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Real Redskin Fans are Conservative


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Originally posted by codeorama

This has been one of the best thread on extremeskins that I've ever seen... So often, those of us that frequent the tailgate fight one another, however, I've never seen so many arch enemies unite.... LOL.

Thank you, thank you, your welcome....:cheers:

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Originally posted by JimmiJo

Renegade, why are you piling on? Your stupid comment is inflaming things, just as the last one I replied to.

You know what, honestly, I didn't find your joke funny at all. So I replied and moved on. What I'm seeing is that you're not moving on, and I'm not attacking you, put trying to get you to chill out before someone lays out a real whipping on you. Take it how you want to take it, Jim. My advice would be to just drop this thread. I've placed my opinion forward, and moved on. Time for you to do the same.

Edit: forgot the smile: :)

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Originally posted by semiskin

Little Jimmi Jo, just one last question. Did you get beat up alot as a child? :finger: :whippin: :finger:

You know ********, you've been doing drive-by comments all day, but you have yet to say something of consequence. Why is this?


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Originally posted by Fred Jones

I think we need to continue this thread for days and weeks.

In fact I hope Art keeps posting it so everyone can keep adding to it and Jim can keep replying to all the comments.

That's what I hope.:cool:

Thank you, thank you, I'm here thru Wednesday...

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Your attempt at humor is in poor taste, pure and simple. One can forgive, ignore, accept, or even appreciate that you wish to make fun of liberals. However you stepped knee-deep in manure when your words morphed into blasphemy in challenging one's diehard conviction as a Redskin fan. You might as well have stepped into a mosque and declared all bald-headed men aren't true Muslims.

You see, every Sunday I have a couple of fellow Skins fans over to watch the game. They're conservative (one having served in the Navy) and I lean more left than right. When Ramsey connects on a touchdown pass to McCants they don't look at me and accuse me of bridled or insincere enthusiasm when I jump up and share high-fives with them.

When FedEx field erupts after a spectacular play by the men in burgundy, I doubt anyone turns to the person next to them and asks their political affliliation before sharing in the glory of the moment.

You sir, failed miserably in your attempt to make fun of liberals. Instead, you were outrageously successful in insulting all Redskins fans, regardless of political affiliation, when you called into question their fanaticism.

Did you experience a mental lapse and forget you were posting on the most popular Redskins website in existence?

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Originally posted by TheKurp


Your attempt at humor is in poor taste, pure and simple. One can forgive, ignore, accept, or even appreciate that you wish to make fun of liberals. However you stepped knee-deep in manure when your words morphed into blasphemy in challenging one's diehard conviction as a Redskin fan. You might as well have stepped into a mosque and declared all bald-headed men aren't true Muslims.

You see, every Sunday I have a couple of fellow Skins fans over to watch the game. They're conservative (one having served in the Navy) and I lean more left than right. When Ramsey connects on a touchdown pass to McCants they don't look at me and accuse me of bridled or insincere enthusiasm when I jump up and share high-fives with them.

When FedEx field erupts after a spectacular play by the men in burgundy, I doubt anyone turns to the person next to them and asks their political affliliation before sharing in the glory of the moment.

You sir, failed miserably in your attempt to make fun of liberals. Instead, you were outrageously successful in insulting all Redskins fans, regardless of political affiliation, when you called into question their fanaticism.

Did you experience a mental lapse and forget you were posting on the most popular Redskins website in existence?


I 'm not sure I agree with the thrust of your argument, being that I insulted all Redskin fans. I agree, this is the most popular 'Skins site in existence.

I think that I like the 'Skins without regard to what you say qualifies me to be able to do that, and I'm sure this is the same with you and my comments. I find it a bit hard to believe that anyone would grant my comments that much weight.

But you raise a pretty important point, albiet inadvertantly. Lately, this site has been a flowerbed of political commentary. If you do a search on say, "Bush," for example, you will see over 85 threads come up, and almost everyone of them political rantings. Is my thread so different? Do you really think that I was serious, or for that matter, would anyone believe that I was seriously suggesting that liberals cannot be 'Skins fans?

I used humor as a vehical to begin a political dialog. If you did not find it funy, that is absolutely your right. If anyone in any way thought I meant that they should not be 'Skins fans, this is not the case.

My thread was a bit crass, but to date has spawned 10 pages of comments, including "this is the best thread ever." So I guess I disagree with your assertion that it failed miserably.

I do appreciate speaking with you.

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Originally posted by JimmiJo

My thread was a bit crass, but to date has spawned 10 pages of comments, including "this is the best thread ever." So I guess I disagree with your assertion that it failed miserably.

To be honest that was just code talking after watching the original star wars trilogy without thinking of the newer movies, he gets very emotional when he does that :silly:

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