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Heavy Anti-George Lucas sentiment


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Fire Lucas as director, who has no sense of control over his storyline, encourages flat and affectless acting, and shellacs every scene with such a frenzy of special effects that they assault your senses like a strobe light.......While you’re at it, fire Lucas the writer, who has not come up with a single witty or memorable phrase in the four hours of prequel trilogy out so far.


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I can't say I don't agree with it all......

Sucks that GL has really churned out two mediocre at best movies as the prequels to three of my favorites and arguably greatest movies of all time.....

Yep. Some of the characters are victims of horrible writing and horrible costume, FX design.

My biggest problem with the moives is the implementation of FX. They are overdone and not even that good. Where the first three excelled was in the use of models and paintings. Those look better than many of the digi FX that are used in the new ones.

GL needs to take a tip from the makers of the Matrix and LOTR. Both may go overboard just a tad, but they created a hue and filter on the whole world the characters live in that brings it all together. Don't know if that makes sense, but since we are talking about fantasy movies in gerneral, GL needs to fantacize a bit more....

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Guest CygnusX

I agree with the article 100 percent. I remember watching Ep I and being completely baffled by the attempt to scientifically explain the "force". It was simply a very bad idea and will stand as one of the most stupid ideas in film history. Also, as the author of the article mentioned, the idea completely vanished in the next film (at least GL learned from his mistakes somewhat). Now, if he would just admit to himself that he can no longer write or direct we might be getting somewhere. :laugh:

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Here's my 2 cents from the "Star Wars Dvd" thread earlier today.

I remember an interview with George Lucas, I can't remember who he talked with, but it was right about the same time Episode I came out. Lucas made some comments to the effect of "people really need to get a life." "It's a movie, nothing more. People go to far." etc. I think those comments mostly had to do with the people, mostly middle-aged people, who camped out for a month waiting to buy tickets to Episode I. I also heard him say something in another interview to the effect of "only fat 30 somethings that spend all their time on the internet have a problem with Episode I." With these comments in mind, I have wondered often over the years since Episode I, and the Special Edition Originals were released if Lucas is tinkering with the originals on purpose, to make some "point" only he knows he is trying to make. Everytime he is asked about the fans negative reaction to something he does, he seems to respond with hostility, and name-calling. At times he even acts oblivious to the fans reactions, like he doesn't know what the interviewer is talking about when he asks him a question like "so why do people hate Jar Jar so much?" He responds with "people hate Jar Jar?" While I do agree that some have taken this Star Wars thing to far, (like Trekkies). I also think he shows a surprising amount of attitude and ungratefulness towards the people that made him rich.

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I loved both of the first two PT movies, I don't analyze them, I just watch and enjoy. I'm not a movie critic, when I see a movie, I either like it or I don't.

The only problem I have with Lucas is when he changed the Han/Greedo scene and made Greedo shoot first, that was dumb and I hated it. Han shoots first, end of story.... Other than that, none of the other stuff is a big deal to me.

If you hate the movies and/or Lucas, don't go see them.

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Agreed Code, I love when critics analyze things and say this is what should take place. I wasn't the biggest fan of Ep 1, but I really did like Ep 2 as it really started linking stuff together. Ep3 I think will go one step further......and is the point of these prequels. They aren't intended, and never were intended to be standalone pictures. Regardless, in my mind nothing will quite recapture the energy and excitment of Ep4-6.....mainly because they were breakthrough films, and because with Ep1-3, we already know the ending.

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Guest 979guy

I agree, Code, that especially with movies like these you just go for net fun and shouldn't go into any deep analysis and criticism. It's true, though, that we didn't get so many, if any, memorable quotes from EpisodesI+II. Characters just aren't as strong as Han or Vader.

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Originally posted by The Wicked Wop

we already know the ending.

Totally agree here. Due to the nature of the Prequels, we know what's going to happen so there is really no SHOCK like Vader being Luke's father.

However, there is a new breed of SW fans that will watch the movies beginning with EP I and they will see the films from a different perspective.

The PT will never be as Great as the OT, it just can't be. But the PT has a different purpose and given the choice of NOT having the PT, I wan't the PT. I like seeing Anakin's transformation into Vader.

I think when it's all said and done, 15 years from now, there will be alot less hate of the PT because the story will be complete and have had time to stand on it's own for a while.

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I'm not a star wars fan, and just from the perspective of a guy who really enjoys the moviegoing experience, Episode I just couldn't live up to the monstrous hype machine that preceded it. I don't know that any movie could live up to 20 years of hype. I think what really brought the movie down was the straight up poor acting/dialogue in some parts... especially the actors cast to play An. Skywalker in both movies... they were terrible by any hollywood standard. I appreciate the fact that Lucas tried to find a fresh face to play these parts, true to the original movies, but I guess that means the risk is that they can't act... which to me was the problem.

