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I know how we can get some cap room, Cut Samuels!


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I tired of reading how Samuel's is unwilling to renegotiate or how he now wants more $$$$. I say we part ways with Mr. Overrated. That should free a little cap room.

He is not top 5 at his position. He is barely top 10 as far as I'm concerned. We are getting ready to get shafted on this deal.

I'll probably get blasted here but I think its time Samuels to roll tide roll.

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Im with you 100%. Im sick of his overrated ass as well.

Walter Jones contract shouldnt have anything to do with Samuels, since Samuels isnt his caliber anyway. Hes overrated, overpaid and overrespected.

I wonder how much we'd save by cutting him anyway.

Its not like with a bit of research and player development we couldnt get some giant lard-ass who Bugel could mold into a strong offensive lineman.

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Originally posted by mcgraw238

I tired of reading how Samuel's is unwilling to renegotiate or how he now wants more $$$$. I say we part ways with Mr. Overrated. That should free a little cap room.

He is not top 5 at his position. He is barely top 10 as far as I'm concerned. We are getting ready to get shafted on this deal.

I'll probably get blasted here but I think its time Samuels to roll tide roll.

I'll go out on limb and say you aren't aware of his cap hit should he be cut?

Originally posted by da#1skinsfan

Why would it be so bad? Watching game tape, is Samuels REALLY that effective?

I dont think so.

Whoa. You've got actual game tape? The kind the coaches watch? :cool:

Try watching a little closer. For one, (and I'll try to find the the comments in the search), the coaches gave Samuels credit for allowing 1..yep that's right, 1 sack. :)

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The last time we made the playoffs, we had a LT not named Samuels. We have seen many 5-6 win seasons since we traded up to the 3rd pick in the draft to get our franchise left guard, I mean tackle.

As for the cap hit, I don't know the exact number (apparently neither do you Park City Skins), but I do know that his cap number would go down for the upcoming seasons were he to be cut. Thus, all the speculation last year that he could be a cap casualty.

Look I don't want to cut the guy, but he is not a top 5 LT. We have overpaid on to many players with no results.

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Weren't we all talking, like 24 hrs ago, about how it would be impossible to trade Coles because of the cap hit?? Since when has the FO failed finesse the cap to whatever end they wanted?

I think we should all stop worrying about the cap and focus instead on the poor play of our LT...

hey wait....don't we have the #9 pick in the draft AND two marquee tackles from FSU and OK on the board?


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poor play of our LT...?:wtf:

gee every coach, and football expert said that Samuels had great season, on a bad ankle..... giving up only 1 sack without addition blocking help of a TE or H-back. Most of Portis' rushing yards came behind Samuels blocking.

in fact the only people who really criticize him are people on this board in threads about the salary cap... usually by people who haven't a clue about blocking schemes or evaluating talent.

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Samuels played very well last season. And some of the things I think you're talking about when you say you've watched "game tape", is not all Samuels fault. For instance, I was watching the Giants game the other day, and I ran into a play the really caught my eye. Samuels went to pick up the blitz and as he did, Dockery was going to block his man who faked to the left, instead went to the right, past Dock who caught in the headlights. Samuels tried to pick Dockery's guy, and his guy, up at the same time, but Docker's man was already past him and about to sack Ramsey.

Some of you guys are getting ridiculous with this Cut Samuels mess.

Hey I've got a great idea! My car needs gas, how about I sell my tires so I can get some money to pay for the gas. That'll solve all of my problems.

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Having to replace Samuels with the likes of Jim Molinaro at this point, may have Ramsey and Portis asking for their release. I trust Gibbs and Buges' judgement on the play of Samuels. I don't think he is the best, but he is a pro bowl caliber player at a premium position.

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If you say so. I watched each and every game and I actually scrutinized the play of Samuels closely. He is not worth the trouble he causes. I think Bugel could mold someone else to do the job just fine. This guy is a monster cap hit.

So hes a pro bowl alternate every year? If hes a top 5 player, he should be a Pro Bowl starter/reserve every year. Forget alternates. If hes an alternate that just shows that hes not worth the cash hes demanding.

Im sorry, but I agree with everyone, we need an effective OL. I just dont think rewarding a guy who has underplayed his contract every year by restructuring his already high deal to an even more overpaid status just makes no sense. Of course hes an important part of our line, but its nothing that cant be replaced.

And Portis didnt get any yards anywhere. Running behind Samuels didnt make a difference, he ran into a wall on nearly every run.

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according to thewarpath.net, here are the numbers for trading or releasing Samuels:

2005 cap # 9.643 million - release fee(accelerated bonus) 5.865 million = 3.778 million savings plus we'll get over 11 million off the books for next year which is important b/c unless something drastic happens we're going to be in the same boat as the Titans next year. I don't think overpaying Samuels and making knee jerk trades and restructures to accomodate them are the answer.

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