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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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The shadow race is on to succeed Feinstein


Sen. Dianne Feinstein hasn’t said if she intends to seek another term in 2024 — but the competition to succeed the oldest member of Congress is escalating.


Reps. Ro Khanna and Katie Porter are fielding entreaties to jump into the race, and Rep. Adam Schiff has publicly declared he is exploring a run. Rep. Barbara Lee is spending the holidays mulling her next move. Three hopefuls have contacted former Sen. Barbara Boxer to seek her advice, marking the incipient stages of a fierce fight between California Democrats for a seat that has not been open for a generation.


“They’re starting to call me to get ready for what is a massive campaign – truly, massively expensive and hard-fought,” Boxer said. “It will be a very crowded field.”


Schiff fired the first salvo last month by openly admitting his long-known interest in the seat, telling a Los Angeles television station that, after his House leadership bid fizzled, he would “consider running for the Senate if Senator Feinstein decides not to run for reelection.” Schiff also met with Feinstein to inform her of his intentions, according to two people familiar with the exchange.


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Ouch! Trump Trails Not Just DeSantis But Liz Cheney — Yes, Liz Cheney — In This Deep Red State’s New 2024 Primary Poll


This one has to sting for former President Donald Trump.


A brand new poll of deep red Utah conducted by the Deseret News and Hinckley Institute of Politics shows the former president trailing not just one budding rival — Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL). But also one of his most hated Republican foes, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY).


Yes, the new survey has Trump in third place — pulling in just 14.6 percent of the vote. DeSantis came out on top in the Deseret News/Hinckley survey — as he has in many recent state polls — with 24.2 percent.


But the real surprise is Cheney. The defeated Wyoming congresswoman ranks second in the Deseret News/Hinckley survey with 16.4 percent support from Utah GOP primary voters.


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If the Dems do changed their primary calendar; that will be a good thing.  Of course, it will be interesting if they can do it.  Iowa's state law requires them being 1st.  I guess, since the GOP isn't changing anything that would suffice?  New Hampshire's state law requires that they are the first primary.  With SC going first and NH having to share with NV, don't know there.


Thing is this change is only for 2024 and since it's likely Biden is running again; this change is really moot.  Though it does gives Dems some attention in other races.


The GOP may want to shake things up a little.

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Did Donald Trump Already Forget He’s Running for President?


More than three weeks after announcing his candidacy for president, Donald Trump has yet to hold a rally or even leave his adoptive home state of Florida. In fact, according to recent reports, Trump has barely left his home.


“The former president announced his 2024 run against the wishes of most of the GOP and his close advisers, largely out of frustration with momentum shifting to Ron DeSantis,” said Alyssa Farah Griffin, the former White House communications director for Trump and current co-host on The View. “Now he’s several weeks into a presidential run with no real apparatus, zero message, and no events. So far, it’s a spite-run and it’s being received as poorly as one could expect.”


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He only announced that early in a desperate attempt to use  it as a means to dissuade the DOJ from prosecuting him because "he's a candidate."


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2 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

I wonder who will be the second candidate to jump into the gop race. Trump hasn’t done anything since announcing. 

I think for the 2016 GOP race, Cruz was the first one who announced, and he didn't do so until spring 2015. So if DeSantis were to get in, I would expect it to be around that timeframe.


Saw this Daily Beast column:




Illustrates the fickle nature of people..."Trump was good in these five significant ways, but I still think he was the worst president ever." But his #2 point is the one I always bring up to my fellow Republicans when they talk about how great Trump was. Especially on something like the Iraq War. If Trump was so right on that, where were you when it was happening. These same people probably called Senator Obama un-American for opposing it at the time.

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3 hours ago, hail2skins said:

I think for the 2016 GOP race, Cruz was the first one who announced, and he didn't do so until spring 2015. So if DeSantis were to get in, I would expect it to be around that timeframe.


Saw this Daily Beast column:




Illustrates the fickle nature of people..."Trump was good in these five significant ways, but I still think he was the worst president ever." But his #2 point is the one I always bring up to my fellow Republicans when they talk about how great Trump was. Especially on something like the Iraq War. If Trump was so right on that, where were you when it was happening. These same people probably called Senator Obama un-American for opposing it at the time.

Ron’s not getting in until after the Florida legislature session ends, I think in May.

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Trump in trouble: Republican support for his 2024 bid falls amid political, legal setbacks


Republican support for Donald Trump's presidential bid in 2024 has cratered, an exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll finds, as the former president is beleaguered by midterm losses and courtroom setbacks.


By 2-1, GOP and GOP-leaning voters now say they want Trump's policies but a different standard-bearer to carry them. While 31% want the former president to run, 61% prefer some other Republican nominee who would continue the policies Trump has pursued.


They have a name in mind: Two-thirds of Republicans and those inclined to vote Republican want Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to run for president. By double digits, 56% to 33%, they prefer DeSantis over Trump.


"Republicans and conservative independents increasingly want Trumpism without Trump," said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center.


The poll of 1,000 registered voters, taken by landline and cellphone Wednesday through Sunday, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. The sample of 374 Republicans and independents who lean to the Republican Party has an error margin of 5.1 points.


