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Redskins Hype paper-thin


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You ... you mean ... we're NOT guaranteed a superbowl win this year?

Wow. Thanks for setting me straight. :rolleyes:

Even though he's arguing with himself, there's nothing terribly wrong with his actual points, except maybe calling the Bucs the worst team in football.

I don't recall anyone anywhere at any time this offseason placing the Bucs dead last in a power poll. I don't remember ever hearing anyone anywhere mention the Bucs in the same breath a the Chargers, Niners or Giants these past few months.

Maybe, just maybe, the Bucs only LOOKED like the worst team in the league Sunday. And maybe there's a reason for that. :)

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It's amazing how all of a suddun the Bucs are one of the worse teams in the NFL,when the Redskins beat them.On the other hand during the Sunday night game between the Chiefs and the Broncos,they were constantly comparing Portis' stats to the stats of Griffin,not once bringing up the fact that Griffin was running against one of the worst defenses I have ever seen and Portis was running against a very good defense.Granted the Bucs defense may not be as good as previous Bucs defenses but their head over heals better than the Chiefs.And for that writer in Dallas,he needs to worry about his sorryass Cowboys.

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Originally posted by MeNoRevs

He gave points behind everything he said. We did only average 3 yards a carry after the big run. that is FACT.

So you disagree that alot of our running stats came from Portis's 64 yard run?

Barry Sanders was in reality one of the most overrated running backs of all time. Why? Because aside from his bigger runs, he was just an average NFL back.

The big run is part of our running attack, you don't seperate anything. That argument is so much BS. I'm sure when Portis was dead tired and still managed to run for first down to run out the clock that our running game sucked. And Tampa Bay's defense sucks too right? I remember everyone saying Warren Sapp was overrated, but whatever.

If you take away all Randy Moss's big catches, is he still a great WR? Big runs are part of the rushing total. But I forgot, Portis is a product of the Denver system, and we got screwed over in the Bailey trade.

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Of course the Bucs are one of the worst teams, possibly in history. Worse defense in the NFL. Spires, Rice, Mcfarland, Brooks all SUCK. Worst Defensive Coordinator ever despite carrying the team to a Superbowl victory. Brad Johnson is the worst player in the history of the NFL. Yup.


Back to reality... Despite going 7-9 last year, everybody was scared to death of the Buc D. And Portis rushed for ~150 yards against them with our passing game being pretty weak at this point. It doesn't matter that he had 3.0 ypc after that HUGE run. He racked up the yards and consumed clock which is what matters.

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"Indeed, the Redskins provided in one game what Richie Petitbon couldn't do in one year, Norv Turner in 6 1/2 years, Terry Robiskie in three games, Marty Schottenheimer in one year and Steve Spurrier in two years: A real reason to hope."

They didn't have a real reason to hope in 2000 after winning 10 games and a PO game in 99 and adding Samuels Arrington and all of Snyder's FA purchases???

As for what one game proves didn't you have good first games in other years?

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The bucks geared their game plan to stop the run, and added more pressure as the passing game didnt mature. This bucks defense will be in the top 10 this year, so dont be confused about the 3 yards per carry stat.

Just like the Browns will not be in the top 10 defensivly, but their game plan to stop the run made jamal lewis look below average, as well as baltimores offensive line.

My take on all this hype boils down to the redskins game plan on offense and defense. We will have a plan every week to give our team the best chance for success, and some those games will include a passing game focusing on weaknesses, a running game to control the clock to keep our defense fresh(even if its only 3 yards per carry)and wear their defense down.

Brunnell WILL HAVE some big games this year, our recievers and line will dictate to other teams when it comes to that point.

No blinders on here, just my opinion from previous experiances as a Joe Gibbs ran Redskin football fan from his first tenure.


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Originally posted by Om

GEB, no disrespect, but who are you talking about? Extremeskins has a few over-the-top fans that overreact to every play/game, just like any other board for any other team, but they're a small, if vocal, minority.

My sense of the majority on this board, to be honest, is just the opposite of what this guy--and you, to an extent--seem to arguing. I get the sense a whole lot of fans are VERY quick to jump on any perceived weakness and can't hurry fast enough to the board to call them to everyone's attention. :)

Seriously, who is this straw dude who keeps jumping up and down and saying the Skins are going to win it all this year?


No disrespect taken;)

It is the minority I am referring to. I can't give you specific names or threads. I am simply writing about the impressions I get when I read through a lot of the threads on these boards. I guess it is those types of posts that leap out at me and catch my attention.

I do not necessarily agree with all of the points that this writer is making, however, I do believe that the writer makes some valid observations (I think his blanket comment on TB being a "bad" team is a blatant injustice to the TB Defense ).

