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Heavy Anti-George Lucas sentiment


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One problem with such a hypothesis is that it ignores a great deal of teenagers and adults that loved the originals. My mother cried at the end of RotJ. She was about 30 at the time. My dad really enjoyed it.

Also, why is it movies more obviously made for kids like Lion King, Toy Story, etc are so popular with adults too? IMO, Lion King is one of the great films and is intensely emotional for me.

There's NO reason why these newer films couldn't be the same. There are all kinds of movies that adults have come to love that also appealed to kids(or vice versa)

No, the real reason is that the emotion and the chemistry and the craft that went into Star Wars OT is LACKING in the new ones.

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I see your poing Ghost. I guess I was just trying to give the benefit of the doubt.

I didn't realize the originals were so well-received by other generations. Anyway, I have the same opinions as most of you. I enjoyed the original 3 more than these prequels. I was just looking for possible reasons....

Let's hope III saves the new triology!

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The original movies were not intended to appeal to adults, I still have a couple of magazine article from 1978 where Lucas says the movie was intended as a saturday morning serial (flash gordon) style. Yes, adults loved the movie, and those that followed, but some adults love these movies too. You forget that The original was something that had never been seen before, the PT didn't have that luxury. Lucas is/was an innovator in special effects and and started a pretty good thing with the originals. What new ground could the PT possibly explore? We are all used to mind blowing special effects, we are used to seeing the things that we see.

The acting in the OT was far from great. The acting in the PT is stiff by design. I've said this before, the jedi are a formal order, they are stiff and rigid, Padme is a queen, then a Senator. In the OT, you have a pirate, a farmboy and a rebel leader... all the characters are suitible for my taste, but again, I'm not trying to compare these movies to oscar award winning pieces either.

The bottom line is that it's up to each person's individual taste as to whether they like something or not. I don't analyze the movies, I just go and enjoy them for what they are, I'm not losing any sleep over this stuff like some of you must be.

Lucas didn't ruin anything, it's his movies, you just don't like them, deal with it.

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Originally posted by panel

If the original episodes came out today for the first time, they would receive the same criticizim the new ones get.

THAT is the truth.

Nope, the new ones just don't flow as well and are to predictable.

As for audinence he should be more worried about his original audience is because we are the ones who will push it to our kids.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Nope, the new ones just don't flow as well and are to predictable.

Too predictable..?? Of course they are, you know what happens already:doh:

You didn't predict that Luke would blow up the death star? What was the twist in EP IV?

While the Vader revelation was a shocker in ESB, the Palpatine revalation would be a shocker to someone that has never seen the OT, for example, if someone started watching at EP I, by the time they get to EP III, they would be shocked to see that Palpatine is really Darth Sidious, be we already know that... well some of us do, hard to believe, but there are tons of people on SW sites that don't believe they are one in the same...

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Originally posted by speedwagon20

Perhaps Lucas targeted a different audience?

Butz, I think you are partially correct.

In fact, I don't think Lucas ever targeted people our age. Remember how old you were when you fell in love with Star Wars. Of course we're going to view it differently now that we're adults.

When I was little, I loved all 3. I didn't always understand every detail but I loved them for the action and creativity. Now, children probably like the new movies for the same reason. They don't fully understand all the Senate crap, but enjoy the movies.

I just think people our age look very critically on these movies because we saw the first 3 at a much different (and accepting) time of our lives.

I was 18 when Star Wars came out, 21 when TESB came out, 24 when RotJ come out.

Those movies were not "just" for kiddies. Jar Jar is for kiddies. Little Annie ("are you an angel?") Skywalker is for kiddies.

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The simplest reason for why the new installments aren't as good as the originals?

George Lucas isn't the same person now that he was a quarter of a century ago, not the same consumed, intensely driven filmmaker that he was back then. He's settled into placid domesticity and become more assured (perhaps too assured) of himself as the man most directly responsible for creating one of the greatest film trilogies ever. If he were still the scrappy, young filmmaker he was back then, maybe these new films would reflect that and be more entertaining.

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