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Ray Lewis just finished up his degree


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Ray Lewis is now a Terp not a hurricane. He just finished up his degree at the University of Maryland. I respect anyone who goes back and gets their degree.

This is why I am not against athletes not finishing college. They can do it when the time is right for them. The person has to want to finish his degree when they want, not to be told by others what to do.

I would rather have these kids go pro so someone who does want a degree can take their place.

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Originally posted by laurent

Degree in what exactly, let me guess Sociology?

the way he is going i would say marketing or communications, you can tell he is already creating his plan for after football

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Originally posted by jbooma

the way he is going i would say marketing or communications, you can tell he is already creating his plan for after football

Good point. Ray isn't that old, but he isn't that young either. He deserves a lot more respect then he's been getting lately if you ask me.

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Originally posted by jbooma

I am curious now if it will say Maryland instead of Miami when they list what college he is from.

Depends how many credits he was short and how many he took in residence at Miami.

If he was but a year short, it'll likely say Miami.

I know if I finish at Washington State, I'll have a degree from WSU as opposed to Michigan, because I am 5 credits short of having the required amount to maintain the Michigan degree.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

I know if I finish at Washington State, I'll have a degree from WSU as opposed to Michigan, because I am 5 credits short of having the required amount to maintain the Michigan degree.

It all makes sense now, you are a wolverine and I root for the buckeyes :laugh:

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Depends how many credits he was short and how many he took in residence at Miami.

If he was but a year short, it'll likely say Miami.

I know if I finish at Washington State, I'll have a degree from WSU as opposed to Michigan, because I am 5 credits short of having the required amount to maintain the Michigan degree.

...but I think as a player, his bio will read from where he PLAYED football.

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Getting a degree these days is no more automatically indictative of hard work or academic worth than playing professional sports is indictative of character...as a former assistant teacher at the collegiate level who was compelled to hand out degrees (especially certain degrees now available) that were regularly purchased by dollars/business more than effort and class-room accomplishment, I'll refrain from automatic applause.

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Originally posted by Jumbo

Getting a degree these days is no more automatically indictative of hard work or academic worth than playing professional sports is indictative of character...as a former assistant teacher at the collegiate level who was compelled to hand out degrees (especially certain degrees now available) that were regularly purchased by dollars/business more than effort and class-room accomplishment, I'll refrain from automatic applause.

Well speaking as a college student right now, nobody is handing me jack sh!t!!!! :mad:

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I am a Maryland alumni, and by calling on a few favors, have been able to retrieve Ray's class list. It follows:

Intro to Homoerotic Dance (3 credits)

Advanced Stain Cleaning: Blood Stains (3 credits)

Girlfriend Beating 210 (4 credits, this is also a lab)

Psych 401: Advanced Coping Techniques for Losing to the Redskins (3 credits)

Criminology 205: Covering Crimes, Lying to Police (3 credits)

Nice workload you pansy.


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Originally posted by Murdering Purple Turds

I am a Maryland alumni, and by calling on a few favors, have been able to retrieve Ray's class list. It follows:

Intro to Homoerotic Dance (3 credits)

Advanced Stain Cleaning: Blood Stains (3 credits)

Girlfriend Beating 210 (4 credits, this is also a lab)

Psych 401: Advanced Coping Techniques for Losing to the Redskins (3 credits)

Criminology 205: Covering Crimes, Lying to Police (3 credits)

Nice workload you pansy.


I find this classless and distastfull. I understand that this is supposed to be a joke, but it's just not funny. Give the guy a little respect. By all accounts he has worked pretty hard to earn this degree, and has done it while also pursueing a full time job as a player. No doubt you would give anyone else who completed their degree in this way a little respect for hard work and sacrifice. He may not be everyone's favorite person, but he does not deserve that.

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I"m glad you respect Lewis. Your choice. I doubt the families of the two guys that were killed are particularly excited about Ray's degree. He may or may not have been involved in killing them, but he sure as hell tried to cover it up.

Might want to save your indignance and respect for someone who actually deserves some.

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