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A question about Reagan maybe a few of you can answer........


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I'm posting an article about the car bomb that killed six people in Iraq. I was thinking about a question a few of you can answer. How would Reagan deal with the situation in Iraq? Do you think he would turn over power on June 30th, or make Iraq a puppet government? What would he do?

Car bombings kill 14 Iraqis, 1 U.S. soldier

Six other coalition soldiers also killed while defusing mine

Namir Noor-Eldeen / Reuters

Iraqi police investigate the scene of a car bombing in Mosul Tuesday.

The Associated Press

Updated: 9:13 a.m. ET June 08, 2004BAQOUBA, Iraq - Two car bombs exploded in different cities in Iraq on Tuesday, killing at least 14 Iraqis and one U.S. soldier. Dozens were wounded, including 10 American soldiers. A U.S. Marine also was killed in action west of Baghdad.


Elsewhere, six coalition soldiers — two Poles, three Slovaks and a Latvian — were killed in an explosion while defusing mines in Suwayrah, 25 miles south of Baghdad, authorities said.

The Slovaks and the Latvians were the first deaths from either of the two countries in Iraq, Polish officials said in Warsaw.

One of the car bombs blew up as a convoy of provincial council members passed by in the northern city of Mosul. The council members escaped injury, officials said. Nine people died and about 25 were injured, the U.S. military said. The Mosul deputy police chief was hurt, but not seriously.

Bomb detonated at rush hour

In the other attack, a suicide attacker detonated a car bomb during rush hour outside the American forward operating base War Horse in Baqouba, about 30 miles northeast of Baghdad.

At least five Iraqis and one American soldier were killed, the U.S. military and police said. Fifteen Iraqis and 10 American soldiers were wounded while standing at a security checkpoint.

A U.S. Marine was also killed in action, the military said Tuesday. The death occurred Monday in Anbar province west of Baghdad, but the military released no further details.

In Ramadi, a Sunni Muslim city in Anbar province, a bomb exploded as a convoy of Westerners passed by, witnesses and police said Tuesday. The Westerners fired back after the Monday night attack. Hospital officials said eight Iraqis were killed and three injured.

The identity of the Westerners was unclear, and there was no immediate comment from U.S. authorities

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Originally posted by jbooma

First off I have no clue you want to post about car bombings when we read it everyday, second why you would mention reagan regarding this is even more bizarre.

What's bizarre about it. I asking you to put the man in context. What would he do with the situation in Iraq. ADmn you can act as caviler as you want big boy. A car bomb killing off the very people you want to run things is not good, and should not be taken lightly.

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Originally posted by OURYEAR#56

What would he do with the situation in Iraq.

Mentally he hasn't been there so it is hard to answer. Personally I think he would have made sure that Iraq War I didn't end till they had Saddam. It is hard to say because I don't ever remember him talking about the first war.

Reagan would have done what ever he said. When he told those union people to go back to work or they would be fired, and guess what the ones that didn't were fired.

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A puppet government is a government where we install a leader which is not the case in Iraq.

Tough to answer but I will tell you that the liberals smear campaign wouldnt get as much traction against a President Reagan today as it has against President Bush.

I say that because the Big 3 had control as well as the liberal print media and they had to wait til he was out of office to start the revisionist history.

Now my question to you is why is Kerry doing a photo op at the funeral when we all know that Kerry and company didn't like him?

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Reagan would have put a tomahawk missile up Saddam's ass. Saddam would have known that would happen and would have been a good boy all along.

Instead, Bush is detaining Saddam and building up Iraq. He's being way too nice. Reagan didn't mess around.

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How would Reagan deal with the situation in Iraq? Do you think he would turn over power on June 30th, or make Iraq a puppet government? What would he do?

I don't think Reagan would be in Iraq. Reagan definitely didn't shy away from using force when necessary. And he certainly made his share of mistakes with the military... Lebenon springs to mind. But Reagan was a President who knew what he was doing. I don't think he would have gone into Iraq. If he did he certainly would have had a plan for "after" the war.

I think Reagan was smarter than Bush, Reagain could explain things to the nation better than Bush, and from top to bottom Reagan had better folks around him than Bush.

Reason why Kerry has shut down his campagne for 5 days and will make an appearance at Reagans funeral is because Reagan was and remains one of the most popular Presidents in American history. Reagan had the highest approval rating leaving office of any President since they started tracking such things. Kerry is showing respect to the man, because a lot of conservative Ronald Reagan supporters are going to be supporting him for President next time around.

Kerry is just showing a little class.

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Originally posted by thew

I don't think Reagan would be in Iraq. Reagan definitely didn't shy away from using force when necessary. And he certainly made his share of mistakes with the military... Lebenon springs to mind. But Reagan was a President who knew what he was doing. I don't think he would have gone into Iraq. If he did he certainly would have had a plan for "after" the war.

I think Reagan was smarter than Bush, Reagain could explain things to the nation better than Bush, and from top to bottom Reagan had better folks around him than Bush.

Reason why Kerry has shut down his campagne for 5 days and will make an appearance at Reagans funeral is because Reagan was and remains one of the most popular Presidents in American history. Reagan had the highest approval rating leaving office of any President since they started tracking such things. Kerry is showing respect to the man, because a lot of conservative Ronald Reagan supporters are going to be supporting him for President next time around.

Kerry is just showing a little class.

I agree with you...Reagan didn't like using force until he had no other options...(Lybia comes to my mind)

The fact that Kerry didn't have to shut down his campaign but did so anyway...says quite a bit about him and the fact that he did point out some good things about him. I am not sure if I'll vote for him or Bush this time...but this is shows a different side to him.


