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Gibbs in & out of Hospital - He forgot his meds (Merged)


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Gibbs Suffers Diabetic Attack In Florida

Jaguars QB Takes Coach To Hospital


WASHINGTON -- Redskins Coach Joe Gibbs was taken to the hospital following a health scare in Florida, News4 reported.

Gibbs was there to meet with Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback Mark Brunell about possibly signing with the Redskins, News4's George Michael reported.

During his visit with Brunell, Gibbs -- who is a diabetic -- apparently suffered a diabetic attack due to low blood sugar, Michael said.

Brunell took Gibbs to a hospital in St. Augustine, where the coach received a shot of insulin and was released.

Michael said the coach is reportedly fine and will resume his normal schedule on Tuesday.

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Gibbs Suffers Diabetic Attack In Florida

Jaguars QB Takes Coach To Hospital

POSTED: 10:56 PM EST February 9, 2004

WASHINGTON -- Redskins Coach Joe Gibbs was taken to the hospital following a health scare in Florida, News4 reported.

Gibbs was there to meet with Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback Mark Brunell about possibly signing with the Redskins, News4's George Michael reported.

During his visit with Brunell, Gibbs -- who is a diabetic -- apparently suffered a diabetic attack due to low blood sugar, Michael said.

Brunell took Gibbs to a hospital in St. Augustine, where the coach received a shot of insulin and was released.

Michael said the coach is reportedly fine and will resume his normal schedule on Tuesday.

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Originally posted by Pete

Man PCS, that mountain thingie has got to have some weird sexual meaning in your subconscious. :D:D Or maybe it’s just me:rolleyes:

Man, where in hell is Sidny Freidman when ya need him:doh:








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:halo: :whew: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

I'm sure glad I got those Jag fans to keep me updated :mad:

sonamumb*tchesi wuzfreakinout andtheycan't helpabruthaoutman f*ckthem maaaaaaaahhnnnnn

Sorry. Just a bit stressed out there:thud:

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I am very glad that he is ok. I am type 2 diabetic, but I have never needed insulin .. just meds to date.

The fact that he was in and out of the hospital in an hour tells me that this no big thing. First, it takes half that time to just find someone who knows what the hell is going on in the ER and to take down the patients essential information. Plus, in todays world of malpractice, they aren't going to let anyone, especially someone famous, out right away unless there truly isn't anything to worry about.

I think I heard that he went out to dinner afterwards and plans on having a full day tomorrow.

What a trooper!!!!

I am sure that all of our prayers are with Joe and hope that no more of the episodes come to pass. I really pray that Joe Gibbs' return to Washington doesn't bring with it the same omen that Vince Lombardi's return to football (with the Redskins did). We don't need anyone to go before their time.

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This is from ESPN.com:


Monday, February 9, 2004

Gibbs treated for undisclosed ailment

ESPN.com news services

Redskins coach Joe Gibbs, 63, was taken to the emergency room at Flagler Hospital in St. Augustine, Fla., for a diabetic reaction due to an insulin imbalance, according to the Washington Post. Gibbs has already been treated and released, a hospital representative told ESPN.

The newspaper said Jaguars quarterback Mark Brunell drove Gibbs to the hospital, which is about 40 miles from Jacksonville. Gibbs was having dinner with Brunell, who is on the trade market.

After Gibbs was released, he returned to the dinner, according to the newspaper.

Several years ago, Gibbs was diagnosed with diabetes.

"He had an imbalance in his insulin, they gave him the required dosage to correct the imbalance and he went on his way," Redskins spokesman Karl Swanson told the newspaper. "They didn't keep him there. They gave him what he needed and he left."

Gibbs returned to the Redskins in January as head coach after Steve Spurrier quit. Gibbs coached the Redskins for 12 seasons -- with three Super Bowl wins -- before retiring in 1992 to pursue interests in NASCAR.

I know a bit about diabetes. It sounds to me like Coach Gibbs might have had a high blood sugar, which, if not made lower with a shot of insulin to bring the blood sugar down, would lead to a condtion called keytone acidosis. If he got that, he would be in very bad shape and would have to stay in the hospital for a few days.

As bad as that sounds, it is still better that if he had a low blood sugar, While that can be treated by simply eating or drinking something sweet to raise the blood sugar, untreated, it can hit you very fast and could lead to death

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As usual, the media has blown it way out of proportion. George Michael reported it as a "diabetic attack". I am a diabetic and there are no such things as diabetic attacks. He was hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) and needed a shot, nothing more. I think SNN (Speculation News Networks) are looking for some juicy tidbits to entice readers away from Janet.

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Diabetes is not something to fool around with. My question is, if your a millionaire why doesn't he have his meds managed properly. He needs an assistant traveling with him to cover any potentai problems he may have.

If brunell brought him to the hospital, he must be wondering how long Gigbbs will be around and healthy enough to coach.:paranoid:

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I have a friend who forgot his meds and had to be rushed to the hospital.

He'll be ok.

But, I can see it now. Brunell crying with Gibbs and saying, through tears, "I'm sorry Joe! I didn't mean to upset you. I need to be there with you to remind you to bring your meds. I'll take a pay cut and back up your franchise QB if you'll just promise me you'll be ok!!"


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This is a prime example of media 'accuracy'. They got it wrong here. Gibbs either was hyperglycemic and needed an insulin injection to get his blood sugar down into the normal range 70-140, or was hypoglycemic and needed treatment for it (either glucose containing foods, gels, or IV fluids.

Most likely it was the former. He could have easily treated a hypoglycemic episode by eating some crackers, drinking some orange juice, etc....

Most likely, he just realized his blood sugar was climbing and that he didn't have his insulin with him to treat it. No big deal. Had his blood sugar been seriously high, say 500+, they'd have admitted him and put him on an insulin drip and IV fluids.

Its amusing to see the press at work reporting 'the facts' which they consistently screw up (whether its football or medical reports!). Gibbs will be fine.

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You beat me to it Tarhog. When I read one of the first news stories, I was going to point out to the board that something was amiss since you don't administer insulin for LOW blood sugar.:doh:

Oftentimes hypoglycemia causes disorientation and the patient is unable to think clearly enough to drink some OJ or eat candy etc. to bring their blood sugar back up. I've seen it happen to patients before and in my opinion it mimicks a stroke somewhat. It can be scary stuff to those who haven't seen it before.

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