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LaVar not happy at all on Best Damned Sport Show...

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Guys I can't believe this but Lavart DID NOT sound or look like he is happy that Gibbs is his new head coach.

Tom Arnold asked him if he had spoken to Gibbs and LaVar answered despondently, "I haven't met with him yet and I don't plan too. I'm gonna let him make the 1st move."

He went on to say, "I've had 4 coaches since I've been here. This seems to go on every year. My hearts been broken too much to get excited about a new head coach. Show me something first. I'm taking a wait and see aproach."

After listening to what LaVar said and reading his body language I think that there is some resistance for whatever reason to the Gibbs hire by some of the players.

Perhaps it has something to do with his friend George Edwards and Hue Jackson not being interviewed or retained. Perhaps LaVar wanted one of the other candidates to be the new coach. I don't know. What I do know is that LaVar is clearly not a happy camper right now and that is, for me, a complete surprise.

On a positive note, he also said that Snyder was a much better tipper than Paterno.

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Originally posted by IAMBG

That doesn't sound good dude. You gotta throw me some more positive friggin bone's here..........

Honestly, there was nothing positive about it. LaVar sounded like he was tired and fed up with all the change.

At one point Strahan ribbed him on his 8 year contract and LaVar didn't laugh. He just looked pissed. He looked like he was thinking to himself, " if I only knew then what I know now I sure as hell would haver done things differently. (That's just my impression)

Then again maybe he's just having a bad day emotionally and there's nothing more to it than that. I don't think so though.

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I saw the interview as well. Gibbs will take care of things. Lavar will get on board. When you think about it though, he is right. He has had too many coaches. Finally we won't have to go through that anymore. Once he sees that, and sees how the coaching staff wants to win, he will get on board.

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Screw him. He's the man making the big bucks and now he wants to cry and pout now that Snyder finally did something right and hired the best coach in the NFL? And he wants to pout after that fresh new contract he just signed? Hey LaVar, do you know what this is? :nopity: .....it's the world smallest violin playing:"My heart bleeds for you".......:mad:

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Originally posted by Sanders 83

I saw the interview as well. Gibbs will take care of things. Lavar will get on board. When you think about it though, he is right. He has had too many coaches. Finally we won't have to go through that anymore. Once he sees that, and sees how the coaching staff wants to win, he will get on board.

I trust that Gibbs will find a way to make things right.

I just never thought that his job would be this difficult. It's begining to look like the inmates have really been running the asylum. We may need to do the football equivalent of an exorcism to get this thing turned around.

There was alot of negative energy that I sensed in that interview. This really puts Gibbs remarks in the paper last week, concerning his failed attempts to contact his new players, in a different light.

I really believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

But I have complete faith that Gibbs will set things right.

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I kind of understand where LA is coming from. Every year he has had a new coach on Defense. Here he starting all over again. LA has not been comfortable with change in the past.

On the flip side, after his comments about wanting to have imput in personel and such, he probably sees some of his team leadership threatened.

We forget many of the Skins players do not really have a grasp of who Gibbs is, and what he can bring to this team. I wouldn't doubt many are thinking what can these old guy teach me, the game has past them by.... type attitude.

Gibbs will get that type of attitude, changed quickly, and it won't take long to have everyone on board. But if they can't deal with it... they can go elsewhere.

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well i dont look to deep into this... i mean he didnt meet Gibbs yet and i can see where he is coming from... his last two coaches (even though isnt even close to Gibbs) did come with lots of excitement and hope about stability and wutever... and those did not stick around much at all... so if Lavar is still like whatever during training camp then maybe Gibbs will get rid of him for not being a true "Redskin"

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Lavar is right. But at the same time he better be careful as he is treading on thin ice. As much of a fan favorite that he is, he couldn't hold Gibbs' jock. he better not try to make this a public battle ala Lewis. No one in DC will give him the time of day and he will be thought of as a complainer.

But I doubt that this will be a problem come camp.

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I said it before in a thread about the sort of players we had, and I'll say it again after hearing about this interview.

