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Complete Friggin IDIOT!!!


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I was watching meet the press tonight. This lady who is Nancy who ever her name is of Cali. (D). Keeps saying that he lack of troop and intelligence is Pres. Bush's fault. BUT she does not say anything about former Pres. Clinton's dealings with people with "blood" on their hands and we will not deal with those "types". How about when the military was cut when Pres. Clinton was in command and HE cut military spending!!! I am an independent but this lady is and IDIOT!!!! I hate this lady, I really do.

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Nancy Pelosi is an example of exactly what our enemies love to see about America. She represents the weakness in this great country of ours. Instead of supporting the US - her country- she critizies and stoops to making ridiculous comments. I guess thats why she was elected in the Peoples Repubic of California.

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Originally posted by G-Town

How about when the military was cut when Pres. Clinton was in command and HE cut military spending!!! I am an independent but this lady is and IDIOT!!!! I hate this lady, I really do.

Just a statement, but did you know Clinton actually spent over a billion dollars more on the military than Bush I had forecasted? yes, he did cut the military, but look at what was going on. The end of the cold war, no threat from another country.

How much should we have spent on Military during Clinton's years? Also, Clinton gets the blame for the military cuts, but don't forget there was a Republican congress in there that was agreeing to the cuts as well. You can't say Clinton's budget cuts were his fault, then blame the current presidents spending on congress and OMB. It's not a one way street.

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Pelosi is terrible. I don't understand how she is the House minority leader. A very poor choice, indeed, because a significant portion of Democrats don't even like her.

And GlenX, you're right about the limousine liberal thing. I couldn't have said it better myself! :laugh:

Living in Montgomery County MD, I have to listen to limousine liberals all the time. Underneath it all, they feel guilty[/] that they are privileged (in reality, they should feel thankful, not guilty). There is also a general elitism and a disconnect between their rhetoric and actions.

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Originally posted by chomerics

Just a statement, but did you know Clinton actually spent over a billion dollars more on the military than Bush I had forecasted? yes, he did cut the military, but look at what was going on. The end of the cold war, no threat from another country.

How much should we have spent on Military during Clinton's years? Also, Clinton gets the blame for the military cuts, but don't forget there was a Republican congress in there that was agreeing to the cuts as well. You can't say Clinton's budget cuts were his fault, then blame the current presidents spending on congress and OMB. It's not a one way street.

Chomeric's, give it up already!

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Agreed. I tire of hearing about the Liberal Media. Some media outlets may have a liberal bias, although if free choice exists in this country (and it does), then natural forces will ensure that all views are represented. I see the Fox Network, Rush Limbaugh, Hannidy, etc. as proof of this. The whole midset of this is the 'correct' view to have, and if you don't subscribe you're either a victim of the media, or un-American, or Communist, is insulting and although some people are walking around looking for kool-aid I think it drives away others who think critically for themselves, who can hear the two sides of an arguments and make a decision. So enough of the Media Boogeyman already.

Also, if your view is that everything Clinton did was bad/evil/misguided, then hold to that. I watched more than a few Bush press conferences where current policies are defended, partially by stating that they existed during the Clinton administration. If a policy is wrong, change it (I understand it may take time, but don't pass the buck). If it's a good policy, defend it on its own merits. If you going to paint Clinton-era policies as questionable because of Clinton, and it's purely your perogative if you do, then be consistent about it.

Obviously this is a criticism of the GOP, who is at least doing something. The Democratic Party infuriates me even more because they are about to cause a failure of the two-party system by forfeit. I cannot detect any message/platform coming out of the Kerry camp; I think they've managed to find a worse candidate that Gore! I think competition is healthy, and I'm not seeing any right now.

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I'd imagine a lot of Dems feel about her....who isn't running for anything bigger than her current job, a lot like that group is Repub's feel about the President right now.

Everytime she opens her mouth...doesn't matter if she's right or wrong. You cring..........................

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You can NEVER point at the Top 3 ABC/NBC/CBS and say well look at Limbaugh and Hannity...

Limbaugh and Hannity start say OUT LOUD and for EVERYONE to here... I am a conservative, I am here to give you MY point of view.

The top 3 put it into actual NEWS...

If you cant figure out the difference you are really in denial/trouble. If you do know it but choose to ignore it, then your just pushing forth your "Political" belief and not your individual belief.

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People shouldn't listen to Rush anymore.

If one of his enemies got busted for what he was doing with drugs............. he'd be calling for jail time for them!

With him......its an ad in the newspaper trying to sway public opinion.

