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Gibbs in & out of Hospital - He forgot his meds (Merged)


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When I read this headline my heart fell to the floor. I hope Joe will be alright and my thoughts are with him and his family.

Can stress be a factor in diabetic episodes? Perhaps Joe hasn't been getting enough rest the past month. If so he may need to alter his approach in the future and delegate more to his staff. His body is clearly telling him something.

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I sure hope he recovers.... I'll bet the long hours he's put in organizing the team have put a strain on his health. In fact, this could be an ominous sign for the future. Diabetes is a daily struggle, one that Joe and his wife may realize is too tough to manage while coaching a NFL team. Pray, or think positively, for his recovery and continued good health.

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Maybe the Danny told him of the pick it would cost to bring Brunell over to the Skins... and he had a senior moment and realized he still needs a RB, TE, and a Defensive Line Reworking. Noting all the problems that he would face, he didn't know how to duck out on Brunell, and instead passed out.

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I'm a type II (diagnosed last year), and it hasn't altered my life much at all. In my case it's easily managed with metformin, a medication that alters your liver metabolism. I'm not even on a special diet, although I've lost sixty pounds over the last year. I'm probably luckier than most and Gibbs' case is no doubt a bit more serious, but I wouldn't worry too much about it.

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Okay, everyone calm down - it's gonna be okay.

My father has Type 2 diabetes, and this is (while not exactly a common occurrence) something that is just part of the disease. If you have low blood sugar, either from a dietary reason or because of lack of sleep or any number of reasons, you can have "crashes" where you need to be treated quickly.

My father has only had this happen once, and they just drove home to get his medication. I'm sure Gibbs probably just didn't have his handy.

Still, this is not cool.


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Originally posted by Bufford T Justice

Sixty Pounds? wow. What do you weigh now? How do you feel?

I'm currently 215, and I feel great. In truth, I never felt bad, but I was really lousy about seeing the doctor regularly. I finally went to see him and had a blood test for the first time in ten or twelve years, and he gave me the news a few days later. Losing the weight was no problem, just a lot of self control during the weekdays and allowing myself to pig out on weekends (relatively speaking, of course - no more huge bag of bbq chips and bacon horseradish dip during football Sundays :( ). Anyways, another thirty pounds or so, and I can probably stop the meds altogether.

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