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Real Redskin Fans are Conservative


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It's obvious people, the leftist liberals cannot be true 'skins fans. Football celebrates conservative ideals; competition, advancement based on merit and not skin color, wealth based on perfomance with no wealth-transferring.

If the liberals ran the team, it would be called the Washington diverse-ethnics, would not allow players to be cut (it's not his fault he can't run as fast!), it would be mandatory that women and people with disabilities be included on the team, and the most wealthy players would have to give a chunk of their salaries to the less-fortunate minimum-salaried players.

Oh, and the stadium would not serve any meat by-products.


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How do you feel about the salary cap? That isn't exactly unbridled capitalism.

No wealth transferring? Ever heard of Revenue sharing? That is a collectivist measure.

The NFL also has a strong Union, which conservatives hate.

Please, start up your own team and then try to compete to get into the NFL. See how longs it takes you.

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Originally posted by VT Shockoe Joe

How do you feel about the salary cap? That isn't exactly unbridled capitalism.

No wealth transferring? Ever heard of Revenue sharing? That is a collectivist measure.

The NFL also has a strong Union, which conservatives hate.

Please, start up your own team and then try to compete to get into the NFL. See how longs it takes you.

Yes, all of that is true. And I was wondering why the league was going downhill...

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I don't think it's true that liberals/conservatives are bound to any team or franchise. Dallas has many prominent Republican fans, thanks to geography alone.

That said, there have been several surveys that have confirmed that you are much more likely to be (primarily) a baseball fan if you are a Democrat, and a football fan if you are a Republican.

I think it's a combination of factors: the relative violence of the NFL game, the dominance of football (college and pro) in the South and the dominance of baseball in the North, the political interests of the most prominent players of the game (Republicans include: former Rep. Jack Kemp, Steve Largent, JC Watts; current Rep. Tom Osborne; our own Darrell Green, Charles Mann and Art Monk have raised money for pro-life causes), the intensely religious nature of many football players...

And even the few players who are Democrats tend to be conservative Democrats - see Lombardi, who was the Jack Kennedy anti-communist school all the way. Perhaps it's part of the difference in today's games - that baseball is a sport more dominated by players (and a very strong players union), while football is a sport more dominated by coaches.

Whatever the issue, the result is: more football fans are Republicans, more baseball fans are Democrats. I think it's primarily caused by geographic coincidence, but I'm open to other ideas.


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If Football was truly a Right Wing only sport...

All teams would be required to pray......... ALOT.

There would be no salary cap, it would be every team for themselves.

There would be strict moral standards, like no cussing, no cheerleaders.

And worst of all................. No Beer.

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BD, you make some good points. I actually posted this thread to kind of tweak the liberals among us, and as a joke. But I do believe that the merit-only approach of sports is a good model for society. I also like that a wholly merit-baseed system of advancement flies in the face of programs that has wreaked havok worldwide such as Affirmative Action (read Dr. Thomas Sowell's book regarding this).

I would disagree with you slightly though. The south has been historically Democrat. Those who fought against the civil-rights bill in congress during the '60s were southern Dixie-crats (read Democrats) and of course a greater majority of republicans voted for the civil-rights act than did Dems.

But I digress.

My thread was an attept to point out the stupidity of some of the ideals of the left.

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Originally posted by codeorama

If Football was truly a Right Wing only sport...

All teams would be required to pray......... ALOT.

There would be no salary cap, it would be every team for themselves.

There would be strict moral standards, like no cussing, no cheerleaders.

And worst of all................. No Beer.

You've just described bassball holmes.

But what is wrong with praying? Don't you believe in God?

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Originally posted by JimmiJo

You've just described bassball holmes.

But what is wrong with praying? Don't you believe in God?

First, I assumed that your initial post was in jest, as no one could be that ignorant... Therefore, my reply was also in jest.

Second, I do believe in a higher power, but probably not in the same context that you do.

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Also, the few players who made all the money would hide all their hard earned cash in offshore accounts, create separate businesses to hide money from being taxed. The rest of the league would earn min salary with no chance at advancement.

You would have to move Sunday games to Saturday for religeous reasons (Catholics).

Guns and ammo would be distributed at the gate upon entry to the stadium.

All teams would be allowed to trade whomever they wanted at any time. (Free Trade)

Just to name a few things.

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Originally posted by codeorama

First, I assumed that your initial post was in jest, as no one could be that ignorant...

Second, I do believe in a higher power, but probably not in the same context that you do.

So if you believe, tell me what is wrong with praying? Congress begins each day with a prayer, as does the supreme court. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

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Originally posted by IAMBG

This IS the dumbest thread EVER!!!!

Why can't we still argue over non-existent or yet to have been realeased Van Halen albums?

Much funner dude........ :D

I heard it's Sammy instead of Dave though...and every God-fearing, Gun-toting, Offshore-money having, Conservative Catholic knows that Van Halen without Dave is NOT VAN HALEN!

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Originally posted by JimmiJo

So if you believe, tell me what is wrong with praying? Congress begins each day with a prayer, as does the supreme court. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

If you noticed in my post, I said "required" to pray. IMO, forcing your religious beliefs on someone else is wrong.

