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First game at RFK or FedEX?

Rypien 91

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When was everybody's first game at RFK Stadium or FedEx? Mine was this year against the Seahawks. What a great feeling it was to walk in to FedEx Field and see all that burgandy and gold. Even though we were in the middle of a losing streak, seeing all those diehard fans, it made me love the 'skins even more. Oh yeah, we won 27-20! What a great day!!:dallasuck

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1st game at RFK: Preseason 8/25/78 vs Atlanta.... lost 7-10

2nd game at RFK: 12/31/93 Final game of season vs Vikings: lost 9-14

1st game at FedEx: 11/23/97 vs Giants: T 7-7 (infamous headbutt/westbrook helmet toss game)

1st game as season ticket holder: 9/27/98 vs Broncos: Lost 16-38 (and Elway didnt even play)

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DC Stadium.... predessor to RFK...

Sec 206 row 1 seat 4


I have no idea who won.... must have been the other team... they were really terrible back....they were not selling out the stadium then either... I remember being happy when they did sell out for a game at 49,000...

Fed Ex..... still have 5 seats on 50 yard line, but have not been to a game, living in the caribbean....

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First game at RFK: Week 8 vs. the Cowboys, 1976. Lost 7-20. One of only two home losses that season. :doh:

First game at FedEx: Week 3 vs. the Chiefs, 2001: Lost 13-45. :doh:

And RFK, I'm sure the 100,000 or so 'Skins fans on the season ticket waiting-list would be happy to take those tickets off your hands. Give 'em up, bro.

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First game's not as memorable as these few games

RFK '78 Beat the Cowboys on Monday night...skins go to 5-0...Jimmy Carter is in the owners box with EBW...skins win 9-5...games final play, Theismann runs out of the back of the end zone for a saftey and almost fumbles the ball

RFK '82 Beat NYG in the snow...Mosely sets record for most field goals in a row

RFK Playoffs 82-83 Beat Lions 31-7 for first playoff victory since SBVII season...first TD went from Theismann to unknown smurf like receiver that hadnt caught a pass during the regular season...Alvin Garrett

RFK Playoffs 82-83 Beat Vikes 21-7. Riggo had monster game and took a bow at the end of the game...for those who were in the stands at the end...the concrete was rockin like it was an earthquake when the chant was created late in the 3rd quarter, "WE WANT DALLAS"

RFK Playoffs 82-83 The Dallas NFC Championship....cant explain how loud RFK could get but when Daryl Grant picked off Hogeboom in the endzone, no rock concert could dare compete

RFK '83 Skins vs. Raiders...skins come back from 15 down with less than 7 minutes to play.. Joe W. takes a screen pass something like 60 yds for a score...he also catches the game winner with seconds to play.

RFK '85 Skins vs. Giants on Monday night...Joe Theismanns last game...to see LT jump on him and then jump right off and wave to his bench was wild...then Jay Schroeder comes off of the cold bench and wins the game

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RFK. 1970 a win over the Phins. At 4 years old what did you expect me to remember? :laugh:

What I do remember was being dressed like the Michelin man, my mother freaking out that it was to cold, and my grandfather reassuring her that I'd be fine.

Most memorable game was a trip to Fedex with my son for his first game. A 28-7 win over the Eagles in 98. Trent Green being so nice to my boy. It was something special. :cry:

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unfortunately, i never saw a game at RFK. my dad decided to "take" my ticket to a game when i was a kid. my family was going and they didn't even ask me to go :(

my first skins game overall was two years ago @ san diego. opening kickoff was returned for a touchdown leading to a total meltdown by the skins.

my first home game was our last one. beautiful night for football, a hated rival in the eagles, and another woefully underprepared and uninspired performance by the spurrier skins.

looking forward to getting back next year to see a win.

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Yeah, when I was a kid growing up in Va. Beach, the tickets were impossible to get. So I never got to RFK. As weird as it is, I had to move to WI before I got to see my first live Skins game at all. It was a 20-17 win over the Pack at County Stadium. Dont remember the year. '88 I think. My first Skins game at home was at Fedex. Skins beat the Lions 30-7. Darrel Pounds scored the last points on an int return.

Since then Ive seen em trounced by Minnesota 41-7, destroyed by the Pack 37-0 and 30-9, beaten twice by the Lions in the Silverdome and just recently 27-24 against the Bears. I also saw them spanked at Fedex this year by the Bucs.

I have been lucky enough to see them beat the Bears 31-8 at Soldier field.(Talk about a dream come true, saw that game and then the next week flew to D.C. to see em beat the Lions as previously mentioned.) I saw them beat the Panthers 38-36 in a helluva game at FedEx and saw them beat the Bucs there in 2000. Oh yeah, I also saw them lose 24-21 at the RCA Dome in '99.

