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Why 7-9 to 9-7 is ridiculous. Official prediction.


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I'm predicting 11-5 AT LEAST.


Looking at our schedule, there aren't many teams that should beat us. Even if we split with each team in the division, what are the only tough games? Green Bay, Minnesota, Tampa? That's it. I think we beat Tampa and the 12th man is a factor. The schedule at the beginning of the season is easier than the end, so if we do improve as the season progresses, we will do some serious damage.

What other team on the schedule should beat us? Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinatti, San Fran? Nope. Skins make the playoffs and may even get a bye.

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Originally posted by fred_barnett

Your wisdom is exceeded only by your absurdity; in seeking wisdom thou Art wise; in imagining that thou hast attained it - thou Art a fool...

"We will be a better team in November than September."

"Falling to 2-5 or 3-6 to start the year and head into midseason seemed about right. At that point things would begin to turn."

"A minimum record of 10-6 is now where I stand."

And as your faith is weakened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great misery and sorrow.

Once AGAIN, the Skins fans will hear the bell toll on false promises and prophets...

And as you board your private jet Art, and go quietly into that good night, with the sounds of silence of FedEx at your heels, we will remember your words and think of you- not with rancor, but with fondness and bemusement...


Is it me, or are the entries from Eagle fans sounding less like posts and more like prayers as we get closer to the season? :)

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Last time we played the Vikings in January, it was on January 2nd. Though it was the playoffs, it was still our 10th win of the season.

This season we play the Vikings on January 2nd.....(mark it down now) that win will be our 10th win of the season.

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Is it me, or are the entries from Eagle fans sounding less like posts and more like prayers as we get closer to the season?


Never get tired of that one.....Trying to present the other side of a discussion or saying we don't think the Skins will win a super bowl in their first season with a new coaching staff, offense, defense, QB, etc.- coming off a 5 win campaign- does not equal fear.


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Originally posted by fred_barnett

Your wisdom is exceeded only by your absurdity; in seeking wisdom thou Art wise; in imagining that thou hast attained it - thou Art a fool...

"We will be a better team in November than September."

"Falling to 2-5 or 3-6 to start the year and head into midseason seemed about right. At that point things would begin to turn."

"A minimum record of 10-6 is now where I stand."

And as your faith is weakened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great misery and sorrow.

Once AGAIN, the Skins fans will hear the bell toll on false promises and prophets...

And as you board your private jet Art, and go quietly into that good night, with the sounds of silence of FedEx at your heels, we will remember your words and think of you- not with rancor, but with fondness and bemusement...


I had not realized I was seeking wisdom or claimed to have achieved it. Perhaps though what worries you most is after reading what I wrote, it struck you as wise. And that without any claims of wisdom on my part, the realization that it seemed so wise frightened you.

Struck by this, yet being an Eagle fan, your obvious response is to claim I have not achieved something I've neither claimed title to, nor sought, but which came to you nonetheless. Perhaps, though, what worries you is you have no actual reply to the words you've read.

As with f-dallas, it is easier to scoff than to defend ground and invalidate through force of reason, where no reason exists. It is in seeking to be clever where wits have escaped you that merely serves to reinforce the concept, proving a chord has been struck that resonates within you, manifesting in a quivering, blithering response.

If it makes you feel better though, Fred, you're smart too. Honest.

Feel better?

But, nice to meet ya.

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Originally posted by bubba9497


I guarantee that the first Skins - Eagles game they will be squirming more than they have in years.

You know, in my experience dealing with special education, there's a term I've heard called 'not even wrong.' It refers to a person who's so out of touch with the question that his answer has no bearing on it. (such as: "what's 2+2?" "Pork")

It's obvious to me that some of these Eagle fans fall under this category with regards to Art's post. I may disagree with Art, but at least I know what the hell he's talking about. I've been there. I was here the last time the championship atmosphere and attitude was alive in DC, and I've seen it carry this team before.

Personally, I don't think it will return as quickly as Art does, and as such I don't see at least 10 wins.

But at least I understand the question.

And every time I see a fred-barnett yell out 'Pork!' I just gotta chuckle. Especially in light of his tasteless little short-bus comment.

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Actually, what I found most amusing, Henry, is he broke out is famous quotes book to show how dumb I was. When you get a guy breaking our reference material to be smart, you usually have won before you've ever been introduced :).

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Art- You should swing by the level if you get a chance.

I know Seth wants to go head to head with you this season (pick 'em) and I think his account is disabled here.

I don't know his odds or terms, but he asked me to send you the message since he has no way of contacting you.

By the way (this isn't a dig), what was your prediction for the Skins last year?