No wonder Air America is beating him in a market or two.

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Thibear is correct... and don't forget Rush/Sean are on radio... easily turned off if you don't care for the program.

A large majority of people in this country rely on the network news for their news. Many don't have cable... or internet access. So.... when ABC/CBS/NBC spout their liberal crap and present it as NEWS at 6 and 11.... many people buy this crap.

It's only been since the internet, cable news networks such as FOX, and Conservative talk radio has people begin to realize they've been fed a bunch of left leaning "hate america" crap since they've been old enough to turn the TV.

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You're missing the point, I don't care if you read the news, watch it on TV, hear it on the radio - the bottom line is critical thinking and not turning off your brain as soon as a talking head shows up.

Thiebear, you need a disclaimer before someone speaks to tell where they're coming from?! Didja think cigarettes were a health break before the Surgeon General showed up? We all know that even numbers (statistics, polls, etc.) can be twisted to support any point - that realization and understanding is a life skill. If you cannot utilize it, you got far more serious problem than navigating TV news. And Cskin, what's your point about turning off a program if you don't care for it?!? I suppose you have a Clockwork Orange setup at home, soon as you get home, Dan Rather straps you in for a 6pm news treatment. You're killin' me.

Life experience teaches you that there is a least two sides to every story, and that there is a fine line between fact and perception. There are biases and motives involved.

People will buy crap all day long, whether it's liberal vs. conservative, etc. Bottom line is, conservatives need to wean themselves from their Liberal Media Pablum - just as they suggest others to stop making excuses for their siutations and get moving. It's as if some of these guys are going to wail like a baby that life isn't fair - all the while keeping mum about whatever other biases are blowing their way.

Just a suggestion/observation, but feel free to continue to whining about it if you wish. It just seems to run contrary to the self-determination message of the GOP.

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Originally posted by G-Town

I was watching meet the press tonight. This lady who is Nancy who ever her name is of Cali. (D). Keeps saying that he lack of troop and intelligence is Pres. Bush's fault. BUT she does not say anything about former Pres. Clinton's dealings with people with "blood" on their hands and we will not deal with those "types". How about when the military was cut when Pres. Clinton was in command and HE cut military spending!!! I am an independent but this lady is and IDIOT!!!! I hate this lady, I really do.

Are you new to this planet?

Politicians don't make habit of blaming those in their own party. So you can drop the posturing and faux outrage.

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The worse thing about them running their yaps is the the enemy uses it for propaganda. Here's a nice write up in the arab news. Happy Memorial Day, comrade


Bad News for the Americanized

M. Salahuddin, Arab News

It appears that the Iraqi swamp is growing wider and deeper. The idiots in the US administration are drowning in its mud, prompting American political and military leaders, both Democrat and Republican, to raise their voices, disclose facts and, for the first time perhaps, begin to call things by their real names.

The retired general and former chief of the US Central Command, Anthony Zinni, has accused high-level officials in the Pentagon of failing to prosecute the war in Iraq and of being unable to grasp its implications and dimensions. He demanded that the officials resign. On the CBS TV show, "Sixty Minutes," Zinni said without naming names: "Someone has ruined things and at this level and at this stage, it should be clear...Now, whose head should roll?" Zinni who served as chief of the CIA from 1997 until 2000 said that the Iraqi war plans and postwar plans were "our mistake from the beginning ...if you are secretary of defense, you are responsible for this, if you were responsible for the planning and implementation on the ground, if you were responsible for other non-military forces, non-political, economic, social or security forces and all others, then you bear the responsibility."

Zinni, a retired general, accused George Bush's administration of launching a war against Iraq in order to help Israel; he accused the top civilian officials in the Pentagon of abject failure. He said that it was time to change the prevailing situation or at least specify who would take responsibility for what is happening - specifically the Jewish officials in the Defense Department, Paul Wolfowitz, his assistant, Douglas Feith and the neoconservatives, who according to Zinni, have hijacked America's foreign policy. He went on to say that these individuals saw in the Iraqi invasion an easy means of controlling the situation in the Middle East and helping Israel. "They went so far as to create intelligence information that served their aims and interests. They must bear the responsibility."

Gen. Zinni accused extremist Jews in the government of "imposing a strategy full of holes on us and they must leave. If I were the head of a military organization with that performance record, I would have resigned. It is time for a change as the current path is leading us to Niagara Falls and I believe that it is time to question who is responsible for putting this plan into action. What has occurred is nothing but a fiasco." He stated that he didn't see the US in the region as bringing about positive democratic change but rather "as neocrusaders ... an occupying force."

