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ESPN:Redskins Banned in California


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As a former Californian I agree. They have taken the fun out of the Sunshine State!

They have even banned liscense plates that are "inapropriate"

Even a long time skins fan had to give his plate back to the DMV, because someone cried about it!

I remember that story a couple of years back! :doh:

This state is in a state of flux...glad I got out too!

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Originally posted by Dr. D

god I hate californians.

Thank god I don't live there any more!

must be something in the water that makes their heads go soft.

Hey, watch that. I'm a Californian, and I don't agree with most things the government calls for. As I always tell people here, I just work here. I'm a teacher that doesn't get paid by the state, because I like getting a higher pay check.

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Originally posted by Blue_chill

That is as ignorant a statement as saying the anti-privacy neo-cons would turn the US into a fascist paradise.

In the extreme edges of politics are populated entirely by lunatics. Doesn't matter which direction you go.

Funny, the last fascist paradise was socialist Germany, so, it appears the left embraces fascism more than the right. At least if we're living in reality and not picking tulips in liberal fantasy.

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Originally posted by Art

Funny, the last fascist paradise was socialist Germany, so, it appears the left embraces fascism more than the right. At least if we're living in reality and not picking tulips in liberal fantasy.

Socialism and fascism are similar and that fact is used by right wing lunatics to lie to you. They both involve goverment mixing with private industry. Their differences lie in ideology.

Socialism is the best interest of the people (in theory) being placed before the needs of industry. The people through goverment (in theory) control all production and distribution in their state.

Fascism is the opposite. It is when the goverment is the industry and the best interest of industry is first and foremost.

Now think about it. Why would the 'social program anti big business' whores on the left be tied to socialism.....because of the industry last people first myth of socialism.

And of corues the pro-corp welfare (most don't know it) pro big business right wing is labled fascist.

Of course both fascism and socialism result in police states and misery but I the neo-cons and the red liberals forget that part.

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Originally posted by Vegas Baby

It is about time. Next we need to rename the Giants the New York Large People--and teh Cornhuskers to I don't know "struggling mid west farm hands".

The Titans, they will have to be the Mythilogical Characters that ruled Mt. Olympus before the Gods. (Put that on helmet).

Oh and the Raiders and the Bucs...maybe "those that raped pilliaged and plundered" That one might nees some work.

Bumper sticker I saw recently:

It takes a Viking to raze a villiage.

(It wasn't purple and white).

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Originally posted by GoSkins

Next thing you know teams will have to adopt names such as Pixies and Butterflies.

WTF is going on with this world??

How about this:

The Washington Ogres

We could have a picture of "Shrek" on the helmuts.

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Originally posted by Blue_chill

That is as ignorant a statement as saying the anti-privacy neo-cons would turn the US into a fascist paradise.

In the extreme edges of politics are populated entirely by lunatics. Doesn't matter which direction you go.

No one has a ball and chain around your neck. If you don't like this GREAT country, then leave. :bong::moon:

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Originally posted by NVskinsfan

As a former Californian I agree. They have taken the fun out of the Sunshine State!

FYI, California isn't the Sunshine State, it's the Golden State, Florida is the Sunshine State.

It's good to see a Skins fan in the Sliver State. (that's Nevada for all of those wondering)

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Assemblymember Goldberg resides in Echo Park with her life-partner, poet Sharon Stricker, who is also a teacher and is the Executive Director of LACER, a non-profit organization which runs arts and literacy based after school programs in middle schools in LAUSD. Their son Brian lives and works in San Diego. Goldberg holds her Bachelor of Arts degree from University of California, Berkeley, and a Masters in Education from the University of Chicago. She is a Los Angeles native and has been a resident of the District in Echo Park since 1967.

Why am I not surprised that someone such as this would take up such a patently PC cause?

Hello, Ms. Goldberg! You're a walking friggin' caricature of the political machine out in (the People's Republic of) California! :ciao:

Originally posted by BD

the California Assembly is by far the nuttiest political body in America. They routinely pass all sorts of silly laws. This one should surprise no one - just another foolish speech code.

Ain't that the truth!

What I continue to find fascinating is how individuals like Ms. Goldberg will always stand up and defend certain kinds of controversial speech (like a public high school production of, say, The Vagina Monologues) all day long on the grounds that such speech is protected by the 1st Amendment, however, when it comes to Native American sports mascots, we all must suddenly be "saved" from such "vile" language. :rolleyes:

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