks, the spanish will open a lot doors for you. More and more

employers, especially law enforcement, are looking for candidates

that speak spanish.

I'd start interviewing in August or early fall. Chances are you'll

have several offers and will have the luxury of picking the one

best for you.

I've considered taking some night classes in spanish.

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