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Iran warns of preemptive strike to prevent attack on nuclear sites

Wed Aug 18, 4:14 PM ET

DOHA (AFP) - Iranian Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani warned that Iran might launch a preemptive strike against US forces in the region to prevent an attack on its nuclear facilities.

"We will not sit (with arms folded) to wait for what others will do to us. Some military commanders in Iran are convinced that preventive operations which the Americans talk about are not their monopoly," Shamkhani told Al-Jazeera TV when asked if Iran would respond to an American attack on its nuclear facilities.

"America is not the only one present in the region. We are also present, from Khost to Kandahar in Afghanistan; we are present in the Gulf and we can be present in Iraq (news - web sites)," said Shamkhani, speaking in Farsi to the Arabic-language news channel through an interpreter.

"The US military presence (in Iraq) will not become an element of strength (for Washington) at our expense. The opposite is true, because their forces would turn into a hostage" in Iranian hands in the event of an attack, he said.

Shamkhani, who was asked about the possibility of an American or Israeli strike against Iran's atomic power plant in Bushehr, added: "We will consider any strike against our nuclear installations as an attack on Iran as a whole, and we will retaliate with all our strength.

"Where Israel is concerned, we have no doubt that it is an evil entity, and it will not be able to launch any military operation without an American green light. You cannot separate the two."

A commander of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards was quoted in the Iranian press earlier Wednesday as saying that Tehran would strike the Israeli reactor at Dimona if Israel attacks the Islamic republic's own burgeoning nuclear facilities.

"If Israel fires one missile at Bushehr atomic power plant, it should permanently forget about Dimona nuclear center, where it produces and keeps its nuclear weapons, and Israel would be responsible for the terrifying consequence of this move," General Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr warned.

Iran's controversial bid to generate nuclear power at its plant being built at Bushehr is seen by arch-enemies Israel and the United States as a cover for nuclear weapons development.

The latest comments mark an escalation in an exchange of threats between Israel and Iran in recent weeks, leading to speculation that there may be a repeat of Israel's strike against Iraqi nuclear facilities at Osirak in 1981.

Iran insists that its nuclear intentions are peaceful, while pointing at its enemy's alleged nuclear arsenal, which Israel neither confirms nor denies possessing.

Shamkhani told Al-Jazeera it was not possible "from a practical standpoint" to destroy Iran's nuclear programs because they are the product of national skills "which cannot be eliminated by military means."

He also warned that Iran would consider itself no longer bound by its commitments to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the event of an attack.

"The execution of such threats (to attack Iran's nuclear installations) would mean that our cooperation with the IAEA led to feeding information about our nuclear facilities to the attacking side, which (in turn) means that we would no longer be bound by any of our obligations" to the nuclear watchdog, he said.

Diplomats said in Vienna Tuesday that the IAEA would not say in a report next month whether Iran's nuclear activities are of a military nature, nor will it recommend bringing the case before the UN Security Council.

The IAEA board is due to deliver the report on Iran's nuclear activities during a meeting at the organization's headquarters in Vienna from September 13 after the last of a group of IAEA inspectors returned from Iran last week.

The UN's nuclear agency is conducting a major probe into Iran's bid to generate electricity through nuclear power.

The Islamic republic has agreed to temporarily suspend uranium enrichment pending the completion of the IAEA probe, but is working on other parts of the fuel cycle and has recently resumed making centrifuges used for enrichment.

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Diplomats said in Vienna Tuesday that the IAEA would not say in a report next month whether Iran's nuclear activities are of a military nature, nor will it recommend bringing the case before the UN Security Council.

**** And you wonder why N. Korea was able to develop nukes? ****

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Diplomats said in Vienna Tuesday that the IAEA would not say in a report next month whether Iran's nuclear activities are of a military nature, nor will it recommend bringing the case before the UN Security Council.

**** And you wonder why N. Korea was able to develop nukes? ****

That, and the billion dollar's a year Clinton gave them.

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Well, according to a report from the Iranian Information Minister. Iran has already attacked and conquered the West Coast of the United States. The United States forces ran as soon as the Iranian forces arrived. It's good to know that the Iraqi Info. Minister was able to get a job elsewhere.

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Originally posted by Burgold

Well, according to a report from the Iranian Information Minister. Iran has already attacked and conquered the West Coast of the United States. The United States forces ran as soon as the Iranian forces arrived. It's good to know that the Iraqi Info. Minister was able to get a job elsewhere.

Apparently the Iranians retreated leaving only small contingents to man the 7-11's.:)

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Iran's government is already tettering on the edge of being overthrown by its populace. I am partly sure this is attempt at a distraction away from the many issues the fundamentalist Iranian-government is facing. One question is, would the largely-young population in Iran support a move to attack the U.S., who are often viewed in a positive light by many of the Iranian youths.

Also, how is Iran going to attack Israel? I can only assume by a missile attack, since any aircraft would surely be shot down between the Israeli and Iranian border.

You also have to wonder, though, how this could affect the stability in the region if 200,000 Iranian troops flooded across the border. I don't see that happening - half of that invading army would be killed by cluster bombs before they even made contact with U.S. forces. Talk about "High of Death, part 2"....

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Guest 979guy


Just came back from holiday abroad (Alps...). Should I have stayed a little while longer?

Not that there's anything new in what they're saying: we new they were going for nuclear capabilities before, and we knew they believe that they have the right to strike preemptively. Having it in the open, I guess, isn't making anyone any more comfortable, that's all.

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Originally posted by Funkyalligator

Point of note.....Iraq did not kick Iran's a** in their war....if it hadn't ended when it did....Iraq would have lost.....it is simply a misperception that Iraq beat Iran in the war....

it must have been the close to million troops (though there are some that believe it was closer to 1.5 million) iran lost compared to about 100k iraq lost that fooled me.

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No surprise. Just re-inforces the thought that we should've taken Iran down first. This crap started back with the Hostage taking business. I don't buy that the Govt. is 'teetering' on collapse because of pressure from it's citizenry. They've been spinning that for years. We can't afford to wait longer. This should've been done years ago and done hard. Iran IS the root of all evil in that region and beyond. They are harboring Al-Qaeda (if not more directly involved or funding them), They are funding: Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Aqsa, Islamic Jihad, Abu-Sayyaf, the list goes on....Now they fly the middle finger and are developing Nukes.....to lob at us 'Infidels'. Let's help them to their martyrdom....It's not bloodlust, It's common sense of survival. I say we live, and they die. The populace has had enough time to grow some balls and take care of their own dirty laundry. Too late, it's your own fault for not doing anything.

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Originally posted by JackC

How dare they say that! We should load up and take over that stupid little country right now! Let's Roll! When we're in Tehran we can announce: "Who's wants some of this?, Who's next?"

May god bless George Bush!

Not your best post Jack....point is, we allow Iran to develop nuclear arms, we have a nightmare scenario on our hands. Whether you think Bush is a dolt or not, you can't possibly support letting that happen?

Some issues rise above partisanship.

Not many. But some ;) (btw...nice to see you around :cheers: )

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