Along the same lines, Democratic Sen. Ernest Hollings of South Carolina in a newspaper article accused President Bush of launching the war on Iraq in order to help him in his presidential campaign, adding: "Those responsible for this war are the Jewish hawks in the Bush administration." Hollings refused to retract the accusation during a speech in Congress, vehemently attacking the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Such an attack is rare because of AIPAC's enormous influence. So powerful is the group that John Kerry, the Democratic presidential candidate, described the statements of his fellow party member as inappropriate, going so far as to issue a press release distancing himself from Hollings's statements.

What is perhaps strange is that the military leadership, despite the world's outrage at the crimes committed by the American occupation and condemnation of the monstrosity of the torture and violation of human pride and life, still sticks to the same lies. This seems to have become the hallmark of this Zionist American administration. The military leadership confirmed that the Iraqi chemical scientist, Mohamad Minem Izmirli who was in good health when he was arrested, died of natural causes because of a brain aneurysm. The British newspaper "The Guardian," however, says that an independent autopsy of the body proves that he was killed by a strong and sudden blow to the back of the head. The same is true of the former leader of the Iraqi Air Force, Maj. Gen. Abed Hamed Hohoush, who was killed during interrogations last November by American military intelligence and CIA investigators. The American leaders announced that his death was the result of a heart attack; however, investigations indicate that the cause of death was asphyxiation during interrogation as a result of CIA investigators placing his head in a sleeping bag and then sitting on his chest. The same stories are repeated for hundreds of other deaths in American prisons in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Completing what is already a wretched picture, Newsweek magazine in its latest issue published a report prepared by the American Embassy in Tel Aviv. The report states that in the last three and a half years as Israel's prime minister, Sharon has not fulfilled a single promise he made, some of which spring from his many meetings with Bush and his top aides.

It is all bad news for the Americanized authors and journalists with whom the Ummah is afflicted. They ridicule those who talk and write of the Zionist domination of American foreign policy or accuse the Bush administration of serving Israel rather than America. We Arabs are not alone is saying this - the European, American and even some of the Israeli media are doing the same, sometimes in stronger terms. The Americanized, however, choose neither to read nor to hear.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Limbaugh and Hannity start say OUT LOUD and for EVERYONE to here... I am a conservative, I am here to give you MY point of view.

The top 3 put it into actual NEWS...

Please tell me you aren't claiming that the imagined bias from the "top 3" is comparable to Hannity and Rush. First the liberal media bit is tired and weak, yes the news is negaive because like Pat Buchanan says "news is like your health, you worry about what goes wrong not what's fine" To consider the reporting of negative stories during Bush's term proof of slant is a joke. Have you bothered to check how many negative stories were run about Clinton and Gore? Did you know more negative stories were run about Gore then Bush during the 2000 election?

Give up the lunacy. Rush and Hannity are only comparable Franken and Moore not the nightly news.

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"Are you new to this planet?

Politicians don't make habit of blaming those in their own party. So you can drop the posturing and faux outrage."

Destino bite me buddy!!!! I hope I run into and I will show you some FAUX outrage. Jerk.

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Originally posted by G-Town


"Are you new to this planet?

Politicians don't make habit of blaming those in their own party. So you can drop the posturing and faux outrage."

Destino bite me buddy!!!! I hope I run into and I will show you some FAUX outrage. Jerk.



So now that you've gotten that out of your system, am I right or wrong? Do politicians make habit of attacking their own party members or no?

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Originally posted by BurgundyBomber

Agreed. I tire of hearing about the Liberal Media. Some media outlets may have a liberal bias, although if free choice exists in this country (and it does), then natural forces will ensure that all views are represented. I see the Fox Network, Rush Limbaugh, Hannidy, etc. as proof of this. The whole midset of this is the 'correct' view to have, and if you don't subscribe you're either a victim of the media, or un-American, or Communist, is insulting and although some people are walking around looking for kool-aid I think it drives away others who think critically for themselves, who can hear the two sides of an arguments and make a decision. So enough of the Media Boogeyman already.

Also, if your view is that everything Clinton did was bad/evil/misguided, then hold to that. I watched more than a few Bush press conferences where current policies are defended, partially by stating that they existed during the Clinton administration. If a policy is wrong, change it (I understand it may take time, but don't pass the buck). If it's a good policy, defend it on its own merits. If you going to paint Clinton-era policies as questionable because of Clinton, and it's purely your perogative if you do, then be consistent about it.