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DeSantis seeks grand jury investigation of COVID-19 vaccines



MIAMI (AP) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday that he plans to petition the state’s Supreme Court to convene a grand jury to investigate “any and all wrongdoing” with respect to the COVID-19 vaccines.


The Republican governor, who is often mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 2024, gave no specifics on what wrongdoing the panel would investigate, but suggested it would be in part aimed to jog loose more information from pharmaceutical companies about the vaccines and potential side effects.



Can't let those Presidential candidates people in the House be all alone, abusing their power in an attempt to kill more people. 

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10 hours ago, China said:

Trump in trouble: Republican support for his 2024 bid falls amid political, legal setbacks


Republican support for Donald Trump's presidential bid in 2024 has cratered, an exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll finds, as the former president is beleaguered by midterm losses and courtroom setbacks.


By 2-1, GOP and GOP-leaning voters now say they want Trump's policies but a different standard-bearer to carry them. While 31% want the former president to run, 61% prefer some other Republican nominee who would continue the policies Trump has pursued.


They have a name in mind: Two-thirds of Republicans and those inclined to vote Republican want Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to run for president. By double digits, 56% to 33%, they prefer DeSantis over Trump.


"Republicans and conservative independents increasingly want Trumpism without Trump," said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center.


The poll of 1,000 registered voters, taken by landline and cellphone Wednesday through Sunday, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. The sample of 374 Republicans and independents who lean to the Republican Party has an error margin of 5.1 points.


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Still the Fascist party without TFG in leadership position. Nothing much is changed with these people.

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2 hours ago, TradeTheBeal! said:

Is it a new gold commemorative coin?  I bet that’s what it is.


Cheeto colored butt plugs with Make the Anus Glow Again printed on then and sold exclusively at Sears, Cabellas, and Monster Truck rallies.

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These could be some of the reasons DeSantis hasn't announced a presidential run (yet)


In Florida, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis won reelection by a wide margin, reinforcing his position as a strong contender for the party's presidential nomination in 2024.


But DeSantis isn't showing signs that he is ready to officially announce his candidacy. He says he's focused on being governor and dismisses questions about presidential ambitions.


But for anyone who looks, there are some obvious signs that he's preparing to run. He has an autobiography titled The Courage to Be Free due to be released early next year. The publisher's press release says it is the story of a governor who, "has fought—and won—battle after battle, defeating not just opposition from the political left, but a barrage of hostile media coverage proclaiming the end of the world."


DeSantis raised more than $200 million for his reelection for governor, including $10 million in a single donation from a Las Vegas real estate developer, much more than he needed. He currently has at least $90 million in the bank and is still fundraising. His immense campaign fund helped him beat his Democratic challenger, Charlie Crist, by nearly 20 points.


At a recent news conference, DeSantis said, "We really showed, I think, how it's done in the state of Florida," and went on to say he received the highest percentage of the vote for a GOP governor in the history of Florida. Actually, Florida's first Republican governor, Harrison Reed, was elected by a wider margin during the Reconstruction era. But DeSantis' overwhelming victory sent a strong signal that Florida, once considered the nation's largest swing state, is now firmly in the Republican column.


Republican media consultant Giancarlo Sopo says DeSantis' commanding victory strengthens his appeal. "He knows how to really excite Republican voters while also drawing independents and moderate Democrats into the party," Sopo says. Others point to a lackluster turnout by Democrats as a major factor in DeSantis' big margin of victory.


Here are some of the possible reasons why DeSantis hasn't announced a run for president, yet:


Reason 1
If DeSantis decides to run for president while remaining governor, it will likely require a change to Florida law. Florida currently says state officeholders must resign their positions if they run for a federal office.


Reason 2
Binder expects DeSantis won't officially enter the Republican presidential contest anytime soon. One reason is that as he soon as he does, it will likely spark open warfare with Trump.


Reason 3
For DeSantis supporters, there is another caveat. History often hasn't been kind to early presidential frontrunners. 


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On 12/14/2022 at 7:09 PM, TradeTheBeal! said:

Is it a new gold commemorative coin?  I bet that’s what it is.


‘Losing the plot’: Trump mocked after announcing superhero card collection | Donald Trump | The Guardian


Donald Trump walked into a comic-book universe of internet mockery on Thursday, when in a carefully trailed announcement he introduced his “official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card” collection with a picture of himself in superhero costume, cape and “Trump Champion” belt.


... But when the announcement came on Thursday, Trump said he was merely offering supporters “limited edition cards featur[ing] amazing ART of my Life & Career”, which he promised would prove “very much like a baseball card but hopefully much more exciting”.

“GET YOUR CARDS NOW!” the 76-year-old former president commanded, above the picture of himself standing in a ring for boxing or wrestling, muscles rippling under a red leotard and wearing high blue boots emblazoned with “45” (his presidential number) and an American flag as a cape.

The cards, the declared candidate for the Republican nomination in 2024 said, cost “Only $99 each” and “would make a great Christmas gift”.

“Don’t Wait,” Trump added. “They will be gone, I believe, very quickly!”

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