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Dammit to hell. I'm missing the draft this year.


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Every year I watch the draft faithfully. One of the great highlights I have in the offseason. Every year there is a rugby match in April I miss. This year the guys finally got me to commit to playing. And then I look at the schedule and it's the DRAFT weekend. So, do I skip out of the rugby game, or, the draft? It's a hard damn call :)l

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I have to admit, I'm inclined to do the rugby thing, but, that means I won't have ANY real access to the internet or television for three or four days really. Saturday is rugby and drunken partying. Sunday is cookout, drunken partying and a bikini contest we get to judge that night.

Monday I'll be in the car driving back to Minnesota which is a two day trip. The real thing that could tip the scales in the balance is if I do miss the draft my wife will then assume the draft is a negotiable thing for me and she'll find ways to make me miss it in the future. That is the real risk I can't reconcile.

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You're not getting any younger Art. The draft will be endlessly recapped and you'll have thread upon thread to read here. We can look forward to your assessment after the fact. Go play rugby while you're still young and fit enough to enjoy it. JUST DON'T BREAK ANYTHING!!

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Originally posted by The Evil Genius

TIVO it Art. Then, when you come back on Monday - you can spend all day watching it and then you can open the papers again :)

I believe this is the exact situation (Rugby vs. Draft) for which Tivo was created, which makes it the perfect solution. :)

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Originally posted by Art

I have to admit, I'm inclined to do the rugby thing, but, that means I won't have ANY real access to the internet or television for three or four days really. Saturday is rugby and drunken partying. Sunday is cookout, drunken partying and a bikini contest we get to judge that night.

Monday I'll be in the car driving back to Minnesota which is a two day trip. The real thing that could tip the scales in the balance is if I do miss the draft my wife will then assume the draft is a negotiable thing for me and she'll find ways to make me miss it in the future. That is the real risk I can't reconcile.

Let's see....sit home and watch the draft or play rugby,get drunk and look at live women in bikini's. Hmmm...that's such a tough choice Art :rolleyes: ........Beer and bikini's....draft...bikini's...draft...beer...bikini's....Art,you won't miss any draft coverage. The gang here will catch you up to speed a couple of weeks after your recovery.......
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