What I'm taking from the article and what I simply trying to relay is to temper our enthusiasm - that's what I'm doing! Too many recent years of disappointment have me a wee bit pessimistic. I'm not quite ready to jump overboard and gulp done the B&G cool aid yet.....although I'm tempted!


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In the past few years, Redskins' fans have pinned their hopes on a lot of possible good things---Schotty would reinstill discipline lacking under Turner, Spurrier's college genius would translate to the pros, etc.---whereas now, they are pinning their hopes on a regime that has proven as good at winning in the NFL as any that has every worked a sideline.

Not all hopes are created equal. :)

There are no guarantees that Gibbs II will succeed to the point of winning championships ... but there's also a whole lot of very compelling, irrefutable evidence already in the books to give him the benefit of the doubt as to whether or not he'll be able to "turn the franchise around" and make it viable again.

I just hope the majority of passionate Redskins fans can take enough of a long view to appreciate the journey.

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The Bucs still have Kiffin..They still have a defense that was ranked first going into pre-season on points allowed.

the defense of Tampa is still a force I think and will keep them in many games.

Not sure about the offense of Tampa..which will bring up some questions on how good the skins D really is..

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Originally posted by ohioskinfan

The bucks geared their game plan to stop the run, and added more pressure as the passing game didnt mature. This bucks defense will be in the top 10 this year, so dont be confused about the 3 yards per carry stat.

My take on all this hype boils down to the redskins game plan on offense and defense. We will have a plan every week to give our team the best chance for success, and some those games will include a passing game focusing on weaknesses, a running game to control the clock to keep our defense fresh(even if its only 3 yards per carry)and wear their defense down.

Brunnell WILL HAVE some big games this year, our recievers and line will dictate to other teams when it comes to that point.


Very well said. And don't be confused about Betts 5 touches for 17 yards because most of those came on that Hudge 8 yarder.
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Did Westbrook36 write that article.....;)

I kid, I kid

The article attempts to say Skins fans base their hope on assumptions about the Skins season by going on what we saw in game one.

but then turns around, starts dismissing Brunnell and the passingoffense's ability based on what happened in game one. Really you can't have it both ways.

and his statement that the Bucs are one of the worse teams in the NFL, yet provides no proof to back up his claim. What is he bases this assumption on.... their loss in week one???? :laugh:

Funny how all the experts (besides him) have the Bucs in the middle of the pack or better, a few have them in the playoffs again. :rolleyes:

Journalism 101 base your article on FACTS

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Not saying I agree with it, just showing what the "writers" are saying.

Merged. My bad. I did a weak search and didnt find it. Apologies.


Redskins' hype is paper-thin

By Charean Williams

Star-Telegram Staff Writer

The Washington Redskins' season-opening, 16-10 victory over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Joe Gibbs' return looked good in the paper. For Redskins, That Old Feeling, declared The Washington Post on Monday morning. Just like old times, hailed The Washington Times.

Indeed, the Redskins provided in one game what Richie Petitbon couldn't do in one year, Norv Turner in 6 1/2 years, Terry Robiskie in three games, Marty Schottenheimer in one year and Steve Spurrier in two years: A real reason to hope.

Since Gibbs' retirement after the 1992 season, the Redskins, a proud franchise that won its 500th game Sunday, have been more like the Arizona Cardinals and the Cincinnati Bengals than a championship contender. Washington was only 74-101-1, with more head coaches than playoff appearances from 1993-2003.

Thus, Gibbs has become the franchise's savior.

The Redskins did some things Sunday that were reminiscent of Gibbs' Super Bowl teams. They had only three penalties for 23 yards. They ran for 166 yards, 41 more than they had passing. They allowed only 169 yards. They forced two turnovers in the Bucs' end of the field and converted both into field goals.

They looked nothing like Spurrier's former team, which lost 10 of its last 12 a year ago.

But lest anyone get carried away ...

Let's remember Redskins fans were downright giddy two seasons ago, too, when Spurrier won his opener 31-23 over the Arizona Cardinals. Washington rolled up 442 yards as running back Stephen Davis gained 150 total yards and scored a touchdown on 33 touches. That game, of course, proved to be fool's gold.

Spurrier lasted only two seasons, one season longer than Davis. He was 12-20, and his Fun 'n' Gun offense, which averaged more than 35 points a game at Florida, averaged only 18.6 points with four starting quarterbacks in his NFL tenure.

Gibbs isn't Spurrier. His teams won't beat themselves, and the Redskins won't be outcoached.

But this team is not ready for the Super Bowl. It might not even be playoff-ready.

Keeping Sunday in perspective, the Redskins beat a bad team -- possibly one of the worst in the NFL -- by less than a touchdown. On the final play, the Redskins used yet another blitz -- a sack of Bucs quarterback Brad Johnson by linebacker LaVar Arrington -- to assure the victory.

Defensive coordinator Gregg Williams' aggressive game plan worked against the immobile Johnson. It won't work against Donovan McNabb.