Obviously this is a criticism of the GOP, who is at least doing something. The Democratic Party infuriates me even more because they are about to cause a failure of the two-party system by forfeit. I cannot detect any message/platform coming out of the Kerry camp; I think they've managed to find a worse candidate that Gore! I think competition is healthy, and I'm not seeing any right now.

The problem that exist's is this, the right will say we are right, here's the fact's, make an assesment, the left really offer's nothing of value, basically a lot of deceitfulness and mis information, and they use that to critisize the right, the average american that watches the main stream media, doesn't have the opportuntiy to here a rebutle on a day to day basis.

Essentially the left wait's for a republican plan so they can critisize it, all the while having no plan of thier own, exept to raise taxes, and create social program's, the right believe they have the truth, they have the best idea's, and that is why they subscribe to thier party, they believe that as a party they are independant thinker's, with a lot of different idea's, where as you have one idea with the dem's, and that's raise, raise, raise, taxes, essentially what is happening is the dem's are dragging both parties through the mud, so people just throw up thier hand's and say screw everybody, trying to deplete the voting base, knowing that most of the people who get tired of the nonesense can be persuaded with fact's, which is not a good thing if your a dem, where as thier costituency, will be there no matter what, so they are out to keep the swing votes at home, with the one is as bad as the other mantra, I wish it didn't work but it does.

I agree at how horrible of a candidate kerry is, the thing is, if the dem's could put up a real man, someone with integrity and a real plan that work's for the american people, I would vote for him, but the democratic party of year's past is long gone, I really don't care about party lines, I don't root for my party like I root for the skin's, I just believe that the concervitive idea's are far supierior to the dem's. I guess the best way to put it is, we all have a right to choose, and then we have to live with those consequences, good, or bad, as a people, and as individual's.

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Originally posted by G-Town


"Are you new to this planet?

Politicians don't make habit of blaming those in their own party. So you can drop the posturing and faux outrage."

Destino bite me buddy!!!! I hope I run into and I will show you some FAUX outrage. Jerk.


We need to avoid the urge to issue what could be viewed as physical threats of violence in threads such as these. It is not beneficial to any point of view and tends to make the person who hints at wanting a personal meeting to have a little fight as a bit of a fool.

I've seen worse here, and would have deleted your post and given you a temporary ban if I thought you were more direct than you were here. Just a word to the wise, I don't want to see anything from you again that might make me think you are offering up a fight in real life.


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I thought it has been proven both within and from common sense that the liberalism in the top 3.

I thought it has been proven both within and from common sense that the Michael Savage/Rush/Hannity/Glenn Beck are conservative...

I would say Fox News is mostly conservative but likes to put liberals against their conservatives like the Beltway boys and hannity and Combs... but hey....

You think the media wouldnt jump on Clinton like sharks... that is easy.. but that doesnt meant they dont put their personal beliefs in their stories..

Kinda like what we do here huh?

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Originally posted by Thiebear


I thought it has been proven both within and from common sense that the liberalism in the top 3.

I thought it has been proven both within and from common sense that the Michael Savage/Rush/Hannity/Glenn Beck are conservative...

I would say Fox News is mostly conservative but likes to put liberals against their conservatives like the Beltway boys and hannity and Combs... but hey....

You think the media wouldnt jump on Clinton like sharks... that is easy.. but that doesnt meant they dont put their personal beliefs in their stories..

Kinda like what we do here huh?

1 -- It has only been "proven" by people who stand the most to gain from this useful myth. It's nothing more then working the refs.

2 -- Fox News only makes you think they have liberal going against their field of conservatives morons. In reality Combs isn't allowed to call Hannity on a lie. Ever wonder why when Hannity makes some **** up Colmes doesn' say anything? Because that's in the sellouts contract.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

I would say Fox News is mostly conservative but likes to put liberals against their conservatives like the Beltway boys and hannity and Combs... but hey....

(From a no longer available edition of The Onion):

Alan Colmes Loses Argument With Nephew

NEW YORK - Alan Colmes, the liberal co-host of the Fox News debate program Hannity & Colmes, lost an argument to his nephew Bryan while babysitting the 8-year-old Monday. "I wanted to stay up late to watch television, but Uncle Alan said, 'There's already too much self-parenting in America,'" Bryan said. "So I started screaming, 'Mom lets me, Mom lets me,' real loud. He gave in after, like, 20 seconds." In the past two years, Bryan has won arguments with Colmes on the subjects of Pokémon cards, Crunch Berries cereal, and steel tariffs.

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