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2 games out of the playoffs STILL!!!


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guys...listen i know that we suck....i think that we suck because were 3-7...but at the same time i think that we are just a couple plays away from being a very good team....even with all our bad luck we are STILL only 2 games out of the playoffs with tiebreakers over chi,det,and tb.....i know its still a long shot but u never know....you gotta be positive about something right??....i am 90% sure well get beat by the steelers.....but after that we have giants,cowboys,49ers,eagles, and vikes....now we can def beat giants, cowboys and 49ers....the eagles and vikes will be tough but were at least at home for those...and by then hopefuly PR is more in sync with the O....just keep hoping guys....8-8 can get into the playoffs this year in the NFC.....and MAYBE, just MAYBE even 7-9....u just never know...we gotta play hard....i know it seems unrealistic but weirder things have happened...If we play with nothing to lose WE WILL WIN some games.....this playing not to lose style(this past eagles game) is ridiculous and has got to stop....even with the score 28-6...theres still7 min left and it seems the skins folded...u gotta go for it still...anyways...well see guys....you gotta look forward to somethin right?....:point2sky

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All I want is a solid end to the season, because teams ussually carry the end of the year into the next season. I think we can get wins vs SF , Dal and Minnesota to end the year. If we can beat the Giants too, I'll be very happy with how we end the year. It could happen that we could pull the upset vs PHI or PIT but it just seems unlikley.

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I don't care about the playoffs. I'm not even thinking about the playoffs.

This is year ONE of yet another coach. The defense has really gelled somehow, despite MAJOR losses (and today they dealt with a huge hole up front, Cornelius Griffin being out, in addition to the regular scratch LA). That's great.

Today we played with a QB learning a new system with stark differences from the system he learned previously. I'm not looking for playoffs; just like in previous years with new coaches, I'm looking for progress. This is a coach who has said he'll be here next year and knows it doesn't take 1 year to build a winner. We need the pieces to come together, and we need our coach to figure out what he wants to do with the pieces (does he have them, or does he still need to do some looking, or does he need to change how he's using them). This is taking longer than some have expected (i.e. Ramsey replacing Brunell), but it's happening gradually.


No playoff expectaions for this year. Just progress.

The defense has been a pleasant surprise though. Very nice 1st half today, and if Gibbs had challenged the spot on McNabb's 3rd down run, perhaps we would have had a lead at halftime.

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Well, as much as I disagree with you, I'll keep my fingers crossed nonetheless. If we go 8-8 I'll be happy. I would like to see our team come out and start blowing teams out. It would be nice for a change.

And, quite honestly, I think it's time for Gibbs to change his philosophy and his playbook. Seriously. He's not all here right now. I feel bad for him. He's just got blinders on right now. It's a different NFL than it was over a decade ago.

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"PLAYOFFS?!? PLAYOFFS?!?" (Insert your best Jim Mora, Sr. impression here) ;)

I'm glad to see that there are some that haven't totally given up yet...you can add me to that list, but not expecting miracles, just a nice run for the end of this season to gain a little momentum going into next year.

:cheers: :point2sky

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Originally posted by Rdskns2000

Forget math and get reality.

Thank you... :cheers:

Why is everyone thinking of playoffs right now? We're 3-7. Do you all realize that. We are a 3-7 team. We do such a great job beating ourselves that we don't need other teams to do it for us.

We can concentrate on looking at player and seeing who's good at what, but this team hasn't even won two home games or even two-straight anywhere, period! The last thing we need to get our hopes up and dashed for is the playoffs because it's not happening. Don't disappoint yourself.


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hmmm...what dont people get about HOPE..theres always HOPE.....do i realistically think well make the playoffs? no way....in fact the way weve been playing with the teams comin up Im not sure if well win 6 games, but again you can always HOPE guys....thats all i am sayin is u gotta root for somethin and be positive to an extent....i just try to look for some reason to cheer every sunday...however i hate to say but steelers are better thant he eagles....ir eally thought we matched up well with the eagles, and i really think a new strategy has to be implemented this sunday...right now gibbs is gettin outcoached everyweek it seems....i love the guy but i wanna see him open it up more....use ramseys arm!....also guys can u just imagine if our receivers didnt drop 10 passes yesterday...if they had just held onto some of those...and if the refs didnt screw us again....my uncle is a huge cowboys fans but even he said that it really seems liket he refs are against the skins this yr.....still gotta hope.....right?

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