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Dammit to hell. I'm missing the draft this year.


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Originally posted by MAPTASTIC

Last year I was at a Jehova's Witness wedding on draft day. Had to take regular sneaks into the bathroom stall for pulls of bourbon and to catch some sound bites of the draft on my walkman. Beat that.


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Dude it's like three days of pure SH*T. All for maybe ten total minutes devoted to covering the players we draft that day.

Do the friend thing man. Rugby kicks a*s. Go play, bring a radio and tune into ESPN and be on the sidelines when it starts. You'll hear the best part of it and experience it with your friends while they'll likely be interested too.

On the drive home, you could catch the 2nd round and find out who we take.

Then you get home and watch the rest.

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I have to admit, I'm inclined to do the rugby thing, but, that means I won't have ANY real access to the internet or television for three or four days really. Saturday is rugby and drunken partying. Sunday is cookout, drunken partying and a bikini contest we get to judge that night.

Art, my boy, your priorities are ALL out of whack. If you don't play rugby that weekend I'm going to fly up there and kick the crap out of ya. :D

As far as your negotiating position goes, simply tell your wife in the future that, now that we are playoff contenders (as we will be under Gibbs. :) ) you simply cannot miss draft day any more.

There. done and done.

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Originally posted by Canyonero!

Art, do you play in a MN league? I work with a couple guys that play for a league of some sorts. They both went to Ohio I believe a few months back to play in a tournament.

No. I haven't played up here but I'm thinking about doing so this year. Still not sure I want to go through it though :).

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Originally posted by Art

Every year I watch the draft faithfully. One of the great highlights I have in the offseason. Every year there is a rugby match in April I miss. This year the guys finally got me to commit to playing. And then I look at the schedule and it's the DRAFT weekend. So, do I skip out of the rugby game, or, the draft? It's a hard damn call :)l

TIVO!!! TIVO!!!! TIVO!!! TIVO!!!

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The real thing that could tip the scales in the balance is if I do miss the draft my wife will then assume the draft is a negotiable thing for me and she'll find ways to make me miss it in the future. That is the real risk I can't reconcile.

And here I was thinking I was the only one who thought this way. I like the cut of your jib Art!! Consider this a free pass to go play rugby.

However, I will point out that just as folks have mentioned that your rugby playing days may be coming to a close, our high draft picking days are probably finished for the immediate future too...at least as long as Gibbs is at the helm.

Choices, choices.:)

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Do the Rugby thing Art. I played in a full contact on the line flag football league for 5 years before hyperextending my knee. I would blow off the draft in a second.

As Iljer pointed out, play rugby while you still can. Not to mention the parties.

You are an intelligent man Art.

Do it. You'll find out who St. Joe took soon after your game anyway. They flash it on the ticker anyway.


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Well now this is a quandry. Usually I would say the Rugby. Backing out now could bring no small amount ridicule from the fellow players, ( Rugby guys are tough that way), a great way to spend a weekend, the enjoy it hile you can thing, and the most important one: Bikini contest. Nuff said.

However, (knew there had to be o that coming), this is the first draft with the return of Joe Gibbs as headcoach. :notworthy the before mentioned possible negotiations with the Mrs. (:paranoid: ), and of course we'll remember this thread if, (biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig if), Coach Gibbs had a difficult time this season. we'll just say you jinxed him. I mean, we'll need somebody to blame. :silly:


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