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Why Are We Kidding Ourselves


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Your wrong skinsbacker

If this had been a team coached by Steve Spurrier or Norv Turner, they wopuldn't have still had a shot at winning the game even after SEVEN TURNOVERS!!!!

They would have been blown off the field by 3 TDs, not 6 points. We could have won this game, but to be in the game after all that is still a testament to Joe Gibbs..

This team will get better

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Sure. Cut *everyone* and pick up bottom-feeder players that couldn't cut it on other teams. While you're at it, why not fire the coaching staff too because they just suck don't they? Heck, Mr. Snyder should sell the team to Larry Michael and be done with it. :doh:

People. Come on. The team isn't going to win every game. They aren't going to play their best in every game. The coaching staff is human too.

Rome was not built in a day. Let's cut the coaching staff and the players some slack here. Yeah, it wasn't the best game you've ever seen. News flash, neither was last week - mistakes were made then too (admittedly not as many...). There's more work to do. Let them settle in and do their jobs. It'll all come together eventually - these things just take time.

Perhaps making this team successful may be like making sausage - although the end product is quite tasty, you *really* don't want to see the entire process of it being made or all of the ingredients that go into it - it's not exactly pleasant all of the way. It takes a strong stomach and some resolve.

Courage. ;)

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If we are going to have a game like we did today, it's better it took place in week two versus let's say week ten. This will not happen again.

Dallas is picking the wrong week to come to Fed Ex. The fans are pissed, the coaches are pissed and the players are pissed.

I got my tickets and I'll be damn if I have a voice left after the game.

To all you club seat holders, make some noise or stay the hell home.:wewantd: :dallasuck

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Keep in mind the defense only allowed 13 points on 7 turnovers. McCants does not drop pass we have a chance to win. We just got unruffled and stayed there. Ramsey (I really like him) has to stop thinking so much. First, he throws ball up and gets picked. Then he holds it and gets sacked. He wants to do well so badl, it may be messing him up.

Portis does something not usual for him. Two fumbles. Just a bad day for the offense. We still have 14 games. It took Gibbs, 5 games with new players the first time around to install his system. With the same players they went 8 and 3 the rest of the year. The offense is still learning the system. If they go 2 and 3 or 3 and 2 in the first 5 games that would be reasonable. After that they should know the offense. The problem is we cannot have major personell turnover next year.

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You not gonna beat many high school teams with 7 turnovers...It was not our day...Murphy's Law applied...Portis 2 fumbles..zero in past 280 carries..Brunell 1st interception in 119 throws...and Warner 1st touchdown in 3 years...Hall hits the upright...Let's face it...The Giants did not just have the rabbit foot...they had the whole rabbit...Next Week can only be better :wewantd:

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