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Whats the most original movie of all time?


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Im sick of all these same old comedy, action/drama.... that has the same plot. I enjoy, admire and give full credit to these innovative movies/director/writers.

Im looking forward to some of these innovative movies this summer, if there are any.

My pick


i thought it was original and awsome. Never seen anything like it.

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Originally posted by jbooma

the first movie :D

Birth of a Nation?

Originally posted by Lowghost

The Wizard of Oz. Hands down the most original.:2cents:

But... but.... it's based on a book.

Most original? I got nuthin'.

I keep thinking of antecedents for every movie my limited imagination comes up with...

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Yeah, probably Birth of a Nation, even though it almost singlehandedly resurrected the Klan.

Wizard of Oz was also unique for its time.

Probably the most original movies, speaking in modern terms, are the artsy-fartsy pretentious flicks that nobody likes.

Mulholland Drive is the first one that comes to mind for me, or most David Lynch flicks for that matter.

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Birth of a nation was hardly the first movie. To decide what the first movie is it depends what you count a s a movie. The Lumiere Bros made some films that were really nothing more than moving pictures. I believe the first one was of a train coming into a train station, and it was titled something like "A train enters a terminal", but the title was in french. This was made in 1897

"A voyage to the moon" was the first film to tell a story, it was filmed by getting the scene then turning the camera off, and getting the next scene, they had the entire thing set up so they filmed in order.

"The Great Train Robbery" was mad in 1903 and it was the first one to edit the film together and use multiple takes and stuff like that.

It wasn't for another 13 years in 1916 that birth of a nation came out.

Oh, and if anyone thinks that the Matrix is the most original film they should read the weirder parts of Decartes, and then just mix that with typical action fare and the tone of Ghost in the shell. Really it's more a sloppy of amalgam of influences that something original.

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