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I just talked to The Mayor

The President

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Yes, The Mayor of Fed Ex Field.

As you guys know, he has some inside sources with the Redskins.

Here is what he e-mailed me.

This Coles release is not a done deal yet. If it goes through, and he repays a portion of his signing bonus, then look for us to use that to resign Fred Smoot.

If we can get Samuels to redo his deal, that money will be used on Antonio Pierce.

Brunell will be approached, if he hasnt already, on re doing his deal.

The Redskins are real high on Ryan Clark, and he should be resigned any day.

Moss is not on the radar screen, nor is Plaxico.

McCants will be a big part of the offense this year.

You guys can take this anyway you want, Smoot21 has connections.

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wow if this is true.. gibbs has said he will use jacobs more this season, if im not mistaken also said we should of used cooley more and will do that next season.

and now Dmac apart a big part. I smell

Jacobs/Dmac cometiting for 2nd a FA WR for the 1st and whoever loses teh 2nd Wr spot will get the third, adn Trash takes over as ST punter while Antonio Brown takes over as a burner @ #4 and KR

And trade down in draft because gibbs said he doesn't want to rely on draft and on a specific guy and hope he gets there and it doesnt' go through

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well i think when asked about McCant... Gibbs did say he has nothing against the guy its just because of the roster spots regardless of how McCant saw how the thing went down... so maybe will be true that McCant will be given a great chance this season

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The Mayor (smoot21) has some good connections. I know for a fact that he called the Retro jerseys before anyone knew about them, and also he sells cars to Redskins and he sold one to kenny watson who told him about the all white combo on the Jets game.

He has been wrong before, but he is right more times than wrong.

He is the Mayor afterall

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How in the world can Brunell's deal be restructured since he already cashed in his 8.5 million dollar check? Unless, of course, he is going to give the Redskins some of that SB back, which seems illegal and would probably be challenged by the player's union.

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Originally posted by bulldog

one way to save big dollars is to get Jacobs and McCants on the field. neither is making anything near starting money for an NFL receiver. if the team drafts a receiver at #9 we could have a good crop of youngsters to watch in 2005.

I agree but I think whoever we draft will still need a veteran to help show him the ropes. That's why I see us picking up a seasoned, reasonably priced vet to help bring along the youngsters and provide some stability.

I still have a gut feeling that if Bruce is a let go, he's ours.

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:helmet: GIBBY-LEROY!!!!!

So once again day two of the Sports page makes me ill............I hope he won't go and from what Joe Gibby said last night it is not a done deal by any means....... Coles is a great WR and Gibbs will work with him, lolol he did lead the team, but it is true.....every WR will always say they want the ball more etc.......

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Originally posted by COLES80GURL

:helmet: GIBBY-LEROY!!!!!

So once again day two of the Sports page makes me ill............I hope he won't go and from what Joe Gibby said last night it is not a done deal by any means....... Coles is a great WR and Gibbs will work with him, lolol he did lead the team, but it is true.....every WR will always say they want the ball more etc.......

if not, you'll be looking for a name change :D

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Originally posted by COLES80GURL


Oh and I can affirm SMOOT21 has hook ups like a cash money millioniare, its ridic.......

This off-season may suck for two of my DTC personnel. The Mayor may not be called “Smoot” any more and if he ever gets permission to post on Extreme Skins again he can’t use Smoot21. Also COLES80GUL you two will need a new name for Extreme Skins and a new jersey as well. No more Swish swish! Damn, and you named your dog Coles

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Yea, I'm not too sure about the Brunell thing. He'd have to do what Coles would be doing. I'm sorry, but I don't see the Players Union signing off on that one.

McCants getting a look? You'd think if Gibbs thought he had some talent that he'd at least be activated for majority of the games. Just never heard of not activating players that might be an asset to your team just because he doesn't do one thing you want him to do. If he can help you win ballgames he's going to be activated. How many times have we heard Gibbs say that he's going to put the best players out there to win ballgames. It's obvious McCants wasn't considered as one of the players.

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