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WP: VA Tells Men: No Sex With Young Girls


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Who would've thought that this was necessary?:wtf: I guess there are alot of bassackward folks in rural Virginia.


Va. Tells Men: No Sex With Young Girls

The Associated Press

Monday, June 14, 2004; 1:57 PM

RICHMOND, Va. - The state is posting billboards with messages such as "Isn't she a little young?" as part of a campaign to dissuade men from having sex with underage girls.

The campaign is aimed at reducing the number of young girls who have children with older men, the Virginia Department of Health said Monday.

In 1999 and 2000 in Virginia, men over 18 were responsible for 219 births involving girls who were 13 and 14, the department said.

Messages such as "Isn't she a little young?" and "Sex with a minor, don't go there" also appear on posters, coasters and napkins in bars, restaurants and stores in five cities.

"We encourage adult men to talk to their peers and discourage them from pursuing teenagers. What they are doing is unhealthy and against the law," said Robert Franklin, a health department official.

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I don't know if I should laugh or cry :D

I do have to say I went to my buddies little bro's football game this year and the HS chicks looked like college girls :doh: I had no clue that some of them were only 15, they looked like 22.

When I went to school they looked their age, not anymore :(

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That's just bizarre.

It'd be interesting to see reliable stats on how Virginia compares to other states in statistical terms of this kind of thing ... but probably impossible to find.

And as a VA man with a 14-year-old daughter, please be advised that my home is insured by Browning. :nono:

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Sex with a minor, don't go there

"Don't go there"? Good gravy, what high-powered think-tank came up with that stunning prose?

How about: "Sex with a minor, it's so not cool" or "Sex with an adult, it's the bomb"?

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Messages such as "Isn't she a little young?" and "Sex with a minor, don't go there" also appear on posters, coasters and napkins in bars, restaurants and stores in five cities.

Did they pick these five cities based on the locations of where they had seen the 13 and 14 year old girls getting pregnant?

If so, what are these cities?

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Here's more info from VA's DoH website - note the third paragraph, which says which cities (colorization is mine):


June 14, 2004

For More Information Contact

Robert L. Franklin (804) 864-7739

Rebecca K. Odor (804) 864-7740


(Richmond, Va.)— The Virginia Department of Health will sponsor a public awareness campaign in Northern Virginia, Richmond, and Roanoke in June and July to help reduce sexual coercion and statutory rape.

In Virginia during 1999 and 2000, 219 births to girls age 13 and 14 were fathered by men over the age of 18, according to the 2002 Virginia Department of Health report “Estimating the Incidence of Statutory Rape in Virginia.” According to data from the widely referenced book, “School Pregnancy: Why Hasn’t Prevention Worked?” men older than 21 are three times more likely than are junior high school boys to father children with junior high school girls.

The campaign’s message, “Isn't she a little young? Sex with a minor, don't go there.” will appear on outdoor billboards in Richmond and Roanoke. Also, 255,000 post cards, posters, coasters and napkins will carry the message into approximately 150 bars, restaurants and retail establishments in Richmond, Roanoke, Arlington, Falls Church and Alexandria. The effort is a follow-up to a pilot project the health department conducted in Tidewater in July 2003. That campaign generated wide coverage in the area’s news media and 55 percent of those interviewed at the close of the pilot remembered the campaign’s message.

“We are concerned about minors who are coerced into sexual relationships with adult men and the resulting health and social problems, which include pregnancy, fatherless children, sexually transmitted diseases and mental health problems,” said State Health Commissioner Robert B. Stroube, M.D., M.P.H. Sexual coercion is the act of persuading or coercing a person to engage in an unwanted sexual activity through physical force, threat of physical force or through emotional manipulation.

The campaign targets men age 18 to 29. The campaign hopes to change the norms around relationships with minors, making it no longer acceptable for adults to engage in sex with minors. “We encourage adult men to talk to their peers and discourage them from pursuing teenagers. What they are doing is unhealthy and against the law,” said Robert Franklin, male outreach coordinator for sexual violence prevention at the Virginia Department of Health.