Episode II was much better than I, in my opinion.. but maybe it was because I didn't expect much.

If they had cast a kid who could act for Episode I, I think it would have been 10 times better a movie for me. Just my opinion.

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I agree wholeheartedly.

I still have a Yoda and Darth actionfigure. In the original package thanksyouverymuch and noyoumay not touch, it is in pristine condition.

Wow, I doubt those quotes are true. No one is that f*ckin stupid when they talk to the media.

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Lucas has completely lost touch with what made the 1st 2 (I wont argue 3) films so good. Not just profitable, but GREAT movies. It's not about effects, or celbrity power. EP4 was great because it was a great,simple, story.

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I think a large part of Lucas' problem is that he appears to have bought into his own 'hype' and thought that anything he touched would turn to gold...and while the prequels have made a lot of money and will likely make a ton more with Ep III, he has hurt his image immeasurably with the 'retooling' of the OT and his questionable attempts at having lightning strike yet again with the prequels. As someone said earlier, there is a very real reason why 'Empire' is regarded as the best film, and Lucas has very little to do with it...

In any event, I sincerely hope that Ep III redeems the Prequel trilogy.

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Why someone with a buddy in Steven Speiberg, arguably one the the best directors ever, wouldn't let him direct is beyond me. Especially after taking the critisism he has on how bad the first two were in the directing department

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Originally posted by panel

If the original episodes came out today for the first time, they would receive the same criticizim the new ones get.

THAT is the truth.

I disagree, if the first ones came out today, they still wouldn't of gotten the bombardment of criticism the prequels had received.

The first three scripts were far more simply written then this mishmash. The first three didn't bog you down with politics and trade federation mumbo jumbo or scientifically try to explain a mystical religon. I thought Lucas said these movies were for 12 yr olds?

Secondly, the comic relief in the first three was intentional without being forced. The droids bickering was funny, just because it was. The humor in the prequels is definitely forced. And it doesn't work. Ask anyone about their love for Jar Jar Binks.

Third the original trilogy had a secret weapon. Harrison Ford. Lucas practically stumbled on one of the best actors of our generation. His acting, along with Alec Guiness, masked the bad acting by the rest of the original cast. The prequels have no stand out saving grace.

And also as discussed to endless extent, the focus on the first three were more on story because it had to. There was no backstory to fall back on, the focus on the prequels is solely CGI. The story sits on the original trilogy and doesn't expand itself. The only scenes your not dying of boredom in the theater is during an action sequence. If your going to make movies solely for the purpose of CGI then these prequels were impressive feats. If your going for anything else, characters, script, your wasting your time.

I still view the original triolgy from time to time today and they still stand up to what's out there now IMO.

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Here's a different perspective - my 3 year old daughter loves Episodes 1 & 2 (asks to watch them in between her uns of Shrek and Snow White). She enjoyed episodes 4-6 but never asks to watch them. Perhaps Lucas targeted a different audience?

I think 4-6 were much better but I enjoy them all.

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I'm going to get flamed for this but the actor that displayed the most range in the OT is Mark Hamill. For all the talk about "bad acting" or "whining" his character was the one who was clearly different from one film to the next. He was supposed to be a whiny damn brat who was a bit full of himself.

Funny how he pulls it off MUCH more effectively than Hayden Christiansen. I believe Luke's ****suredness, I don't really believe in Anakin's.

I think all the actors played their roles, though Ford mailed in his RotJ a bit and Leia was..just not good in RotJ. But other than that, I was never displeased with the acting(ok, except for when they celebrate after blowing up the TIE fighters after escaping the Death Star)

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Perhaps Lucas targeted a different audience?

Butz, I think you are partially correct.

In fact, I don't think Lucas ever targeted people our age. Remember how old you were when you fell in love with Star Wars. Of course we're going to view it differently now that we're adults.

When I was little, I loved all 3. I didn't always understand every detail but I loved them for the action and creativity. Now, children probably like the new movies for the same reason. They don't fully understand all the Senate crap, but enjoy the movies.

I just think people our age look very critically on these movies because we saw the first 3 at a much different (and accepting) time of our lives.

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Originally posted by Butz65

Here's a different perspective - my 3 year old daughter loves Episodes 1 & 2 (asks to watch them in between her uns of Shrek and Snow White). She enjoyed episodes 4-6 but never asks to watch them. Perhaps Lucas targeted a different audience?

I think 4-6 were much better but I enjoy them all.

I'd have to say this hits it on the head, though the targeting by Lucas was unintentional. I'd have to put the prequels on the level of a Saturday Morning cartoon.

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