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Any one else into Photography? What do you think?


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This was taken while on vacation in Victoria, BC. If you've never been, you should, absolutely beautiful. Anyways, spent most of the day putting this panoramic together. What do you think? If anyone else is in to photography feel free to share your own images. Edited picture. Below is new image.


I shot this with my Canon Rebel TI. (F-stop 11, SS 10 seconds.)

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Originally posted by forbeskin

This was taken while on vacation in Victoria, BC. If you've never been, you should, absolutely beautiful. Anyways, spent most of the day putting this panoramic together. What do you think? If anyone else is in to photography feel free to share your own images.

I shot this with my Canon Rebel TI. (F-stop 11, SS 10 seconds.)

Do you have a link to the full size image?

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Originally posted by forbeskin


Not sure what you mean, this is the full size your viewing.

What type of film were you using? Lens?

The exposure looks OK, but you need to fix the backround. The sky has two different colors in the backround, and it doesn't match.

The one on the left is slightly overexposed, and one on the right is as well. I don't know that much about photography, as I am just starting to learn, but those are things that I see. I will post one of my favorite pictures, after I transfer it to this computer.

How did you get the picture on the computer? Did you scan it?

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Originally posted by chomerics

What type of film were you using? Lens?

The exposure looks OK, but you need to fix the backround. The sky has two different colors in the backround, and it doesn't match.

The one on the left is slightly overexposed, and one on the right is as well. I don't know that much about photography, as I am just starting to learn, but those are things that I see. I will post one of my favorite pictures, after I transfer it to this computer.

How did you get the picture on the computer? Did you scan it?

Thats really very good. The sky thing can be corrected in Photoshop very easily with the cloning tool if you have it. Thats very pretty though.

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Thanks for the replies, I know it still has some work to do. The skies I noticed right after posting. I transferred the picture with a flat bed scanner. Eventually I would like to get a negative scanner, since I'll be sticking with 35mm. The film was fuji 400 and the lens was my canon 35-80mm set at 35mm. The photo below I took a while back, I can't remember the details for it off hand, but it is one of my favorites that I have taken, there is something about shooting in fog.


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Originally posted by forbeskin

Thanks for the replies, I know it still has some work to do. The skies I noticed right after posting. I transferred the picture with a flat bed scanner. Eventually I would like to get a negative scanner, since I'll be sticking with 35mm. The film was fuji 400 and the lens was my canon 35-80mm set at 35mm. The photo below I took a while back, I can't remember the details for it off hand, but it is one of my favorites that I have taken, there is something about shooting in fog.

Forbeskin, you're photography is quite excellent. You have a very nice eye and great composition.

I do amateur photography myself. I have a Nikon N80 SLR film camera [with a seperately purchased 28mm-105mm lens and a 80mm-200mm lens] and plan on upgrading from a Canon Powershot S1 IS digital camera [3.2 MP] to the new S2 IS [5.0 MP] to be released in June 2005.

One of the things I have a thing for is shooting into infinity. Your fog picture gives a beautiful sense of the wood fence drifting into infinity.

You're photography may inspire me to post to your thread. Thanks for the eye candy. Great work buddy!


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You're photography may inspire me to post to your thread. Thanks for the eye candy. Great work buddy!

Please feel free to share your photography. It's always nice to get a sense of what others think. My wife and I are pretty into photography, she is quite talented, I'll have to post some of hers later.

I LOVE Vancouver Island!!! In fact, I plan on retiring there someday (seriously). That pic brought back some nice memories - thanks!

My wife and I spent a week up there, it was amazing. A picture perfect place to retire!

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Very Nice shot, I've got pictures of Alaska and the Buchart Gardens on my stairwell walls and took some photography classes in college. My grandfather is a photographer as well so I've got some of his talent in my blood.

I use a Nikon N65 SLR with a Tamron 28-200 mm zoom lense. I want to upgrade to a Nikon digital camera (SLR) , but I want to wait until the cameras get a little better.

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Not to intrude but here is a pic off of my back deck on Back Bay in Sandbridge. What do you think? I have a digital camera and quite honestly I just snap and I'm done. By the way Forbe thats a pretty sweet pic. Its looks very good to me but I'm no expert

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Originally posted by Doozinbrah

Not to intrude but here is a pic off of my back deck on Back Bay in Sandbridge. What do you think? I have a digital camera and quite honestly I just snap and I'm done. By the way Forbe thats a pretty sweet pic. Its looks very good to me but I'm no expert

It looks good, looks like my old back yard when I lived in sandbridge as well. Thanks for sharing the pics, I've seen some really good pics from "point & shoot" cameras. It actually has a lot less to do with the camera than it does with the person behind it.

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Great stuff, Forbeskin and halter91.

I especially like the fence shot.

Great Forum topic as well, I love viewing interesting photographs.

Here's my contribution. It was taken along the Appalachian Trail near Catawba, VA with a disposable camera.

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Originally posted by forbeskin

It looks good, looks like my old back yard when I lived in sandbridge as well. Thanks for sharing the pics, I've seen some really good pics from "point & shoot" cameras. It actually has a lot less to do with the camera than it does with the person behind it.

The fence picture came out awesome. I didn't mean to come across as harsh, but I thought you wanted a critique of your work, so I posted what I thought.

I have done a lot of amature photography myself, I has a Nikon 5700 5MP camera, and I am looking to get a Cannon EOS 350D, it's a bottom line 8MP DSLR camera.

THere are some good sites for you to check out, and dpreview is one of the best. They have reviews of the entire digicam market, and some really good photographers over there.

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Originally posted by forbeskin

It actually has a lot less to do with the camera than it does with the person behind it.

My dad, before a stroke left him virtually blind, was a "serious hobbyist" photographer.

He tells me that some of the photography magazines would occasionally, in between the "We review the best SLRs under $6,000" articles, would do a thing where they gave several professional photographers instamatics or something similar, and published the results.

The point, of course, was to point out that the major contribution to photography was knowing what to take a picture of. The professionals also pointed out that the disposable cameras were almost as good as the professional units under certain circumstances (if the subject isn't moving too fast, daylight lighting, fixed focus, and so forth). And the pros simply didn't attempt pictures that they knew the camera wasn't capable of taking.

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Originally posted by chomerics

The fence picture came out awesome. I didn't mean to come across as harsh, but I thought you wanted a critique of your work, so I posted what I thought.

I have done a lot of amature photography myself, I has a Nikon 5700 5MP camera, and I am looking to get a Cannon EOS 350D, it's a bottom line 8MP DSLR camera.

THere are some good sites for you to check out, and dpreview is one of the best. They have reviews of the entire digicam market, and some really good photographers over there.

Oh, I didn't think you came off as harsh. I don't mind being critiqued at all, it helps us learn. Please share your pics. This is my first year of photography, pretty much all self taught at this point. Just took an old slr camera (olympus om10) and started playing with the manual features, then once I got comfortable with that, I bought the Rebel TI.

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