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Hall In, Taylor Out??


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Does anyone get the impression that we signed Cory Hall because either (1) the Skins know Sean Taylor may not be showing up for mandatory camp, and/or (2) the Skins are taking their first step to eventually unloading Sean Taylor? After all, Taylor's been downright rude to Gibbs, is obviously not the Redskin "character-type" that Gibbs likes, and is seemingly the Coles-type distraction that Gibbs is wont to unload: selfish, disgruntled and contractually unatainable. I mean if he wouldn't return my calls, and winds up holding out - I'd negotiate with teams and try to unload him for multiple high picks. Maybe not just yet, but maybe in June when he decides to hold out!

I know, I know - you would think Taylor knows he runs the risk of losing $$$ if he doesn't show up for mandatory camp. But maybe he's smoking that same Florida ganja that Ricky was smoking. Or, maybe, just maybe Rosenhaus is thinking that if Sean Taylor pisses the Skins off the way Coles did, the Skins will pull another bonehead move and trade Taylor just the way they gave in to Coles. So . . . Taylor gets traded, Taylor gets the sweet deal that he'd like, and the Skins get slammed like they did in the Coles/Jets deal. Do I hear Champ Bailey and the Denver Broncos giggling, and is that Antonio Pierce and Fred Smoot smirking in the background??

Or maybe we learned our lesson in the Coles/Jets deal and will let Taylor sit for a year, call it a breach of contract, and then smartly spread his money around to upgrade our DE/DT/LG spots for the coming year? And then, we do what the Dolphins did!!! Go after all that bonus money the player got! Hey, how bout that: The Skins finally get smart in their negotiations. Or, perhaps it's just the contract lawyer in me that's tired of seeing teams stupidly tear up bilaterally negotiated contracts by caving in to the ridiculous demands of today's prima donnas. Or, maybe it's just late and there's doesn't seem to be any interesting news to purview.

But, if we are going to trade him, can we please get someone who knows how to negotiate with other teams?

I'm tired of having Broncos and Jets laughing at us.:hammer:

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I'm a big ST fan...but I'm losing patience. I hope to god we aren't thinking of trading him...and I hope he just shows up for camp and everything works out. Am I confident that that will happen? No!

This whole thing bloggles my mind really. I can't for the life of me think of a better situation for Taylor to be in. He's on a young defense, got a great DC, and plays with half of his college teammates. If he can't fit in on this team...then "he" is the problem!

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I can't wait till midseason and people are gushing over this kid again and trying to get clips about how he creamed some RB.

He's been there when he's supposed to and he gives his all on the field. Taylor gets more support from other team's fans than the Skins. Sad... what's his true crime, not calling Joe Gibbs?

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Originally posted by warren

I'm a big ST fan...but I'm losing patience. I hope to god we aren't thinking of trading him...and I hope he just shows up for camp and everything works out. Am I confident that that will happen? No!

This whole thing bloggles my mind really. I can't for the life of me think of a better situation for Taylor to be in. He's on a young defense, got a great DC, and plays with half of his college teammates. If he can't fit in on this team...then "he" is the problem!

Yeah, he is pretty good, but I know Greg Williams and D-Company know how to spot cheaper, effective talent. And I wouldn't mind trading Taylor if we could get a great DT/DE in exchange. After all, we DO have 4 other pretty solid safeties! Could I get a solid LG for X-Mas too?


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Or maybe Bowen's knee is not good. OTA's started last week, and they had there first look. Are these open to the public? Has anyone out there seen if Bowen can still run? If he can't, or doesn't look like he will be able to, then maybe that's why the got Hall. As for Taylor, just like all other NFL players, he will do exactly what his agent tells him to do, and that will be to get back to work. Having a player sit out is a huge mark against an agent - way too much damaging publicity that affects an agents ability to recruit furure stars. Rosenhouse (sp) will insist that Taylor show up.

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Originally posted by ntotoro

I'd say that was pretty bad, wouldn't you? The kid has a responsibility to this team and his Coaches.


It's a bit different when said coach is also team president and you're working on a new contract.............

Originally posted by michaeln

Does anyone get the impression that we signed Cory Hall because either (1) the Skins know Sean Taylor may not be showing up for mandatory camp, and/or (2) the Skins are taking their first step to eventually unloading Sean Taylor?

If he doesn't show up for mandatory activities, then you can *****. But till that day comes, quit wasting bandwidth with stupid threads like this.

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I think the Hall signing is plan "b" just in case Taylor is a no show. Plus you get a good back up if he does show up.

Good point. No way you go into training camp with only four safties. It's just not done. You would have thought they would have picked up a couple of street agents rather than signing a vet though.

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nah, its a situation where "i think" the team is telling ST " we want you to be here, but if not, then we will move on"... and with that, when ever he comes back he may not be the immediate starter, he will have to earn his way back into the good graces of the coaching staff. ... Hopefully that is the situation, and if it is , then i pray that he will learn his damn lesson.

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