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Stern taken off the air

Chief skin

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The FACIST BUSH has done it, him and his facist government have stomped on free speech in the United States. The station manager for KROCK came on this morning and said they were puling the plug due to FCC pressure and monetary fines. A sad day for all Americans when a sitting President can pressure the media to such an extent that they shut down broadcasting, scary thought. All you Busbh boys will have a field day crucifying me and my opinion but hey that is what free speech is all about.

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well my freedom of speech allows me to say this, Its about time they took him off the air. His show wasn't funny anymore. Granted when he started it was hillarious, and I enjoyed the private parts movie. However, listening to him complain about the FCC everyday and how some other show ripped him off an idea. The man believes he created comedy and further still comedy radio. I say good riddence, I don't listen to him. Not because he's vulgar or whatever (hell i like that, Opie and Anthony were great), but because he's just not funny anymore.

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Ohh and by the way:

The President of the United States and the Republic styled government can in no way ruin freedom of speach. They can only change the venue in which you here it.

Is it soooo bad to move that to say:




Late Night

I like Howard Stern but with a 5yr old and an 18mth old my views have changed a bit...

Its the Senate/Congress/Judical/County/City and HomeOwners Association that has all of the power...

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Bush is gonna lose lot of votes because of this. I hope he pays for it.

I liked the way bush handled the 911 attack and with the whole terrorists siutation but this is just striaght up retarded.

Bush is trying to liberate, give freedom to the iraqis on one hand and take away the rights and the freedom in our homeland on the other. This is the whacky and unbelieavable.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Ohh and by the way:

The President of the United States and the Republic styled government can in no way ruin freedom of speach. They can only change the venue in which you here it.

You don't have a clue what freedom is do you?

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Originally posted by jbooma

Chief even if it was true the person to blame is Janet not Bush. The FCC had to do something after that. I don't agree with it but understand why.

I'll stick to blaming the adminsitration that is going to need the religious right's votes in the upcoming election. A sudden flare of forced morality is just the kind of thing that will get these anti-freedom bible bashers to the polls.

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Of course I do..

You do not have the freedom to talk over the public airways about anal and drop the N bomb anytime you want.

I agree with freedom of speach, but allow me to keep my lil kids from hearing it, if its that offensive....

Put it on cable, put it on sattelite..

move it to another time slot

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Originally posted by Thiebear

I agree with freedom of speach, but allow me to keep my lil kids from hearing it, if its that offensive....

Put it on cable, put it on sattelite..

move it to another time slot

Please forgive me if I sound very simplistic, but isn't it the parents' responsibility to monitor what their kids are listening to, watching, reading, or playing with?

Why are there calls for the government to step in and regulate when and where someone says/writes/plays "fart" or "n----r" or curse words or any other offensive topic? And who gets to decide what is offensive? What is offensive to someone born and raised in the Bible Belt may not be offensive to people born and raised in NYC or LA or SF or Chicago. How do you get a good consensus of what should be 'censored' or 'rated' as 'offensive' and what shouldn't?

Are you advocating the use of our tax dollars to fund policing of the airwaves, publishing houses, gaming firms, etc. in lieu of other programs? (First it is the airwaves with radio and tv, next will come the press...etc. etc. etc.)

I understand that it is tough to be a parent in these times - that things are being flung at children in so many ways that we didn't see as children (perhaps) - but why should the government step in? And where does it stop - where are the lines where the parent is able to say ok, enough, the government doesn't need to decide X for me?

I'm really interested in your answers. It's something I think about and wrestle with every day...and boy, Howard's stunt this morning left me with a real sinking feeling in my stomach...

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It’s about balance. The Gov’t should regulate the airwaves. Unfortunately, they will not please everyone everywhere. I would hope that the FCC, and any other agency, would craft fair rules to ensure that the First Amendment is not trampled on, but at the same time protect children and everyone else that finds the material offensive. A tall task because people will complain that they allow to much or regulate to much depending on their point of view.

Yes, parenting is tough, but the parents need a little help from the Government in protecting the children. The Gov’t should not be raising children, just passing sensible laws to regulate some of the trash.

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Almost everyone agrees that what happened at the Super Bowl was inappropriate......Who needs to shelter there kids from Stern? Home schooled children? Because chgildren are at school at that hour. And his E show is on at 11 I think. I find that some of the things on his show are down right disgusting, but other things I find funny. I certainly don't want the FCC to decide whats right and wrong for me to listen to.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Ohh and by the way:

The President of the United States and the Republic styled government can in no way ruin freedom of speach. They can only change the venue in which you here it.

Is it soooo bad to move that to say:




Late Night

I like Howard Stern but with a 5yr old and an 18mth old my views have changed a bit...

Its the Senate/Congress/Judical/County/City and HomeOwners Association that has all of the power...

fine to let your views change as your life changes, but your passions shouldn't change and you shouldn't force your changes upon others. and what i mean by "passion" is that despite changing your view on what he says, you should not change your view on why he is allowed to say it. all you gotta do is turn the knobb left or right buddy.

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Originally posted by roofgoat

during the Super Bowl? No, clean up the act or take the act to Cable.

- It was a boob get over it. The news is far more horrifying then a boob these days.

- My post was concerning a radio show no the super bowl

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