One Virginia law makes it a felony for an adult to engage in a sexual relationship with a 13- or 14-year-old child. Another Virginia law makes it a class one misdemeanor when anyone age 18 or older engages in consensual sexual intercourse with a child age 15 to 17. Further, under Virginia law, a child under age 13 cannot legally give consent. Therefore, sexual activity with a child under age 13 would be considered a forcible sex offense.

Following the pilot of the awareness campaign last year, the Virginia Department of Health designed a curriculum and videotape to train professionals working with youth. Approximately 75 training sessions have been conducted across the Commonwealth by local sexual assault centers. Training also has been provided to health care providers and a curriculum has been designed for law enforcement officers.

For more information on sexual coercion, statutory rape and this campaign visit the Web site at www.varapelaws.org. You can also e-mail Robert Franklin at robert.franklin@vdh.virginia.gov, or call the Virginia Department of Health's Center for Injury and Violence Prevention at 1-800-732-8333.

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So much for my backwoods theory. One of those cities is where I live. I'm glad I don't have a daughter.

Edit: I note that they didn't say whether they were focusing the campaign in the cities where most of the pregnancies had occurred. I would hope so, otherwise it would be a misdirected effort.

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With no disrespect meant to anyone (gawd I sound like Parcells now)....perhaps they are targetting the ::gulp:: immigrant population, who have different ideas of who is old enough for more ::gulp:: adult relationships? Some of those cities mentioned hav a larger non-US-citizen population...

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I don't know what Jen is implying, but there is a huge cultural difference between the white and hispanic communities regarding teenage girls where I live. I'm not passing judgement.

BTW, I have 2 very young girls.

"Hey, flashback, where you goin' on your vacation?"

"Not ****in' Virginia!"

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my old roommate last year hooked up with a 16 year old, she told him she was 19 (she looked at least that age). he didnt find out how old she was until she said she needed to go to practice, he said for what. she said for JV cheerleading....which was obviously for high school.

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Originally posted by riggins44

Why are they putting this message on coasters and napkins in bars...how many 13-14 year old girls are in the bars!?

I really can't believe they are spending my tax $$ this way!

You would be surprised :doh:

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Originally posted by jenmdixon

With no disrespect meant to anyone (gawd I sound like Parcells now)....perhaps they are targetting the ::gulp:: immigrant population, who have different ideas of who is old enough for more ::gulp:: adult relationships? Some of those cities mentioned hav a larger non-US-citizen population...

Good point. This quote from the website doesn't seem to be geared toward your typical American at all...

Men/older boys who have rigid, stereotyped views of masculinity may see the "conquest" of a young girl as an affirmation of their masculinity.

But the others could be speaking of any culture...

Older teens who may not feel confident of their ability to attract and maintain a relationship with an equal may turn to someone younger as a way to bolster self-esteem.

Older teens and adults who have control issues may find it easier to control someone who is younger.

Adults who have not been successful in their relationships with other adults may turn to preying on young teens.

Victims of child sexual abuse may abuse younger teens.

While men are the predominant offenders, women may engage in coercive or exploited exploitive relationships with teens as well. They are more likely to use flattery or bribery than threats or overt force.

...and all but the first are targeted to blatant pedophilia. I guess if I look at it that way, the billboards are less irrelevant than I thought at first. I mean, they may not do a darn thing to help the situation, but pedophilia is a problem everywhere. I worked in the social services arena long enough to know that sexual abuse is definitely the most "favorite" form of abusing minors, and it does cross culture, age, race, nationality, and any perceived normalcy lines. Maybe in those particular locations, though, it manifests more as older guys having 13-year-old "girlfriends" or adult women having teenage "boyfriends?" :whoknows: Geez.

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I understand the campaign, I just think the slogans are stupid. How about something a little more to the point and less hip like "Sex with a minor, it's called rape" or "Don't be a pedophile, we'll throw you in jail." Somehow I think that might get a man's attention better than "don't go there."

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