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You know it, I know it, unfortunately, our team seems to know it as well...


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You know, I tried. I put on my most brave facade. I acted as if I knew Gibbs would instantly cure what has ailed us for so long. I made bold predictions, puffed out my chest, and felt somewhat validated as we watched a tough, smart, hard-fought win in week 1.

But last week proved to me that the demons still linger: Inside this team and inside this die-hard fan.

First, let's get something out of the way. Gibbs WAS and REMAINS the BEST thing that could have happened to the Redskins. No doubt about it. I'm still on cloud 9 about the coup we pulled off. In no way am I questioning that. I have no doubt that at the very, very, very least, we will see gradual improvement and a competent football team-- we haven't been able to say that for over a decade.

And I am SO pumped to watch this team grow. But, I learned last week that old habits die hard, for teams and fans.

Once the Giants tied the score at 7-7, I lost all confidence. At no point from the Brunell fumble on did I think we were going to win that game. I started EXPECTING bad things to happen. The team continued to play with effort, which was nice to see. And I did not think we got outcoached from a strategic standpoint, which was also nice. The Giants didn't really seem to do much of anything that day excpet show up-- we pretty much did the rest. I give the G-Men credit for responding to an early deficit and for taking advantage of our miscues, but all day long I KNEW we were the better team. Even then, I never thought we'd win the game.


Because the Redskins don't win games like that. More importantly, the Redskins don't win meaningful games within the NFC East. That's just the way it is, and it will stay that way until we change it once and for all.

I don't want to call it "Norvitis" or blame it all on Marty, Spurrier, or Snyder. It's just a conglomeration of factors over the past decade that have led to a serious lack of the knowing how to win. It's not just effort or talent-- we have both of those things right now. Gibbs and co. now have to teach these players HOW to win. They have to recondition them and in turn, recondition the fans and our opponents. Let's face it, the Eagles, Giants, and Cowboys play with a lot of confidence against us-- they seem to expect to beat us-- and who can blame them?

The division games are when it all comes to head-- when it gets most tense, when your season is decided. We're already 0-1 this year in that dept. because we couldn't get out of our own way and capitalize on multiple opportinities.

The defense was great, have been for two weeks. But still, we needed someone, ANYONE to make a play in the 4th quarter last Sunday. Somebody needed to force a fumble or return an INT, or make a perfect pass, or break a long run, or return a punt all the way. We waited all game, and no one made that last big play we needed. We've seen that play out year after year now. So close, yet so far.

By no means do I feel hopeless now like I used to feel under our other coaches. I have definite hope right now-- that's what Gibbs brings-- he brings legitimate hope that we can rebound from a bad loss and break this maddening losing streak against the teams in our divison.

But we all learned last week that there is still much left to do. I'll know when we're back when I watch a game like that and believe we will win. That's when I'll know. The only way I'll feel that way is if they step up and get it done a few times.

Monday Night is huge for so many obvious reasons-- no need to recite them all here again. But it's most important because it will serve as a gigantic measuring stick of where we are. Big stage, big game, against our rivals, in the divison, in a game the fans DESPERATELY want to win--in a game that could help shape the division at the end of the year. In the past, this was an automatic loss, not matter how close the final score may have been. In my heart, I reall think we can win-- in my heart, I know Gibbs realizes the importance of this game. But my head has seen too much to allow my heart to take over at this point.

I look at the game on paper, and I think, "man, we should win." But then, I just can't picture myself going to bed late Monday night with a truly satisfied feeling. It just hasn't happened in so long. When that feeling returns, we'll know the Redskins have returned. Until then..........................

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Ive said all along that we are between a 7-9 and a 9-7 team this year.

We dont have the pieces on the D line yet (yes dont start ranting about #1 rank right now either) and we arent cohesive on the offense yet.

With the right draft choices and FA pickups, we should be a 9-7 to 11-5 team in 2005.

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While I was ready to commit hari-kari at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, I'm past it. I have to admit, though, I thought until the very end that we would win that game. We had so many chances to score, both field goals and touchdowns. Sunday just wasn't our day and we'll prove it to the Giants when they come to FEDEX later in the season

I remain very optimistic about the prospects for our team although even I will admit, it may take several games for the offense to become consistently good.

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Originally posted by kleese

Yes, that's all well and good. But we lost to a team on Sunday with a new coach, a new staff, a new QB, and bad OL, and several new parts on defense.

Why should they be more cohesive than we were?

You hit the nail on the head. We did lose but the Giants didn’t beat us, we beat ourselves.

We are a better team than the Giants and defeated ourselves in a way that they never could.

