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Richard Gere: World Spokesman

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Did anyone see the story about how this clown is putting out a commercial in Palestine urging them to vote? Here is a link about the story - (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=638&ncid=638&e=3&u=/nm/20050106/en_nm/people_gere_dc)

Basically he said he speaks for the whole world and tells them to get out and vote. That's great telling them to vote, but why would Palestinians care what Gere has to say, and why does he think he speaks for the world? The best part, I don't think is in this specific article, is that this Arab guy in the commercial with him didn't even know who he was! Gere needs to stop smoking whatever it is he is smoking and get back to reality. Obviously normal Americans could care less about what celebrity millionaires have to say about what's best for us, but maybe Palestine does! :doh:

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Originally posted by Fatty P For The Pulitzer

What was his 9/11 fiasco?

After 9/11 he took the following stance:

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - Richard Gere, who was roundly booed during a Sept. 11

benefit at Madison Square Garden after making a plea for "compassion and

understanding" in the war against terrorism, is certainly a high-profile


"The poor Afghani people have been destroyed by everyone and we have

responsibilities there," said the chiseled-chin hunk.

"We created Osama bin Laden. We created most of the problems we have there,

because at a certain point he was our freedom fighter. Now he's a terrorist."

"We're not wise about whom we make friends with," he added. "I think the U.S.

makes a lot of enemies and you pay for that eventually."

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That does not seem like such an unreasonable statement to me. He's not bashing the troops or belittling the loss of life on 9/11.

And we are criticizing him in this thread for what, exactly? For encouraging the Palestinian people to embrace the democratic process? God forbid!

My sister works on movies, and she said he was one of the nicest, most sincere people she has dealt with.

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Originally posted by Predicto

That does not seem like such an unreasonable statement to me. He's not bashing the troops or belittling the loss of life on 9/11.

And we are criticizing him in this thread for what, exactly? For encouraging the Palestinian people to embrace the democratic process? God forbid!

My sister works on movies, and she said he was one of the nicest, most sincere people she has dealt with.

I agree with you that I don't have that much of a problem with what Gere said about 9/11. However, it's hard to be compassionate towards a terrorist group who slaughtered 3,000 innocent Americans. Kissing their arses isn't going to make them feel bad for what they did and renounce their hatred of America.

And I wasn't criticizing him for urging the people to vote. I even said that it was great and all. I am criticizing him for the arrogance he displays in doing so. A) Who does he think he is to admit he is speaking for the world? And B)Why does he think that Palestinians care what HE has to say about it, those that even know who he is? If he was so concerned about it, he should've financed a commercial with someone that Palestinians would listen to. Instead, based on some of the quotes, he's just making more people dislike us. These people don't want "Ugly Americans" meddling in their business. As one of the frontline Hollywood peace activists, I expected him to be a little brighter when it came to something like this.

*Edit*: And I don't doubt that he's a nice guy and a good actor, but he seems out of touch with reality.

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Millionaire celebrities speaking = bad.

Millionaire politicians speaking = good.

Millionaire pundits speaking = good.


Why is one millionaire more qualified than the others to have their voices heard?

Elitist conservatists can say what they want, but let a rich liberal try to speak up and they are marginalized.

More hypocrisy...

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Originally posted by Jackson's Ward

Millionaire celebrities speaking = bad.

Millionaire politicians speaking = good.

Millionaire pundits speaking = good.


Why is one millionaire more qualified than the others to have their voices heard?

Elitist conservatists can say what they want, but let a rich liberal try to speak up and they are marginalized.

More hypocrisy...


I don't think being a millionaire is the primary basis for their qualification.

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I'm not at all seeing what is so incendiary about what Richard Gere said. In fact, he seems dead on.

Unless there was more said, his words seem rather apropos.

Edit for clarification. I'm talking about his post 9/11 comments. Regarding his spot urging the Palestinians to vote, I'm sure it was well intentioned, but seems rather ill advised.

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A pro-peace group is hoping that a potent mix of Hollywood glamour and religion will motivate Palestinians to vote in next week's presidential elections -- and their star attraction is actor Richard Gere.

The only problem is that Gere's co-stars are on record as supporting suicide bombing, anti-Jewish genocide, and eradication of Israel.

Gere's other co-star, Sheikh Tamimi, was quoted in 1994 as saying: "the Jews are destined to be persecuted, humiliated and tortured forever,and it is a Muslim duty to see to it that they reap their due. No petty arguments must be allowed to divide us.Where Hitler failed, we must suceed."
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Originally posted by Fatty P For The Pulitzer

However, it's hard to be compassionate towards a terrorist group who slaughtered 3,000 innocent Americans. Kissing their arses isn't going to make them feel bad for what they did and renounce their hatred of America.

I think he was talking about being compassionate toward the Afgani people, not the terrorists. People sometimes forget that they are not the same thing.

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Originally posted by SkinsHokieFan

News Flash:

The Muslim world doesn't care what any westerner says or thinks.

The only thing that would be embraced is the following from a US President

"We announce the withdrawal of all support to Isreal, and a pull out of all troops from the region"

Nothing else matters

Actually, I could well imagine, if Gere want to do a "Please Vote" tour, that some of the regions spokesmen will respond with "It's an American trick! Don't vote!"


Every year, when I see the celeb-of-the-year doing commercials about every citizens sacred duty to go vote, I think about how I would do a get-out-the-vote message.

Instead of getting this year's teen heartthrob, I'd get some famous people that lots of people loathe (I'm thinking people like the head of the KKK or the ACLU, Jesse Jackson, Jessie Helms or Ted Kennedy, Rush Limbaugh) to do variations of "Don't even bother! It's all rigged. Stay home. Let me decide for you."

I think more people will go to vote against someone that they think has too much influence, than they will vote for something.

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