I HATE the idea that our players coming off a 5-11 season need Joe Gibbs to SHOW THEM ANYTHING. I don't care if they were just a sperm last time Gibbs won anything. Gibbs is proven. Every single other guy on the team isn't. They should be going OUT OF THEIR WAY to show HIM something.

I agree with Lavar that we've had too much change. I was in the Spurrier camp because I felt there needed to be stability even if just for the sake of stability. I think the interview is telling that CLEARLY Snyder and Arrington talked about stability and Lavar heard things he liked -- like Spurrier wasn't going to be fired.

I hate that today's athletes who've done nothing and accomplished nothing feel a head coach who has needs to bow before them and make the first move to appeal to their ego. I hope Gibbs hasn't lost his magic. The worst thing I could imagine is this generation of spoiled athletes finding a way to hurt Joe's reputation while all the while thinking they are blameless.

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What a spoiled brat. He had the same attitude the day Gibbs was hired.

Show me something first

Are you serious Lavar? Maybe you missed those 3 Lombardi trophies in the lobby. Yes, those are there because of your current coach.

This is a great thing, quit acting like your dog died.

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You know what? I don't give one rats a$$ what LaVar the player making ca-billions of dollars wants or thinks. I can understand his being frustrated over all the coaching changes, but he best not bring that "tude to Joe's camp, or he might have one more coaching change and a team change to boot. Shut the fu(k up and get back in the weight room LaVar. Oh, and learn to stay in your position.

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I think Lavar is just tired of all the media hype, and ready to get to training camp, preseason, etc. I don't think LA has a problem with Gibbs, or is upset with the 'Skins. I just think he's tired of all the fluff. 'Cuz, I remember seeing him on BDSS. when Gibbs was first hired, and he was as giddy as a school girl. So, I'm not worried about what happens with LA.

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Originally posted by joeskinsfan

I think Lavar is just tired of all the media hype, and ready to get to training camp, preseason, etc. I don't think LA has a problem with Gibbs, or is upset with the 'Skins. I just think he's tired of all the fluff. 'Cuz, I remember seeing him on BDSS. when Gibbs was first hired, and he was as giddy as a school girl. So, I'm not worried about what happens with LA.

prolly him just putting on a show on TV to look tough and whatever... i am sure he wont be and didnt mean to be dispectful to Gibbs

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We can't expect all the players to respect things that we do as fans. Once they experience Gibbs themselves, then let them decide.

We know what Gibbs can do because we've been fans for a long time. Unless these players have followed the Skins since they were children, they likely don't have the same opinion we have.

I know that Gibbs will get the ship running smoothly... anyone who doesn't want to be here will be given the opportunity to leave.

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Originally posted by Art

I said it before in a thread about the sort of players we had, and I'll say it again after hearing about this interview.

I HATE the idea that our players coming off a 5-11 season need Joe Gibbs to SHOW THEM ANYTHING. I don't care if they were just a sperm last time Gibbs won anything. Gibbs is proven. Every single other guy on the team isn't. They should be going OUT OF THEIR WAY to show HIM something.

I agree with Lavar that we've had too much change. I was in the Spurrier camp because I felt there needed to be stability even if just for the sake of stability. I think the interview is telling that CLEARLY Snyder and Arrington talked about stability and Lavar heard things he liked -- like Spurrier wasn't going to be fired.

I hate that today's athletes who've done nothing and accomplished nothing feel a head coach who has needs to bow before them and make the first move to appeal to their ego. I hope Gibbs hasn't lost his magic. The worst thing I could imagine is this generation of spoiled athletes finding a way to hurt Joe's reputation while all the while thinking they are blameless.

I agree with you Art. But I can understand where Lavar is comming from. After Lavar signed his contract he indicated that he thought the contact made him a team leader. A guy like Gibbs can come in and make him a scrub. Bill did it in Dallas with Larry Allen.

If Gibbs comes in and says "I'm going to start players on D who make their tackles and play their assignments". Where does that leave Lavar? He is fighting for a starting job again. This may be bad for Lavar, but is great for the Skins and their fans. If I was Lavar, I would be pissed (at least as pissed as I could be with a $10 mill plus bank account). This, in his mind, was his team. Now he is in a wait and see approach.

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