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Revenge of The Sith gets a PG-13 rating


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Incase there's any young kids here who now can't go and see it:

‘Sith’ zapped with PG-13 rating

Posted Saturday, April 09, 2005

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, all “Star Wars” movies received a PG rating.

Not anymore.

“Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith” has been given a PG-13 rating by the Motion Picture Association of America’s Classification and Ratings Administration.

“Revenge” has received the PG-13 for “sci-fi violence and some intense images.” (One could ask, on behalf of befuddled parents, exactly what “intense images” actually means. Mostly, it means the MPAA’s ratings explanations have gotten progressively muddled during the past few years.)

The new rating means “Revenge of the Sith” contains material that “may be inappropriate for children under 13.”

Director/writer George Lucas earlier hinted his movie would be the most intense of the six “Star Wars” chapters.

“It’s not like the old ‘Star Wars,’ ” Lucas told the Associated Press. “This one’s a bit more emotional.”

The previous five “Star Wars” films all received PG ratings. Lucas’ new, more emotional episode opens nationwide May 19.

— Dann Gire

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"Crispy Anakin"? Dang! You ruined the movie's surprise! Ever heard of spoiler alert? What, now you gonna tell me that Anakin turns into Darth Vader or something? Why you gotta ruin the movie man, why you gotta ruin it. That's just wrong....


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Originally posted by bearrock

"Crispy Anakin"? Dang! You ruined the movie's surprise! Ever heard of spoiler alert? What, now you gonna tell me that Anakin turns into Darth Vader or something? Why you gotta ruin the movie man, why you gotta ruin it. That's just wrong....


Dude, it gets worse..........turns out he's Luke Skywalkers old man!

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Originally posted by codeorama

Totally agree. The Book was far better than Empire IMO.

The Phantom Menance was the same way.

Come to think of it, The Phantom Edit, was an even better movie.

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Originally posted by CrazyZeb

Unless they replaced Hayden Christensen with a better actor, I doubt I'll enjoy it. :(

Sorry to hear, I actually like him alot. He fit the roll to a T in my opinion. Remember, Anakin is supposed to be a spoiled whiney brat.

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Originally posted by Liberty

I saw the trailer and I thought it *looked* cool, but a movie needs more than special effects and the last 2 star wars movies were just excuses to use special effects and the end resualt was 2 crappy movies with only a few memorable scenes.

And a story that doesn't exactly...fit. :mad:

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Originally posted by codeorama

Sorry to hear, I actually like him alot. He fit the roll to a T in my opinion. Remember, Anakin is supposed to be a spoiled whiney brat.

I agree. But, I see what Zeb's saying also. I don't think it was Hayden so much as it was the Lucas' cheesey love dialog between him and Portman.

It's funny, everyone has always made fun of Lucas' scripts, but I never noticed that Episodes IV-VI were that bad.

After watching the documentary on the bonus disc, I know now why the last two haven't really worked. Part of what made A New Hope and Empire so great was the believabilty of the environoment.

Sci-fi movies/shows like Star Trek and Flash Gordon had a more clean and crisp future. Star Wars came along with an "old future" that audiences bought world-wide. Everything looked old and oily. Han and Chewy were always tinkering and fixing the Falcon....we believed it.

The pure digital worlds of Phantom Menace and Clone Wars did the exact opposite for me. It's funny that this documentary that pointed out reasons why the old ones were so great made me realize why the news are not.

BTW...I'm taking my 5 year old to the new movie anyways. She watched everyone with me up until now.

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Originally posted by DUSTINMFOX

I agree. But, I see what Zeb's saying also. I don't think it was Hayden so much as it was the Lucas' cheesey love dialog between him and Portman.

It's funny, everyone has always made fun of Lucas' scripts, but I never noticed that Episodes IV-VI were that bad.

After watching the documentary on the bonus disc, I know now why the last two haven't really worked. Part of what made A New Hope and Empire so great was the believabilty of the environoment.

Sci-fi movies/shows like Star Trek and Flash Gordon had a more clean and crisp future. Star Wars came along with an "old future" that audiences bought world-wide. Everything looked old and oily. Han and Chewy were always tinkering and fixing the Falcon....we believed it.

The pure digital worlds of Phantom Menace and Clone Wars did the exact opposite for me. It's funny that this documentary that pointed out reasons why the old ones were so great made me realize why the news are not.

BTW...I'm taking my 5 year old to the new movie anyways. She watched everyone with me up until now.

I agree with you, the dialog was cheesy as hell for the originals as well. Not sure why people hold these movies to a different standard.

The Originals were a much more personal story, the first 2 are much broader. Ep III will start broad and then quickly turn very personal and on a very small scale. It will bridge the gap nicely.

The first 2 movies served their purpose, you have to see the state of the galaxy and how it ends up the way it does for the personal story of Anakin to make more sense.

I agree with what you are saying about he "Oldness" of the originals as well, however, remember, the new movies are supposed to be the universe BEFORE the dark times. Things are supposed to be nice and new etc...

The OT takes place in the equivalent of Nazi Germany. People are oppressed, there are not new ships everywhere, people are making due.

IN the PT, you have royalty flying around in sparlking new ships, people have money etc...

I've always said, alot of people that don't like the newer movies may not totally understand them. And that's why Lucas chose to begin the series with EP IV to begin with.

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Originally posted by DUSTINMFOX

I agree. But, I see what Zeb's saying also. I don't think it was Hayden so much as it was the Lucas' cheesey love dialog between him and Portman.

It's funny, everyone has always made fun of Lucas' scripts, but I never noticed that Episodes IV-VI were that bad.

After watching the documentary on the bonus disc, I know now why the last two haven't really worked. Part of what made A New Hope and Empire so great was the believabilty of the environoment.

Sci-fi movies/shows like Star Trek and Flash Gordon had a more clean and crisp future. Star Wars came along with an "old future" that audiences bought world-wide. Everything looked old and oily. Han and Chewy were always tinkering and fixing the Falcon....we believed it.

The pure digital worlds of Phantom Menace and Clone Wars did the exact opposite for me. It's funny that this documentary that pointed out reasons why the old ones were so great made me realize why the news are not.

BTW...I'm taking my 5 year old to the new movie anyways. She watched everyone with me up until now.

That's probably it, they all sound a bit off to me. Even Samuel L. Jackson who I know can act. The kid in the first one, however, was beyond bad. I understand it's hard to find someone so young who can act and carry a whole movie like Haley Joel Osment, but still... oh well.

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