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Thats a point to look at why do people who have EARNED their money have to go thru great lengths to keep it?

Because the government is in essence the Mafia with an amendment to the constitution to grab a cut of their money.

And you people with no money dont see a problem with it.

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Originally posted by codeorama

If you noticed in my post, I said "required" to pray. IMO, forcing your religious beliefs on someone else is wrong.

Codeorama, what part of "what the hell are you talking about" don't you understand? It is forcing your beliefs on others when a single athiest-loser absentee father can bring federal suit on behalf of a daughter who does not share his beliefs to prevent any Californian from saying the word God in the pledge of allegiance.

It is inflicting your beliefs on others when the ACLU sues everybody and their mammy to remove every mention of God. If fairness is what we are really after, let's include every mention of every GOD.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

Thats a point to look at why do people who have EARNED their money have to go thru great lengths to keep it?

Because the government is in essence the Mafia with an amendment to the constitution to grab a cut of their money.

And you people with no money dont see a problem with it.

what he said...

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Originally posted by JimmiJo

Codeorama, what part of "what the hell are you talking about" don't you understand? It is forcing your beliefs on others when a single athiest-loser absentee father can bring federal suit on behalf of a daughter who does not share his beliefs to prevent any Californian from saying the word God in the pledge of allegiance.

It is inflicting your beliefs on others when the ACLU sues everybody and their mammy to remove every mention of God. If fairness is what we are really after, let's include every mention of every GOD.

That's sad that you think it's ok to force people to pray.

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Originally posted by codeorama

That's sad that you think it's ok to force people to pray.

I didn't say that. I said give everyone the oppurtunity to pray to whomever they chose, and leave none out. The reality is your type wants to force people to not pray.

Whether you like it or not this nation was built on the believe of the triune God. And yet, this country encourages those of other beliefs to come and live and worship how they chose. Muslim, Bhuddist, Athiest, everyone. Only the left wants to take that away.

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Originally posted by JimmiJo

Codeorama, what part of "what the hell are you talking about" don't you understand? It is forcing your beliefs on others when a single athiest-loser absentee father can bring federal suit on behalf of a daughter who does not share his beliefs to prevent any Californian from saying the word God in the pledge of allegiance.

It is inflicting your beliefs on others when the ACLU sues everybody and their mammy to remove every mention of God. If fairness is what we are really after, let's include every mention of every GOD.

as an atheist, american citizen, taxpayer, owner of a business, father, conservative, and USAF veteran, I want to know why my kid has to say "under god" because you believe it?

Why is it people like this don't realize that they ARE forcing their views on others? Maybe it's because they're so convinced they're correct, they don't realize that they are going against the very principles this nation was founded upon,, the right to be individuals with individual beliefs, with no one man or belief being better than any others.

But of course, that isn't what they intended, because it's not what YOU want.

Religion is private. To be practiced by families privately.

remember why the Pilgrims came here in the first place? Because others wanted to thrust their beliefs upon them, so they left so their children wouldn't be indoctrinated into religions they didn't believe in, and so they could worship in their ownc way without being burned at the stake or beheaded for it.

However, now YOU are wanting to indoctrinate children, and you are trying to force your way of worship on everyone.

Forget me being an atheist, Jimmi. realize it's not 1700 anymore, and this country is a HUGE population of very diverse cultures from all over the earth. (Which was kind of the idea.) Now, how is it that all those little Hindu Americans should have to pray to your god,, or pledge to your god every day? How about all those American born buddhists? Why should they cow down to your belief?

Unfortunately, idiots like Jimmi here seem to think that "freedom

of religion" means "freedom of religion, unless it's not the same as mine, and then you can still worship it, but you better be quiet about it, because I don't want to hear it. In fact, I don't want to hear it SO much, that I really want you to pray to my God every single day, so I can feel secure."

Just shut up, dude.

You're definitely part of the problem.


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Originally posted by Bang

as an atheist, american citizen, taxpayer, owner of a business, father, conservative, and USAF veteran, I want to know why my kid has to say "under god" because you believe it?

Why is it people like this don't realize that they ARE forcing their views on others? Maybe it's because they're so convinced they're correct, they don't realize that they are going against the very principles this nation was founded upon,, the right to be individuals with individual beliefs, with no one man or belief being better than any others.

Unfortunately, idiots like Jimmi here seem to think that "freedom of religion" means "freedom of religion, unless it's not the same as mine, and then you can still worship it, but you better be quiet about it, because I don't want to hear it. In fact, I don't want to hear it SO much, that I really want you to pray to my God every single day, so I can feel secure."

Just shut up, dude.

You're definitely part of the problem.


Had you read the post you quoted you would have seen that my beliefs make allowances for all points of view. And whether you, BANG, like it or not, this country was built on the knowledge that blessing come from God. If you believe differntly it is your right. THE LAW HAS SAID THAT NO-ONE IS FORCED TO SAY THE PLEDGE.

You can be all of the things you've mentioned. You can also add beligerent and wrong to them.

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