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Originally posted by Henry

Kam, the man just died of Alzheimer's, are you REALLY making a joke about that? :doh:

I read that and was hoping he was alluding to the iran contra "i do not recall..." and not being a total slime ball by making fun of a horrible disease.

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Other countries feared Reagan, they new they couldn't BS him, and probably what would be happening, is a lot of these countries who know they are harboring Al Quida, would start coughing them up fearing Reagan would hit them as well, I can't help but remember what happened when he was first elected, Russia, was scared to death of Reagan, the first thing they tried to do was push for an arm's sanction's and reduction's, which Reagan in turn laughed in thier faces, Reagan knew who could be trusted, and couldn't be BS's, as he once said, TRUST, BUT VERIFY! It is true thing's are much different now, I do have much confidance in Bush, and they both have a lot in common, when Reagan took office he took over a horrible economy, the left tried to brand him as a hollywood dummy, they all critisized the direction he was taking us with trickle down economic's, and branded it Reagannomic's, the first 2 year's they bashed him beyond belief, then something happened, the economy turned around like no one could ever have believed, he then built up our military, to be the greatest in the world, no more helicopter's breaking down in the Iranian desert on a failed hostige rescue attempt, [ how embarrising was that?] He restored pride back to America, we were once again a great and proud country, we could hold our head's up high, no more inflation, no unemployment, and on and on it goes, I do see a lot of the same with Bush, he has been trashed by the main stream media to no end as a dummy, but this economy is about to blossom, and could very well parallel what happened when Reagan turned it around, which will propel him to victory in october, and his job was made easier because Reagan handed him the blue print on how to make it work! The word America is synonymous with the name RONALD REAGAN!

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Originally posted by Destino

I read that and was hoping he was alluding to the iran contra "i do not recall..." and not being a total slime ball by making fun of a horrible disease.

Destino if you read any of his other posts he wasn't kidding and not referring to that episode.

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Destino, to many on the right Reagan was a God. I usually don't bother arguing any more.

Reagan did a lot of things right, and was a great human being. Reagan also made mistakes and was given credit where credit was not do. However, I am not going to get into any of that.

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Originally posted by visionary

Well in another thread earlier Kam said, "Damn he is dead and still manages to screw everything up."


not sure if that helps give any idea of his intent here, but it sure doesn't look like he is a fan of President Reagan's :-)

Just so there's no confusion here ... that last comment, on top his history, got kam banned. It's gotten to the point that some people around here simply do not treat this place as anything more than their own personal graffiti board, and seem to derive pleasure from "pushing it" as far as they can.

Well, we're pushing back.

And we have way bigger bulldozers. :)

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Navy made the comment that the liberal press has rewritten history after Reagan left office. The same could be said about the right enhancing his legacy.

Reagan was a great speaker and a person who could persuade people and countries to follow his path. He hastened the end of the cold war and brought pride to the military and to the American people. Reagan had personal convictions and stuck by them.

As I have said, he also made some mistakes, but the right chooses to ignore those and think only of the positive things he did.

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Originally posted by Om

Just so there's no confusion here ... that last comment, on top his history, got kam banned. It's gotten to the point that some people around here simply do not treat this place as anything more than their own personal graffiti board, and seem to derive pleasure from "pushing it" as far as they can.

Well, we're pushing back.

And we have way bigger bulldozers. :)

Good Job :cheers:

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One thing about Reagan was he wasn't afraid to confront evil.

Early in his presidency he once said "Don't be afraid to believe what you see". Meaning, some people (whether right or left) sometimes over analyze a situation too much or try to rationalize it when usually,their first instinct is correct.

The majority of people knew that the USSR was an evil empire yet didn't have the courage to say it, yet Reagan did.(and believe it or not,that was a very controversial statement at the time)

Reagan had a core set of values that he believed in and he never wavered from them. That's a lesson everyone should take to heart no matter what your ideology is.

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Reagan was a very good President on many levels... He saved this country from years of high intrest rates and high unemployment. He made some big mistakes, but he was very articulate and the average Joe liked him very much.

I don't believe Reagan would be in Iraq because we wouldn't had to have went. I think Saddam looked at Bush as a joke, and like his father he would go in make some noise and leave. Thats why he stayed in a hole waiting it out. I think Saddam would have looked at Reagan and said this guy takes no S***.

I am a Democrat, and I disapprove of alot of what Bush has done, and I won't be voting for him this November, but if he was to die in my lifetime I would show him the respect he deserves as a former President of the United States.

Anyone who doesn't understand that respect should take a look at their patroitism. Like him or not as a president, he was a man that gave 8 years of his life to try to protect and serve this country. Unlike many other past and future presidents I don't question his honor or integrity.

Rest in Peace Mr. President, and god be with your family at this time.

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Originally posted by ohioskins

I am a Democrat, and I disapprove of alot of what Bush has done, and I won't be voting for him this November, but if he was to die in my lifetime I would show him the respect he deserves as a former President of the United States.

Anyone who doesn't understand that respect should take a look at their patroitism. Like him or not as a president, he was a man that gave 8 years of his life to try to protect and serve this country. Unlike many other past and future presidents I don't question his honor or integrity.

Rest in Peace Mr. President, and god be with your family at this time.

For this I applaud you. Nice Post. I wish there were more like you. I would be the same way about Bill Clinton. Paying respects to an elected leader, who served his country the best he knew how should be devoid of politics. At the end of the day, we are all Americans FIRST, Liberal and Conservatives, Republican and Democrats, a DISTANT second. (atleast, that's the way it should be anyhow)

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