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4 hours ago, abdcskins said:

The coach for Miami should be fired for refusing to kneel and run the clock out.  Apparently it isn't the first time he did that, when he was coaching at Oregon he did the same thing.  

Eh, it’s the Canes. Long may they continue in their irrelevancy.

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2 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Garrett Green:  Throw for over 400 yards and have by far the best game of your career. 

Also Garrett Green:  Lose the game for your team because you are a diva. 


He didn't lose the game. They gave up a 100 yd ko return. The D barely stopped Houston in the 2nd half. Offensive holding wasn't called all days long against Houston (including an egregious one on the hail mary). WVU got some questionable PI calls on D against them to extend drives. 



I refuse to believe a celebration penalty with 12 seconds left after you connected on a 4th and 10, 51 yd pass to put your team up, lost the game. The reality is that if WVU had played an ounce of defense in the 2nd half, they'd win. The hail mary alone had so many people out of position and clueless. That's on Jordan Lesley and Neal Brown for continuing to be such ****ty coaches. 

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14 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

It Green hadn’t gotten the dumbest penalty imaginable, Houston wouldn’t have been in range to throw a hail mary. 

Garrett Green is Bryce Harper without the talent. 


They don't leave the WR open on a short throw near the sidelines with 7 seconds left, Houston likely can't throw a hail mary into the end zone. They don't have an LB playing spy or corners out of position and anyone who doesn't know you KNOCK THE ****ING BALL DOWN, on the hail mary, WVU wins. 


The 15yd penalty was dumb. It didn't decide the game. There were 100 other things more important that did, including not showing up on D or special teams. Besides, the INT on 2nd and 13 from the Houston 24 (the one in the end zone) hurt a lot more than the PF at the end of the game. Of course, if WVU had receivers who could catch (ongoing theme this year), then that's a TD. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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Sure, lots of plays led to the L.  Green's was just particularly egregious because (1) it led to Houston's go-ahead TD just 3 plays later, (2) but for that penalty, WVU probably wins, and (3) it was SO ****ING EGREGIOUS.  Like, I can live with mistakes.  Guys drop balls, guys blow assignments, guys miss tackles, that stuff is just the nature of athletics.  Green made a big play and took his helmet off so his face would be on SportsCenter, and it cost his team the game.  It was the most selfish decision possible in a critical moment by the guy who is supposed to be the leader.  

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7 minutes ago, ixcuincle said:



but I was told realignment, nil and the transfer portal killed college football. 



This article is bull****.


Examples of "long-stagnant programs" are USC, Florida State and Texas.  In other words, the best-funded programs in the country can now more effectively leverage their money to get the best players. It also repeatedly points to Colorado, which is a pretty unique situation with Coach Prime taking over.  Was he able to build something faster with transfers?  Sure.  Would he have built it anyways without transfers?  Also yes.  


Are the top 10 teams completely derived of rich, blue blood programs?  Yes.  Except Alabama is missing (they are #11 because Saban doesn't have a QB).  Who is this mythical "upstart" program?  Washington?  Maybe Louisville at #14? They are 6-0 with one (1) good win. 


Viewership is up because of legalized gambling.  Mandell tries to wave this away by noting the NFL viewership has increased but by less.  First, the NFL has less room to grow and second, there are WAY MORE college games every week than there are NFL games since there are 133 FCS college teams and 32 NFL teams. 

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