And Washington's ballyhooed running game was built on one play, Clinton Portis' 64-yard touchdown run on his first carry as a Redskin. Portis, one of the best backs in the NFL, averaged only 3.0 yards per carry on his following 28 runs.

Blame the passing game.

Mark Brunell, Gibbs' personal off-season hire who was given a $43 million contract after the trade with Jacksonville, looked like what he is -- over the hill. Brunell completed only 13 of 24 passes for 125 yards and no touchdowns against a defense that is only a shell of its former self without cornerstones Warren Sapp and John Lynch.

Brunell made a rookie mistake that almost cost the Redskins the victory. In the third quarter, he forced a handoff to Portis after being stepped on by center Cory Raymer and losing his footing as he took the snap. Portis never got the handle, and Bucs cornerback Ronde Barber got a gift-wrapped, 9-yard touchdown that tied the game at 10-10.

It's no wonder Patrick Ramsey backed down on his off-season trade demands after the Redskins traded for Brunell ... and it's no wonder the Redskins chose not to trade Ramsey. The third-year pro, who has 16 starts in his career, is the future of this franchise, and the future is coming soon.

Joe Gibbs is back, and the Redskins will be, too. Eventually.

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people writing these types of articles just don't get it...we have hope not because we're desperate for a winning season, but because Joe and staff are equipped to get the most and best out of the team. No more excuses, no more experiments, no more flash-in-the-pan. We have hope because the building blocks are here, the talent is here, and the fans believe that we finally have a group in place worth sticking behind because they've sacrificed for us before and are willing to put it all on the line again. Super Bowl or not, this is going to be a great year full of excitement, heartbreak, and some of the best darn football known to man...

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Teams in the NFL win first and then become good, as the saying goes :)

Why do some people feel the need to put down the Redskins opening day win as if the fact they didn't play a perfect game proves they won't have a very good season?

A number of seasons where the Redskins LOST their first game, the team ended up in the playoffs with 10 plus wins.

So, how does WINNING a game under the circumstances cause dire predictions or scoffing from the media?

If I remember correctly, back in the early summer these same media types were talking about how Gibbs would be successful in time but how the turnover in personnel would result in a slow start, etc...

Well, f___k the slow start :D

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Originally posted by denverdan

Yet another reason to hate the cowboys, their sportswriters and their fans.


Posted on Tue, Sep. 14, 2004

Redskins' hype is paper-thin

By Charean Williams

Star-Telegram Staff Writer

Keeping Sunday in perspective, the Redskins beat a bad team -- possibly one of the worst in the NFL -- by less than a touchdown.

Defensive coordinator Gregg Williams' aggressive game plan worked against the immobile Johnson. It won't work against Donovan McNabb.

How the hell does this guy know we beat a bad team? Its too early to tell. Just as likely, we beat a good team. In 2002 the year Tampa Bay won the Super Bowl, they lost their opener to New Orleans 26-20. :doh:

And as for Donovan McNabb, the last time I looked he doesn't win every game he quarterbacks and isn't invincible. Besides, we only play against McNabb in 2 out of 16 games. :laugh:

Another pompous writer who is a jerk and thinks he knows everything. :mad:

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The only thing I found wrong with the article was that he knocked our running game. The reason we brought in Portis was so that we could get long game changing runs. Without that run the skins' wouldn't have won. Furthermore, that run set the tone for the game and outside of a Mark Brunell f*ck up i didn't see much from the Buc's the rest of the game. Bottomline, Clinton Portis is a good back because he can break long runs if you take away his long runs, he a great back.

-The D :dallasuck

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Yet another reason to hate the cowboys, their sportswriters and their fans.


I gotta tell ya, that was an inflammatory article.

This Williams chick outta be strung up...


Bottomline is, that the Redskin faithful obsess about the Cowboys, their sportswriters and their fans...far more than we do about about them.

Our sportswriters...and you can quote me...are perhaps some of the dullest in the NFL contingent. As for the fans, for every ignorant shat kickin' redneck from South Texas, you might find another who is not from the state and can speak in more than monosyllabic sentences. It is all relative. I don't classify Redskin fans, and neither should you.

But the anger exists. And it is the result of the grief of loss and alot of fabrication.

I understand the mentality, decades of getting your butt handed to you will do that.

And now, everyone wants to bang a gong and howl at the moon because Joe "High Pitch" Gibbs is back.

But to get a DMN article, post it for the masses to hoot at and then get all upset because it is contrary to your view of the team (as a Redskin fan) is totally silly.

What did you expect? Fawning over High Pitch as has been done over and over again in every major media outlet since the final gun sounded at FedEx on Sunday?

The fact is that this is a rivalry that transcends records, talent or anything else. It is what makes football great. See you boys in two weeks.

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