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Don't know the date or the year of my first game which was at RFK .. is there a game database anywhere? Anyways Freotte was starting and we lost to the 9ers in OT, Shuler came in for one play to hand the ball off and was booed, that was the only snap freotte missed that year ..

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Originally posted by babka

First game's not as memorable as these few games

RFK '78 Beat the Cowboys on Monday night...skins go to 5-0...Jimmy Carter is in the owners box with EBW...skins win 9-5...games final play, Theismann runs out of the back of the end zone for a saftey and almost fumbles the ball

RFK '82 Beat NYG in the snow...Mosely sets record for most field goals in a row

RFK Playoffs 82-83 Beat Lions 31-7 for first playoff victory since SBVII season...first TD went from Theismann to unknown smurf like receiver that hadnt caught a pass during the regular season...Alvin Garrett

RFK Playoffs 82-83 Beat Vikes 21-7. Riggo had monster game and took a bow at the end of the game...for those who were in the stands at the end...the concrete was rockin like it was an earthquake when the chant was created late in the 3rd quarter, "WE WANT DALLAS"

RFK Playoffs 82-83 The Dallas NFC Championship....cant explain how loud RFK could get but when Daryl Grant picked off Hogeboom in the endzone, no rock concert could dare compete

RFK '83 Skins vs. Raiders...skins come back from 15 down with less than 7 minutes to play.. Joe W. takes a screen pass something like 60 yds for a score...he also catches the game winner with seconds to play.

RFK '85 Skins vs. Giants on Monday night...Joe Theismanns last game...to see LT jump on him and then jump right off and wave to his bench was wild...then Jay Schroeder comes off of the cold bench and wins the game

Nobody's gonna touch this rundown.

These are some of my all-time favorite games and I only watched them on tv for chrissakes!!!!

babka, you are da man.:cheers:

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When my family still lived in maryland, my mom worked for a pretty big company and the boss would give her tickets to Redskins games a couple times a year. This was for RFK stadium. My mom would give them to my dad and he would either take his brother or my mom's dad. I personally have never been to RFK. :(

My first Redskins game was out here against the 49ers and then I also went this season to Fed Ex field against the Patriots. (What a great memory to a horrible season). Since the skins are playing @ the 49ers next season I will definately be there and if the Arrington NFLPA rumors are true, I will have a brand new Arrington jersey on me at the game.

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My first game at RFK was the first weekend in November, 1991.

Houston (7-1) vs. Washington (8-0).

16-13 OT win. The Houston kicker missed a 30 yarder after a Brian Mitchell kickoff fumble and the Skins were able to drive down the field for the win after that.

Amazing day! I was only 12, so I can barely remember it - and that's also because I was so in awe of where I was I trembled for much of the 1st Half -- just trying to take it all in. Top Ten day - that's for sure.

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Billy, I believe that Oakland game was '92, but we didn't miss the playoffs because of that loss. We got in the next day due to Minnesota beating Green Bay, and then thanked the Vikings by spanking them the next week.

My first game at RFK was a preseason one in either '74 or '75 against the Steelers.

First regular season Redskins game was at the Vet in '82, a 37-34 win.

First regular season game at RFK in '86 vs the Giants, both teams had 12-2 records but we couldn't win.......Giants, 24-14.

First regular season game at FedEx.....second game ever there vs Jacksonville.

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Originally posted by BillyKilmer

season finale

Washington vs. Oakland we lost and missed playoffs

Rypien missed a wide open gary clark when he threw the ball in the dirt on 12 yard play

Someone help me with the year please was the 90's I guess

Saw Marty's Last game a win against the Cards

12/26/92 vs LA Raiders....lost 21-20....Joe Gibbs last game ever at RFK :(

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Originally posted by babka

RFK '85 Skins vs. Giants on Monday night...Joe Theismanns last game...to see LT jump on him and then jump right off and wave to his bench was wild...then Jay Schroeder comes off of the cold bench and wins the game

That was my first Skins game at RFK. I was in the last row and boy did that place get loud! very exciting game. I was also at the "seat cusion" game against Atlanta.

I haven't been to a really good game at Fed Ex yet. Mostly skinkers:twitch:

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1st & only game was at Fed Ex on 10/13/02. Skins vs Saints. Section 401 Row 29 Seat 17. All the way up top on the 50 next to the press box. Lots of memories from that game. Ramsey's 1st start. Three choppers circling the stadium for added security due to the sniper on the loose at the time. The guy a few seats down that "releived" himself behind the pressbox. Iffy's int for a TD. Overpriced beer :( & just being in awe for about the 1st hour we got there. Felt like reaching the Promised Land :) Just don't remind me of the final score.

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