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Is Portis a Mudder?

Dan T.

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Originally posted by KBNJ

Rock can't hold onto the ball on artificial turf, what makes you thinks he's a mudder????? ;)

Alright, let's nip this in the bud. Rock has lost exactly 2 fumbles in his 2 years in the league. Let's not build his reputation as a fumbler based on one dropped ball in the Hall of Fame game.

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Originally posted by Dan T.

Alright, let's nip this in the bud. Rock has lost exactly 2 fumbles in his 2 years in the league. Let's not build his reputation as a fumbler based on one dropped ball in the Hall of Fame game.

Rock lost 2 fumbles last season in only 107 carries (one on the goal line against the Panthers)

and in only a few carries Monday he lost another. :doh:

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I don't think portis is much a concern at this point in pre-season. We all know Portis is the guy, regardless of how well he does in the upcoming games. It might be good to give him a few carries here and there to get comfy with the Oline changes, but we still have a month of practices left before week 1 of the reg season.

That said, I don't think he would be much effective in the mud. Give it to Rock or Betts, hehe.

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Originally posted by Skins26

I dont know if Betts is much of anything.

Its amazing how many times ive been to camp the past few years and how i've only seen Betts in pads once.

Betts finds a way to get hurt every year.

Betts will be cut.

I agree with everything you said.

The man is never healthy. And the injuries always seems so soft.

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K. That got a bit off topic. Portis played in Miami and Denver. Neither local is exactly arrid. As for Rock, please God don't try and label him a fumbler. Consider Stephen Davis fumbling on his first carry against the Skin's last year. A game which he himself admitted really meant something extra to him. Truth be known he fumbled on his last carry in that game as well....:rolleyes:

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Seeing the replay of Rock's fumble, it wasn't so much a bad play by Rock as it was a textbook forced fumble by the defense. The guy was obscured from Rock's view and punched the ball out. It would've been hard to hold on to that one. Also, did you see all the emotion coming from Cartwright after that play? The guy was super hard on himself!

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IlLive right behind Gainesville High School, where he played his HS ball, and during the late summer and fall it rains almost every day, not to mention that Gainesville is the 5th most humid city in the country. The fields in this town are constantly wet and muddy this time of year, hence Steve-O Spurrier dubbing "The Swamp"

He learned how to run with the football in mud.

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Originally posted by sydshobob

Marx Brothers


I'm so disappointed people... no true SEINFELD fans around anywhere.

"His mudder was a mudder."

"His mudder was a mudder?"

"What did I just say?"


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