They couldn’t stop Portis, only Portis fumbling stopped Portis.

They couldn’t cover Gardner, only Gardner’s inability to catch a damn ball covered Gardner (in a shroud of shame).

They couldn’t apply pressure to Ramsey, only Ramsey could apply pressure on himself and causing him to throw INT’s right to the CB’s

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Kleese, you really have to get rid of that Romeo Bandison poster!! :)

But I have to soundly agree with your last two paragraphs. Monday's game was going to be big anyway, but the way we lost Sunday seems to have heightened its urgency. You recall this is similar to the position we were faced with the hyped 2000 team, having lost an ugly game in Detroit to go 1-1 with a home date against Dallas staring us in the face. And I'll be there screaming for our boys, but I can only imagine wondering when incidents similar to Randall Cunningham picking up a fumbled snap and firing a TD pass against blown coverage, or a punt hitting Deion's facemask, will occur........not to mention the thought of over 90,000 fans turning on our QB the first time a pass thrown by a white shirt goes into the arms of a blue shirt. Granted, that year we rattled off 5 straight after losing that one, but I just don't know how the 2004 version will react if they drop this one, particularly if its in ugly fashion.

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The cowboys don't have a running game. Our defense is tailor made to take advantage of Vinny's immobility. If our DB's play tight on Johnson & Gleen, we can get to Vinny and get those int's.

On offense, establish Portis big time and make Ramsey comfortable and the play action pass will open up. That's the game plan. It's that simple.

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yeah i know what you mean. there's been so many times when i've watched other games and seen teams come back and/or make some big plays and wished i could see that in some skins games but with the skins on the winning side of it more consistently. they definitely have the talent now and have also had it in the past but it just seems like the team aspect of it was never there. with gibbs that will change though.

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Ok, yes, it might not happen overnight, but if we can steal some games until we are in sync, then great. And we can. One reason is our defense should keep us in every game. It could happen at anytime. i will be honest, I feel better about the second game against Dallas then I do the first, but by no means, do I think we will tank the game because we are not in sync. We have the weapons to steal some games. If portis breaks 2 or 3 runs a game until the line become cohesive then we might even have a few easy games. I honestly believe that it will not take as long as people think. First off, this team believes, shoot some of the players that were cut were disappointed because they thinks something good is going to happen. If we can be 3-2 after 5 games, i will be happy because by then we will start to go on a roll

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One thing that escapes everyone is the great job the coaches have done so far. I keep hearing about how Gibbs isn't coaching well because we lose but wait, how about this:

We played so so and kind of bad against Denver and Carolina and then we played great against Miami

We played terrible against the Rams and then played great against Atlanta.

Well we played bad against the Giants so you can count on the team being super prepared for the Cowboys!

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I'm worried to be honest. Parcells will bring the sink against Patrick, and while the chances of our offenses shooting ourselves in the foot as many tmes as they did vs. NY are slim, the chances of our defense constantly getting us off the field every week aren't very good either.

The big question is when can we put it all together?

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Big stage, big game, against our rivals, in the divison, in a game the fans DESPERATELY want to win--in a game that could help shape the division at the end of the year.

That sentence sends shivers down my spine.

How many times have we dealt with this scenario in the past decade??

Hopefully (again), this year is different. Please be different.:wish:

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Originally posted by kleese

Yes, that's all well and good. But we lost to a team on Sunday with a new coach, a new staff, a new QB, and bad OL, and several new parts on defense.

Why should they be more cohesive than we were?

They did not show to be more cohesive.

They showed they could capitalize on our mistakes.

How many points did their offense score.....without our offense giving them the ball in great field position?

Surely, no one really thought Gibbs would wave a magic wand and make all things come together.

His astute knowledge of the game and of how to have the personnel in the right spot is matched by none. But, it will take some time.

We have had 2 games. Count them. 2

We all knew we would lose some games. Maybe you didn't think we would lose THAT one. But we knew we would lose.

So, look at this realistically. We have to come together. It is a process. We didn't get to this spot over night...and we are not going to come away from this spot over night.


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Look, this is still a playoff team in my eyes. The Cowboys suffered a 14 point loss to a horrible Atlanta team in week one last year, and they ended up 10-6.

We had games just as bad, a lot of times worse, in our golden days. No reason to believe we won't bounce back on Monday Night.

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Skins need this one badly, the confidence level would sky rocket. Lose this game and suddenly the belief system will take a hit....

Only 16 games... they all mean a lot..

The Skins season will play out on Monday Night. Thankfully its a home game.. 12th Man will play a big part.

Lord help us!

Hail to The Redskins!!