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Originally posted by f_dallas


Never get tired of that one.....Trying to present the other side of a discussion or saying we don't think the Skins will win a super bowl in their first season with a new coaching staff, offense, defense, QB, etc.- coming off a 5 win campaign- does not equal fear.


1. No one said the Skins would win the super bowl this season

2. Though the staff is new on defense to Washington... it is long on experience. And the Offense Staff is far from new... if fact they have coached together for many years.

3. Mark Brunell is a veteran QB of skill

4. based on the changes in both personell, coaching and attitude... last year has zero barring on what happens this season.

5. what worries you is the fear of the unknown, Hey the Panthers won 10 games total two years before they beat Philly to the superbowl. Adding two players in Davis & Delhomme, made them from bottom feeder to NFC Champion. I will argue long in the night that Portis and Brunnel are better than the the other two... and the Skins overall talent (sans DL) is better than the Panthers talent last season.

okay you're not worried... :laugh:

but why is it felt by Eagle fans they have to constantly try an squelch any posts on a Redskin board that talks of the Skins challanging the Eagles for the NFC Crown or post a 10 win or better season?. If you are so confident in your team, and feel no threat at all by the Redskins... why the bother?

Do you really think a post by an Eagle fan no matter how logical will makes us see the light? :halo:

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Originally posted by SkinsHokie Fan

I personally am very nervous about Tampa and Dallas. I got great faith though that we beat the GMen and Cleveland

The problem with TB though is that they have made as many changes as we have this year with the exception of the coach in which we now have a better coach and they still have the same guy who went 7-9 for them last year. Also a lot of their personnel changes were for the worse. Lost Sapp/Lynch and McCardells holdout while almost all of the Skins changes are good ones. Same with the Giants matchup, new coach, new QB, weak OL. The only team I'd worry about early is Dallas. If thats a win then we will be looking good. I think our defense will do very well against Dallas' running game forcing Testeverde to take chances and get sacked a few times while turning the ball over as well. Parcells is good but the Cowboys arent quite the 1986 NY Giants team that beat us 3 times in a season either.

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I have long agreed with Art's assertion that 7-9 to 9-7 is too low of an expectation for Gibbs' first season back. I'll break it down for you'se guys like I did for a co-worker who repeatedly made the same 7-9 assertion.

We really are in pretty much the same boat as the Cowpukes last season. Blessed with a great HC and a weak schedule. Think about it. We play 4, count 'em (Whiners, Bears, and [sorry Tom] Gints X2) gimme games. So we're 4-0 right there. I'll give the Fecals their 2 games so we're now down to 4-2. We also have 2 more games against teams we shouldn't have a big problem with (Browns and Lions). So, that gets us up to 6-2. If Gibbs can't win 4 games out of the remaining 8 then someone must have replaced the real Joe Gibbs with a pod person.

Obviously all this assumes we stay relatively injury free and that one of the "gimme" teams doesn't morf into this season's Carolina Panthros. Even with my homer glasses off I still can't see us doing any worse than 10-6 and perhaps 11-5 if we play well to start the season...and by well all I'm thinking is .500 or so.

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but why is it felt by Eagle fans to constantly they have to squelch any posts on a Redskin board that talks of the Skins challanging the eagles for the NFC Crown. If you are so confident in your team, and feel no threat at all by the Redskins... why the bother?

Not out of fear....

I'm not here trying to make any Skins fans see the light- just presenting other, normally more rational, points of view.

Would you be happier hear if it was 100% Redskins homers in a circle jerk? I don't come here and insult people- I talk football with people.....didn't know that meant I was scared.

1. No one said the Skins would win the super bowl this season

12-4 would mean first round bye and homefield throughout, more than likely.

So you're saying the Skins are going to choke at home in the playoffs ;)

2. Though the staff is new on defense to Washington... it is long on experience. And the Offense Staff is far from new... if fact they have coached together for many years.

So you are saying I'm right- they are a new coaching staff- right?

3. Mark Brunell is a veteran QB of skill

Again, you are agreeing with me? I said he was a new QB. He's a new QB to the Skins, getting to know his new teamates, new coachiong staff, and new playbook- right?

4. based on the changes in both personell, coaching and attitude... last year has zero barring on what happens this season.

I tend to agree with you, there. I will say that depending on what type of players Gibbs has inherited (and NO ONE will know until the season is over) it could take a lot less time or a lot more time to beat the "loser" out of them.

5. what worries you is the fear of the unknown, Hey the Panthers won 10 games total two years before they beat Philly to the superbowl. Adding two players in Davis & Delhomme, made them from bottom feeder to NFC Champion. I will argue long in the night that Portis and Brunnel are better than the the other two... and the Skins overall talent (sans DL) is better than the Panthers talent last season.

