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WP: VA Tells Men: No Sex With Young Girls


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Originally posted by Henry

"Don't go there"? Good gravy, what high-powered think-tank came up with that stunning prose?

How about: "Sex with a minor, it's so not cool" or "Sex with an adult, it's the bomb"?

They could also go with "All About Adults" or some other lame overused cliche of the moment...jeez, what a waste of my tax money.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Jen shows proof why NOVA should secede from the state of VA and create their own state :laugh:

Hehehe - Long Island has been threatening that for years (to secede from NY). Hasn't happened yet. It probably never will.

Now, the NoVA idea is an interesting concept, but it'll never fly 'cuz of the amount of tax dollars flowing downstate to Richmond that end up helping to support the struggling southwestern part of the state (among other things).

Its a real beyotch when your outlays exceed your income, eh? We give a good deal of dough to Richmond, but don't see our equitable share, and don't seem to have much of a voice in Richmond either at times.

Statehood for NoVA: http://www.geocities.com/novastatehood/

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