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Haynesworth a Redskin?

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And the Haynesworth saga continues....

Titans defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth missed Tuesday's organized workouts and team officials do not know why.

''We had 44 guys here today,'' Fisher said. ''I care about the ones that are here, not about the one that is not.''

''I don't know where he is. Frankly, I'm just not concerned about it at this point.''

Fisher and Haynesworth squared off in the media two weeks ago when Haynesworth said that he planned to workout in Knoxville, not with his teammates at Baptist Sports Park. But the third-year defensive tackle did say he planned to attend organized practices scheduled throughout April, May and June.

At that time, Haynesworth said Fisher could do ''whatever he wanted'' because he had the title head coach.

''I just know I will be in camp in shape and then when I go to the Pro Bowl this year I can say 'I told you so','' Haynesworth told the Tennessean.

When pressed Tuesday about his plans to talk with or reach out to Haynesworth, Fisher sternly put the ball back in Haynesworth's court.

''I'm not concerned about Albert Haynesworth right now,'' Fisher said. ''This is Albert's issue, not mine.''

''You want to talk about the team, I'll talk about the team. I'm done talking about Albert Haynesworth.''

And then McNair and George call him out:

Defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth's absence from organized work Tuesday did not sit well with his teammates, among them, quarterback Steve McNair.

''For a guy that's a three-year veteran, he's a guy that I think should be here,'' Quarterback Steve McNair said. ''Whatever he's got going on, I hope he comes in in-shape. He's put a lot of pressure on himself.''

McNair said Haynesworth's absence might be viewed differently had he been to multiple Pro Bowls.

''For us to show up and him not, I guess you could say he's a lot better than us,'' McNair said.

Haynesworth's attitude has long been a concern among the coaching staff. He reportedly has also had issues with his teammates. Head Coach Jeff Fisher suspended Haynesworth for the season finale against Tampa for fighting in practice.

Running back Eddie George called Haynesworth's absence Tuesday a ''slap in the face'' to the rest of the team. McNair agreed.

''I think it's a slap in the face the comments he said about Fisher,'' McNair said. ''That's a slap in the face, not only to coach, but to the players also.''

If he is indeed cut or put on the trading block, should the Redskins pick him up? We badly need D-line help. Could the coaches deal with him and get him to play hard and come to practice?

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I resperct Fisher as a coach and I cant believe Haynesworth is disrespecting not only his coach but players as well. Before all this I would of loved to see Haynesworth as a Redskins. He is an absolute monster, but seems like also a pain in the a#$

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the guy has issues in the locker room. he has issues with the coaches.

this guy is not 'Redskin' material, at least not under Gibbs.

Maybe the front office with Spurrier as coach would have held its nose and made a move like this, but I think that chance is ZERO right now.

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I would defintely take the risk if he's released without hesitation. He would be our best D-Lineman by a mile and the youngest. I'd probably offer a 4th rounder for him has well. He compliments Griffin well and has proven to be very effective againest a double team.

Haynesworth also did'nt showup last year but came into camp in shape and had a very good year. I think his main problem is he's still very young. He plays in Tenny where he is from and played college ball in Knoxville where he currently lives. He probably likes to live in his comfort zone with his friends and girly's. His girlfriend supposedly refuses to move from knoxville pregnant or not and he may just be whipped.

I think in this players case a change of scenary will do well and get him away from his homestate which he has never left.

I don't think it's much of a risk for the reward you'd be getting a 23-24 yr old future pro bowl Dt. Its not like he has played terribly and Gibbs has dealt with quite a few headcases. Riggin left for a whole year did'nt he?

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Yes. I would absolutely pick up this guy if we had the chance. The pickings are so slim for defensive linemen right now that this move would be feasible and a good one. Put aside his personal issues with Coach Fisher and only Coach Fisher, and you got yourself a young talent who is confident and a good worker. This guy thinks he can make the Pro Bowl, and I think so too. This debacle will bring down his contractual value, giving us a chance to get him for a discount price, plus, this is a place where guys want to play right now. He needs a change of scenery, I hope that place is here.

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Hmmm ... just because Gibbs dealt with Riggo doesn't mean he liked it at the time. I'm sure a guy like this is not seen as a Redskins guy, because pulling that crap here where we are trying to get a diverse bunch of guys to buy into a system would be a disaster in the locker room.

I say if McNair, who I feel is one of the classiest acts in the NFL right now, doesn't like him, we shouldn't either.

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Originally posted by bird_1972

Hmmm ... just because Gibbs dealt with Riggo doesn't mean he liked it at the time. I'm sure a guy like this is not seen as a Redskins guy, because pulling that crap here where we are trying to get a diverse bunch of guys to buy into a system would be a disaster in the locker room.

I say if McNair, who I feel is one of the classiest acts in the NFL right now, doesn't like him, we shouldn't either.

agree. It isn't like he's a good player on a bad team. This is a team that's in the playoffs every year and he has this kind of attitude? Why would he be any different here?

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Honestly, headcase or not this guy is young with a tremendous amount of upside. He would be just what we need to take pressure off of Griffin. Playing-wise he would be a great addition and even if he was a mild distraction as long as he performed on the field it would be worth it.

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I think Haynesworth does'nt workout with Tenny because he does'nt want to leave his hometown which is across the state. His girlfriend is pregnant is the excuse this year but last year he did'nt attend niether but came back in shape. He works out in Knoxville at the Vols training facility and can stay close to his people.

I think a change of scenary is just what the docter ordered for Haynesworth get him away from his comfort zone and college life. The guy has never lived anywhere but his hometown thru HS,College and now he won't leave it because he is still in Tenny.

And alot of players don't show for these type of workouts. I think even Portis stayed in Miami working out both his offseasons causing a fuss. Edge James does the same has well has others.

Its that alot of coaches let it go but Fishcer is oldschool.

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As Samuels stated, a lot of players don't participate in these "organized work outs". I know Isaac Bruce and Vermeil had it out in the media before. Bruce stayed home to workout, but came in for minicamps. Edge had done the same thing before. Haynesworth is a really good player, and if he's available I'd be suprised if Gibbs didn't at least meet with him.

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I think Gibbs has comee a long way to change the culture and attitude of the team. He's meticulously searched for "Redskins"... high character, great motor guys with outstanding integrity and work ethic.

That, my friends, isn't Albert Haynesworth.

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