Wrong again- I'm not "worried" about anything. I'm excited and I want to see what the Skins look like as much as you do. I just simply don't think they are a 12 win team this year. I guess me, and the rest of the universe outside of this site are just "scared" out of our minds....

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Originally posted by bubba9497

If you are so confident in your team, and feel no threat at all by the Redskins... why the bother?

Do you really think a post by an Eagle fan no matter how logical will makes us see the light?

Point 1, above: exactly - but it is amusing reading. :)

Point 2, above: exactly.

In any event, here's to a competitive, enjoyable season. :cheers: That, I think we can all agree on.

EDIT: Way too logical, f_dallas ;)

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Well, I have a different way of looking at this so hear me out.

It's all about depth,

If the Brunell goes down we have Ramsey.

If Portis goes down we have Betts and Rock

If any of our tight ends go down we are stocked

If any of our linebackers go down we have depth

We have plenty of good recievers

The only areas we may be thin are Saftey and Corner.

Now think about the other teams in our division. Who are the back ups there?

To me that will make the difference alone. Nobody in the division has the kind of depth that we have at this point.

The Eagles have been able to get wins with a depleted team in the past because players believe in the system. That should no longer concern us because we now have players that(in theory) believe in the staff and spent extra time in mini camps and OTA's

We are becoming a team instead of just players getting a paycheck.

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Originally posted by f_dallas

Not out of fear....

I'm not here trying to make any Skins fans see the light- just presenting other, normally more rational, points of view.

Would you be happier hear if it was 100% Redskins homers in a circle jerk? I don't come here and insult people- I talk football with people.....didn't know that meant I was scared.

Nice spin, totally missing the point, however. Every post here that even hints at the Skins having a 10 plus season or better, it is filled with posts by eagles fan shooting it down, not one (that I have found) even remotely considering it as a possiblity... you say it is "rational" point of view :rolleyes:

like the rational views that the Eagles CB are not a concern, or relying on Westbrook to equal a running game production of last years in which the Eagles used 3 separate RB to obtain, or proclaiming rookie Shane Andrews is almost pro-bowl caliber right now..... even though in the NFL no rookie OL has ever dominated right away.... but I digress

12-4 would mean first round bye and home field throughout, more than likely.

So you're saying the Skins are going to choke at home in the playoffs ;)

Straw man argument. I was merely stating a fact that you were wrong in stating anyone in the thread was proclaiming the Skins were going to the Super-bowl this season. I might also point out many teams with a record of 12-4 or better don't make the Super bowl the same year..... Of course you already know that.... hence the term "choke" ;)

So you are saying I'm right- they are a new coaching staff- right?

define new...:laugh:

which side of the staff... Defense yes, new in terms of coaching together and coaching in Washington. Offense? hardly.

Again, you are agreeing with me? I said he was a new QB. He's a new QB to the Skins, getting to know his new teammates, new coaching staff, and new playbook- right?

again trying to change the point, that of ....even though he is new to Washington, he has the experience and Skill to overcome any handicap that being new may present. Jake Delhomme proved being "new" doesn't hurt your teams chances to improve.

I tend to agree with you, there. I will say that depending on what type of players Gibbs has inherited (and NO ONE will know until the season is over) it could take a lot less time or a lot more time to beat the "loser" out of them.

Couldn't post a positive comment without the rib "a lot more time to beat the "loser" out of them." :)

Most of the Players on the Skins.... haven't been through the Redskin losing their entire career like LaVar & Jansen & Samuels.

Wrong again- I'm not "worried" about anything. I'm excited and I want to see what the Skins look like as much as you do. I just simply don't think they are a 12 win team this year. I guess me, and the rest of the universe outside of this site are just "scared" out of our minds....

Yes yes they are.... :laugh:

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Now think about the other teams in our division. Who are the back ups there?

No offense, but I think fans for the other teams in the East would throw that question right back at you.

I like Betts as a backup RB, and Ramsey is great insurance (though he has looked like a lost puppy in the new system), but beyond that, the Skins have pretty poor overall depth.

I think most would agree that, outside of the RB position (where the Eagles are paper thin) and the CB/WR position (where they have depth, but virtually all of it unproven) the Birds are the deepest in the entire NFL, outside of New England.

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Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

The Eagles will be lucky to reach 10 wins, much less 12. They won't even make the playoffs this year & in 3 seasons when the Eagles have masterfully fallen down the ranks & once again come out dead last in the Division, Reid will finally have his last Philly Cheesesteak & be booted from office. And until he wins a Super Bowl for you, which isn't going to happen, that's the way it's going to be.

Want to bet?

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