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5,000th Post

Ghost of

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Well, I had planned on writing a stirring tribute to Extremeskins with my 5,000th and maybe as the stream of thought wends its way through the channels of emotion and intellect I'll be able to say what I feel.

But I feel paralyzed. I didn't have fun today, not with that kind of loss, no matter how many chances the Skins had. I feel like people are ignorant, a lot of the fans on this forum may love the team but they are IGNORANT. How is it some of us see that the offense is simply BETTER and more explosive with Ramsey and others want to trade or cut the guy? Fact is, I expect Ramsey to make mistakes as he's not comfortable with the offense yet, but he's the only one getting the ball downfield, making the defense respect his playmaking ability(with his arm.) With Brunell, we were going to improve on offense, but I don't see 'it' happening for us with Mark at the helm, although he may be the best caretaker for us until about week 6 or 7.

Anyone else see Portis not doing much, beyond excellent blocking and fumbling, in this game? Sorry guys, not impressed with his running. I saw Chris Brown for Tennessee make better runs and break tackles. I think what Gibbs need to do is put Betts or someone else in on the short yardage/end zone plays until the offensive line comes together. Portis will get worn down at this rate and with the kind of hits he's taking.

Did they notice how Brunell, while showing improvement just before he was injured has no zip in his passes and how his play takes away one of our best weapons---Coles?

I love Extremeskins and I know people will get emotional, but I really wish some posters would settle down. No matter what happened today, I FELT CONFIDENCE, for the first time in an age, that the Skins could make it back. They SHOULD have, looking back on it, but the momentum of all those mistakes just killed them, each of them as individuals.

There is a substantial difference between making an informed football observation about what's best for the long-term success of the team and getting excessively emotional and reactionary with sentiments like "Cut Portis, Cut Coles, murder the Offense and their families."

Some of you guys need to bring your A game, even for posting, because I can't bear to read this garbage for several weeks on end. I'll simply stop reading or posting.

But...but, I have to say--this is the Best SKINS SITE ON THE NET! I love you guys and I wish all teams fanbases had a place like this to visit.

To Blade, Tarhog, Die Hard, IAMBG, Ancal, Destino, Art, SkinsHokieFan, sjinhan(greatest Tailgate thread ever,) DeaconBlue, PCS, Tommy-t-G, Bubba, Inmate, renegade7, JBooma, TheKurp, KingBrice, Samuels60, Oldskool, Consigliere, NoCalMike, Yomar and anyone else I might have missed off the top of my head:


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No biggie man, at least you were smart enough to not bump your thread about "Brunell will be our downfall"

We'll bounce back bro, don't let the negativity get to you, it's one game i for one will keep the faith that this game will be a lesson learned for us as a team and also for me as a fan. There are no guarantees in the NFL. I lost $1200 on the game today, yes it sucks but I should not have been so confident on the road.

Again, no worries McPimp, don't let a few sour apples ruin the pudding.


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First off congradulations on your 5000th. Secondly I'm right there with you on the rest of it. I don't think those that you were thinking about will heed your words. I myself will try to stick around and tough it out no matter how bad it gets. I hope you stick around too.And for what it's worth I think we will get better. Time will tell. Remember Gibbs makes his own decisions.

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Originally posted by DeaconBlue

$1200 Illone!? Yikes! Your a tougher man than I. Your stiff upper lip impresses me.

Ya win some you lose some. Had a great day in NCAA yesterday, so I'm still ok.

It's only $$, I just hope our team responds well to this adversity, because whatever happens I'll be here cheering for our guys.


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Congrats Ghost :cheers:

The more we hope, the more painful the growing pains. Today stung.

I don't know who'll ultimately be proven correct as far as the QB issue goes. I'm kind of ambivalent about it, although I confess I did think about you today watching Ramsey zipping the ball in there. If he could learn some discipline and stop trying to win the game with one throw, he could be a great one. I'm just not as confident the team will have the patience to let him develop.

Like all of the great posters here (IMHO) you push the bubble occasionally. But I admire you know when you're doing it, and you're always respectful. Here's to your next 5000.

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I have to concede, you were right on with your asessment and midway through the second quarter I actually found myself wonder how long before Gibbs would put in Ramsey.

Obviously that wasn't going to happen, but when Ramsey came in after Brunells unfortunate injury I was getting kind of giddy.

It's absolutely obvious now that in order for us to run the ball effectively we have to be able to make opposing defenders pay when they send their run blitzes and put 8 men in the box.

As many boneheaded mistakes as Ramsey made, the difference between the two QBs was dramatic. Where Brunell took off and ran upfield after the o-line did a great job of picking up the blitz, Ramsey stood in the pocket, let the routes develop and then launched the ball down field.

With Ramsey in the game it actually seemed as if we had a legitimate chance to come back whereas I never quite got that feeling when Brunelly was still running the offense.

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Thanks again to everyone here, those I mentioned and those I forgot to squeeze in(I like laurent too! :)

I won't lie. When Ramsey came in, I thought of the old "historical laboratory" scenario that was developing. It's a damn shame he made those terrible decisions(though he was HIT/slipped on one throw) but I saw something from him that I don't see AT ALL from Brunell.

Some people mistake legitimate football opinions for softhearted bias towards a favorite like Ramsey, but that's silly. I want the team to win, and if I honestly thought the team's prospects were with Brunell, I'd be all for it. But some of us DO watch football and do understand the game enough to see the difference between two players.

This just isn't about the QB situation. I'm concerned about the offense, as a whole, BUT i'm not panicking. I have faith that they will get on the same page and the stupid mistakes they made today will be reduced significantly. I just hope that either the line or Portis play better in coming weeks.

I came away fearing for our long-term running game.

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