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Originally posted by kleese

But last week proved to me that the demons still linger: Inside this team and inside this die-hard fan.

Once the Giants tied the score at 7-7, I lost all confidence. At no point from the Brunell fumble on did I think we were going to win that game. I started EXPECTING bad things to happen.

I give the G-Men credit for responding to an early deficit and for taking advantage of our miscues, but all day long I KNEW we were the better team. Even then, I never thought we'd win the game.

Because the Redskins don't win games like that. More importantly, the Redskins don't win meaningful games within the NFC East. That's just the way it is, and it will stay that way until we change it once and for all.

Man, when I read all that, a quitter is all I can picture. If you lost all confidence when the Giants tied the score, then let me say how glad I am you're not on the team. Nothing personal mind you, but jeezy creezy!

I'll know when we're back when I watch a game like that and believe we will win. [/b]

Sounds like you won't believe until Joe's holding up another trophy. Let me just say this. With Gibbs on the sidelines, we will rarely ever be out of a game. No matter how bad things might look to you. Never give up.


I look at the game on paper, and I think, "man, we should win." But then, I just can't picture myself going to bed late Monday night with a truly satisfied feeling. [/b]

Kelly's Heroes comes to mind, with Oddball asking Moriarity,

"Hey man, what's with all the negative waves?"

Cheer up little brother. And use the force.

Together we can make it happen. ;)







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This post is very true. I still have the feeling like "what are we gonna do to lose it next" and I think the players do too.

But all it takes is one. We are closer than we think. It just takes one good, solid, NFC East win to start rolling.

One big Monday night victory over the Cowboys could change everything.

This game sunday night is even more than a rivalry game. Its more than Redskins vs Cowboys, its more than Gibbs vs Parcells, its more than someone going 2-1 and someone going 1-2. This game Monday night could very well play a huge role in what this team does not only this year but the years to come. This is the future of our team, this is the biggest game in these young players lives. I know that Portis and some others have been in playoff games, but this is bigger, b/c if we get the confidence from winning this game, the team we have right now has the ability to go to the superbowl, maybe not this year, but soon. It all depends on how soon we can get some confidence and start rolling, and this game could do it all.

I hope all Redskin fans recognize this, and I really hope all fans at the game recognize this. This is it folks, this is our chance. We are set up with a good atmosphere, on the national spotlight, we have a few favorable matchups the weeks after that we could get rolling. But it all falls on this. Its time for some of these players to suck it up and finally do something on the field. There is no blaming coaches anymore, its on them, this is their time.

:wewantd: :wewantd: :wewantd: :wewantd:

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And I think I should add that while I was writing that last post. Something clicked in me. I dont know why, it just happened.

I all of the sudden became completely confident that we will win this game, and win many more this year.

There is no way we will be denied.

There is a 0% chance we lose this game.

These guys are gonna come out pumped up and ready to kick the **** outta these guys. Vinny just better hope he can stay in the game, b/c behind him is nobody, and he's gonna be takin some hits, I dont care how good that blitz pickup is, he's goin down, and hard.

MVP of the Game prediction: Sean Taylor, he's a big game player.

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well, I agree that continuity in Year 1 is often difficult to achieve.

the problem is the Redskins went out and spent enough in this offseason to ensure that we are going to have to be careful and measured in what we do in 2005 and 2006.

so that in and of itself mitigates against being able to just go out and acquire 2 or 3 pro bowl defensive linemen and a stud corner to replace Smoot if he departs via free agency.

you look around at the talent on some teams and it isn't any greater than it is here.

what it is is talent that is more consistently focused and disciplined towards winning football games.

again, if we had taken the approach the Eagles did under Reid in 2000 and build first through the draft and eschew signing major free agents, I could see the club with a 3-4 year window to get progressively better (with some major FA's once the team was knocking on the door).

unfortunately we have paid dearly for almost every talented player on our roster.

yes, Portis is productive but we are paying him a top salary.

yes, Coles is productive but again we are paying him a top salary.

ditto for Arrington, Shawn Springs, Marcus Washington, Chris Samuels and Randy Thomas.

and let's not forget Mark Brunell as well. $8 million for a 34 year old who spent most of last season as a backup is a lot of moola, folks.

but again, when I look over the roster the 'value' players I see so far are guys like Antonio Pierce and Fred Smoot as well as others such as Derrick Dockery that are still working on their rookie deals or one year extensions.

we don't have enough of these kinds of players where the returns on the field are significantly higher (at least in the short term) vs. what we are paying for those returns.

this is why I have to be cautious in noting that the talent we see out there in 2004 may be a mirror (give or take a few guys) of what we see back in 2005.

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