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Why are Liberals upset about HIGH gas prices?


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I'm not talking about the people... It's obvious why the people are upset.. they pump their own gas.

BUT, listening to the radio yesterday I heard a caller call in (cuz thats what they do :) ) and ask that exact question.

Cigarettes - overprice them and get people to quit. Tax the hell out of them...

Drugs - Make them legal and tax the hell out of them, make it so kids cant afford them. (Canadians are giving back the government weed cuz it sucks, but thats a different thread)....

I'm sure there are other examples but it comes down to this.

You would think that Kerry and other Liberal / Green type Democrats would be happy about the gas prices and would hope that the prices went up to 5-6 dollars a gallon. Then the Big 3 would have to come up with an alternative.. or even better.

A new company would emerge with a different power source altogether and make everyones life better....


The only reason I believe you are hearing outrage pouring from the left is because its an election year.. And that is just sad.

Give up the principles again for your parties gain...

This also applies to any republican that has been preaching the same thing in the past....


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I fail to see the connection b/w cigarettes or weed with gas. Cigarettes and weed, are a luxury meaning that they are not a necessity, not everybody is going to use them. Now, you may argue that a car is a luxury but think about how many rural towns do not have public transportation. For many people who need to drive to work or school, some people's occupation is based solely on driving.

And think about people who work minimum wage, if you raise gas prices to $5-$6/gal, most of their paycheck will be spent on gas.

Your assesment (or the guy on the radio) that only liberals are mad about gas prices is ridiculous. I don't know how anybody can be happy about the current situation. Although to your credit, they may be pushing the issue a little bit more due to the upcoming election.

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People can walk, they don't have to drive.

I know I'm just one person but I live about 5 miles from town as well as a half an hour drive on the interstate from my job. My hometown has no public transportation. What am I supposed to do? Walk? I have to drive. It's not an option.

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I think everyone is angered by gas prices. I remember about 4-5 years ago where I could get a gallon for under a buck! 2 dollars plus is way to high.

As for drugs. Legalizing marijuana and taxing it would be a good idea, but the US already is in the field of drug dealing...the legal prescription ones.

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Originally posted by BDBuddy23

I think everyone is angered by gas prices. I remember about 4-5 years ago where I could get a gallon for under a buck! 2 dollars plus is way to high.

As for drugs. Legalizing marijuana and taxing it would be a good idea, but the US already is in the field of drug dealing...the legal prescription ones.

what are you talking about gas hasn't been under a $1 in this area since 91 and 92 when I was in hs

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Originally posted by jbooma

Liberals are like cicadas, they are very annoying red eyed bugs that only come out when the time is right for them :laugh:

Yeah well you're a butt head.

I figured I'd keep the lame insults going after you started us off :)

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Originally posted by Destino

Yeah well you're a butt head.

I figured I'd keep the lame insults going after you started us off :)

all is fair in love and war :laugh:

but you have to admit Kerry is looking a little buggy now

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Originally posted by codeorama

People can walk, they don't have to drive.

Are you kidding? Maybe if you live in a city you can get away with that. But if I want to get something from the grocery store (3 miles away) or go to work (15 miles away) I would have to leave the day before to get there on time.

If this was Europe we might have alternatives to driving our own cars, but in this country we are too spread out and the mass transit thing doesn't really work out.

I don't think many of us use cars for trips to the mailbox or down the road to say "hi" to a neighbor. I think we use them when we have somewhere to go and we have to get there in under a couple of hours.

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Originally posted by BDBuddy23

jb, about 5 years ago I could get gas for about a dollar @ the generic gas places near the University of Maryland. That was before Paris Glendenning raised the taxes on it...several times over.

nice, i haven't seen under a dollar here in VA in who knows how long

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hey , i have an idea !! maybe we as in th U.S. can ask the arab nations that produce oil to maybe start PRODUCING MORE OIL THEREFORE BRINGING THE PRICE DOWN SOME !!!!

it doen't matter whom is yelling about the prices of fuel .

the fact is we are being rake over by the oil producing nations, and i wonder why that is ?????? :doh:

hey heres another thought since the oil producing nations don't give a rats A$$ about the U.S. maybe we can float a few barrels of the crude stuff this way from iraq since were there.

i know thats not why were there , but we do have control of the country right :D

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin


In Michigan in about 1998, gas was at 79 cents for a long time. It was absolutely amazing.

that is amazing my dad lives there now and i think he said it is up to $2.50 now :(

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Originally posted by jbooma

hold it one minute,

didn't the liberals say the war was over oil and if that was the case the gas would be cheapier now :)

Get real JB, this whole post has been noting except for you trying to blame liberals for everything :(

As for oil being the reason, nobody said the oil would go down, only stock prices of Haliburton, Bechtel and others would go up. . . Oh wait, that did happen.:doh:

Here's their stock since the beginning of war efforts in Iraq.

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Originally posted by mark327

hey , i have an idea !! maybe we as in th U.S. can ask the arab nations that produce oil to maybe start PRODUCING MORE OIL THEREFORE BRINGING THE PRICE DOWN SOME !!!!

it doen't matter whom is yelling about the prices of fuel .

the fact is we are being rake over by the oil producing nations, and i wonder why that is ?????? :doh:

hey heres another thought since the oil producing nations don't give a rats A$$ about the U.S. maybe we can float a few barrels of the crude stuff this way from iraq since were there.

i know thats not why were there , but we do have control of the country right :D

I've heard in a bunch of places that's it's not so much the supply of oil in the way most people think. It's not really the supply of a barrel of crude oil that is the problem.

It's that the greedy gas companies haven't built enough refineries to process the stuff. Refineries cost mucho dollars and they essentially don't contribute to profit at all since they would lower gas prices at the pump and it is actually more like an expensive maitence fee.

With the strength of the oil lobby no politician on either side has hope. They are going to wait until they drain every last drop of the black gold from the earth. Unless the government cuts them some kind of deal to move on to alternative fuel...gives those companies the first patents or the exclusive developments of the technology.

It won't be fair...but it be a hell of a lot better than now.

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Originally posted by chomerics

Get real JB, this whole post has been noting except for you trying to blame liberals for everything :(

actually I like liberals :)

i have nothing bad to say about the companies trying to help iraq, and don't forget they are losing people as well

the problem is not many companies can do what they are doing

you have to find it funny though that no one is talking about the oil now though :)

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